Friday, May 23, 2014

Sky Pro...Feedback? (What you get when "19th Nervous Breakdown" comes on the Muzak)

If I've read my statistics right, the my blogs get the greatest attention is when I mention other people in the title...who reside in Central Illinois. If only I placed these bold font introductions in front of the blogs where I mentioned Sky Pro Wrestling, and those individuals' interest may be sparked to get involved with "Main Event of the Dead," an independent Troma-esque film that would lay the groundwork for Peoria wrestling's better tomorrow.

This zombie versus pro wrestler comedy was something that I thought would give a chance to better showcase everyone who was involved in Next Generation Wrestling. But, I guess since I do not respect the concept of NGW as much as everyone else, I guess my opinion doesn't count. Still, if you want a treatment of the script to see if it worth devoting at least a few hours to, they're available upon request.

Instead we have Sky Pro Wrestling, a group organized by: Norman Callaway, the first phony professional wrestler who lived along the Illinois River in the 309 area code; Jason Pemberton, a coward who feels being involved with a professional wrestling organization excuses that fact and all his other shortcomings.

I know there are/were two other owners. One who I think is/was a decent guy who I thought could be a great asset to "Main Event of the Dead." The other I believe was involved with the chaos of other downstate wrestling promotions, but I'm not certain about that.

The two owners whose names I did not mention (or know in the latter case), I hold no ill will towards. Callaway, the man has no respect for the business, so I hate if he can influence it.

Pemberton, I did not realize I had heat with, and perhaps I did not until recently. I thought being the guy he turned to be his and "Sinnister" Raul Montenegro's money man for "Legit Championship Wrestling," a proposal (the championship belt was purchased at their request) to get him back into wrestling after he was fired from NGW, I could get a favor. Especially since he was sending me Facebook request to their shows despite he knows I was an interested wrestler.

If you read my blog, you know I'm in a pretty dire mental condition. I just want to pursue something I love, be it movie making or wrestling. I requested a chance to work for Sky Pro just to help with my depression. He told me, to get better somewhere else. I'll give him credit, he said it in a "compassionate" way, but I knew it was bullshit. As my justification for the opportunity, he eventually did respond with LOL to my efforts.

If you want to know why I knew his compassion was bullshit because he hid behind my blog from a year and half prior as the reason I won't work there.

Sorry for my long winded nature in getting to the point. He said that no one wants to work with me because I gave my opinion about NGW's Last Hurrah, and it was very down on what I felt Next Generation Wrestling represented. If I knew it the event was established about inducting Alex Lawson into Steven Lucas's insult to hall of fames, it would have probably been more scaving.

Here is what I do know. I was at the after party, Norman and Ric Osborn, (he's a trained professional so I'll respect kayfabe...despite he, Callaway and John Kroell tried to end NGW when the workers refused to participate in an angle to humiliate Pemberton) didn't talk to me, but otherwise, I got a long fine with everyone else. Most respected my opinion and some supported it by saying "if only every show was the last show" when referring to the attendance.

What I'm getting at is, was my blog so damaging to their egos that I should never wrestle in my hometown again?

Aside from referring to Osborn and Callaway as lousy con artist, I didn't insult anyone directly. I just said that promotions that get celebrated leave an impact on the business (and more often then not, McMahon buys the tape library). Next Generation Wrestling was not among those deserving celebration.

And I will say that I believe I have done the most in Greater Peoria to become a successful professional wrestler. I am professionally trained (Brandon Callaway, Norman and Alex are not professional trainers), I've put most miles on my cars, and paid the most dues.

I'm may not be the most talented wrestler, but I'd like the chance to challenge that. More importantly, I just wanna do what I love.

So please, if you are pushing Sky Pro or you have something to say about my past blog, please let me know. It would make my weekend. Thanks.

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