Saturday, May 17, 2014

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 15: If Hank Jr., Ain't Ready, You Ain't)

Perhaps I should start a Kickstarter to get the funds to start an Main Event of the Dead, LLC. If the Facebook friend who only has an intro video can reach $333 (a head of allotted schedule [he should only have a 250]), I should at least try to scam the tax man with my monthly payments to my domain host. Until we have a uniform international government, don't tax the Internet.

Eventually, to sell my horror/comedy motion picture, "Main Event of the Dead," I will need that paper work to sell this feature (if Troma doesn't jump on distribution). So if my tale of desperate workers versus Zombie Canadians, Hobos, and Obese SES members isn't enough to get your support, I'm sure Main Event of the Dead, LLC will have other endeavors, sure to make a return on your investment.

Still, getting the word about this project is the most important think, so if the 25 readers could spread this along their Facebook pages (get on the Twitter and follow MainEventZombie), we can get to the point where I can further finance this project beyond the $8.95 a month I spend for the domain and the occasional eBay "prop" purchase.

Maybe I should write off my WWE Network subscription. Research.

Of course I'm working too much to fully enjoy my subscription. If only I had some paid time off, I can justify my need to put another 17 hours a week at another job to make ends meet. When you take in to account what account I work on for my 8:30 to 5 employer (never thought my commie loving ass would say it, but fuck you Jane Fonda), it hurts. Not as much as the emotional pain I've gotten by realizing, or should I say...

pleasestopbeingsad.tumblr.comRationalization 47: You Feel Just in Your Indifference.

Of course, who of those who have expressed the basis of support for this rational will find difficult to hear about my thoughts on it. One was a reader who told me that how I act is undeserving of support (remind me not to stand up to their next significant other who attempts to abandon them in a tough spot). The other, doesn't believe blogs should exist, and told me that my biggest problem is that I let people know I'm sad.

It'll be tough to go full coffee cat on them, but if they tell me that I'm not worthwhile, and live with it, they have no right to input.

Then again, one does take the time to give me feedback. Yes, it supports those who are indifferent to me, but it's better than having me on a friends list, and only giving a shit when I say something liberal.

So, I better come up with a clever Michael Sam reference in the title to draw that attention.

Rationalization 48.A: The Narrow Minded Will Keep You Down

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

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