Saturday, May 10, 2014

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 14: Buried further than Daniel Bryan)

With my recent reformatting of this blog, I should place my pleas for validation every other blog. Then again, if the odd number blog sucks, promoting my film project, "Main Event of the Dead," may be for not.

This blog should be about the progress of my script to production, but until there is support, this is dedicated to my social development or lack there of. Let's change that by asking me what can be done to assist in producing my tale of six, color-themed (a Tarantino tribute), "professional" wrestlers and their quest to obtain their only big pay day. Since their opponents are undead gimmicks that an absolute politically incorrectly Vince McMahon would salivate over (that still maybe an understatement), it maybe their final pay day.

Perhaps I should sell it as Peoria wrestling in a nut shell. Either way, shouldn't it be accurately captured? And at least you know how to contribute to the project if your not an artist or seductress to promote the film. You can at least offer me less pretentious names for the protagonist. Let me know at

For those who keep up on the blog, sorry for not writing an installment last week. It was a tough weekend for me since it was Stacia Hardin's 32 birthday. As a "Star Wars" fan, I know that shouldn't be the case.

I may have the right to be bitter about her ruining the holiday of May the Fourth, a more valid holiday than Mother's, Father's Day  or Easter since it can fall on a weekday. In a perfect world, we would receive a paid day off from fueling the rich's agenda to hold down the poor. When it comes to perfection, I think being born on May 4 only proves how perfect Stacia was.

So, my failure to write a blog dedicated to her memory was my bad, and I definitely at least had one more way of honoring her memory. And since it would have been in poor taste to write my bold printed advertisement for the purpose of this blog, it would have been an easy one to write.

Sorry Stacia for dropping the ball. Sorry for not honoring you properly, but at least I didn't write anything irrefutably stupid. At the time, I was going to write a blog investigating the concepts of proper and improper dedications. Since it would had to have been titled "To the Insensitive Dead of Morton, Illinois," the attention the title received would have made me more hated in my hometown than Donald Sterling (timely, but if you know Mortonites, that guy probably offend them "too" much).

Rationalization 44: I'm Buried by Your Indifference.

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

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