Friday, February 7, 2020

MFK: Weekends in Sapporo, Jack Huston, Maise Williams

*Written of February 3, 2020

It was a fairly uneventful weekend. In other words, I had to devote time at the retailer during the Super Bowl. But, at this point, I am only in it for the commercials. With that said, Maisie Williams "Let It Go"/Audi commercial is the official death of Arya Stark. That is what is west of Westeros.

Pinterest - Anton Lu
My biggest problem with the Super Bowl is that it is treated like a global event. As "BASEketball" told us, the rest of the world does not have any comprehension of the American variant of football (rugby where head trauma is encouraged) but are amused by the miracle of flickering color pictures. With how our country is falling into a dictatorship, I really wish the other inhabitants of the planet would counter program the big game with a true football match. They are ignoring time zones to watch our game. Perhaps they are the ones who are truly amused by the commercials.

My Sunday may have been a wash, but I did enough to amuse myself after clocking out at 6:03 pm on Friday. I stocked up on chicken wings and hot sauce (Nando's, Franks and Hooters), concluded my efforts to cut down on my "Family Guy" DVD efforts (only managed to dismiss two volumes from the nine I had [I did not look to remove the "Star Wars" parodies or "Partial Terms of Endearment"]), and finally watched Timur Bekmambetov's take on "Ben-Hur".

"Ben-Hur" is not as bad as its Rotten Tomatoes score, but it does not offer anything new to warrant a remakes. I suppose I will have to watch the original with Charlton Heston to really deem how bad this one is. It seemed to have a lot of sugar coating when it came to the kinship and leprosy elements. With Pontius Pilate being portrayed by Pilou "Euron Greyjoy" Asbaek, the tale was more about blaming the Romans for the crucifixion instead of the Jews. If there is anything to be truly disappointed with was Morgan Freeman not breaking out his Moorish accent from "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" for his character. That and that there will never be a Jack Huston break out role.

On Saturday, the better quarter (Eva the Cat will always get half) and I ended up watching Huston in a cameo role the next night with "Hail, Caesar!". It was as fun as any other George Clooney and Cohen Brothers collaboration. All of the character are solid, the runtime and one act nature were great, but you end up thinking that this film was just the Cohens's excuse to pay homage to old-time Hollywood. The film did allow me to make my first great cinema discovery of the decade.

You cannot go wrong with a film that features both Clancy Brown and Christopher Lambert. Imagine how awesome it would be if Lambert would just do an episode of SpongeBob.

The unusual thing that left me a little irritated this weekend was New Japan bell times. I had to at least get up by midday on Saturday, so I felt it was best to not watch a card that kicked off at 3:00 am. My plan was too watch a movie with the girlfriend, watch the Saturday morning's card and let that lead into the Sunday morning card (CST).

What kind of awesome nightlife do they have in Sapporo or anywhere else in Hokkaido that warrants a 15:00 bell time? I suppose the island's name has as many syllables as Ropungi, but definitely not the same ring...unless the rap was an homage to wrestling's "Public Enemy". Shoh, Yoh and Rocco? The other two members (if you can call Joey Grunge a member) have too many sylables.

So, not enough wrestling and not enough commercials. When I sum up my weekend like that, I cannot say it was too bad.

And the edibles help. Just waiting for spring to come so there will be enough weed for everyone in Champaign. When you work six days a week, there is little time to drive to Peoria where there is not 60,000 college kids hijacking the supply. Do they not know I need that shit?

It is probably best to conclude on that point. I could transition that into what can be construed as a passive aggressive reminder for how frustrating my living circumstances can be. Let me emphasize the word reminder. You can count on me to straight up tell someone if I am upset with them. Maybe I will harass the Cubs front office this season to further cement my upstanding nature.

Why have I not call Stamford up? My single stock is the same as any of Vince's.

IMDb - Hail, Caesar!

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