Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Purple George W. Bush and Ironic Inevitability

*Blog post was started on August 18, 2021.
Purple George W. Bush and Ironic Inevitability

Obviously, this is a tough news week. Do I really want to dig into it? Not particularly.

Let me just say that I hope we have established that we cannot fight wars solely over differing ideologies. Vietnam was a loss because it was a battle between communism and capitalism. It was a civil war, not a war that would have had any impact of American safety. Central America is a mess over the same policy of fending off the red scare. Am I the only one who notices the irony that the Republicans are represented by that color? I wonder if my dad ever took that into consideration from his time representing Caterpillar when faced with Unions who sported that color.

Afghanistan was a war over religion. President Bush said God was on our side if you felt like questioning the previous statement. I thought we had gotten over that when colonialism came to be a thing. It could be said that British colonialism was kind of based on religion since they loaded the Mayflower with Christian nuts, but I digress. The point is, religion was not an issue for the West since then. If it was, the US would not have sent Jewish refugees to be slaughtered by the Nazis they were running from.

Come 2001, we were at least over destabilizing governments. Even in Slavic Europe, we just sent peacekeeping forces in to stop the ethnic cleansing. We may have bombed some Serbian military resources, but we did not go in and run them out. This was the same stance in Syria. But we wanted vengeance for 9/11.

The Taliban would not turn over Osama Bin Laden. Since we found him in Pakistan, could they have? We could have easily bombed where intelligence suggested he was/would be and prevent the government from protecting him, but instead we thought they all looked alike with in that country's borders. Who has the time to discern whom we were killing.

And then George W. Bush decided to free another oppressed country falling the same rules instead of focusing on removing Bin Laden from the proverbial chessboard. This also declaring the Venezuelan coup a success. America, Fuck Yeah!

This created ISIL (ISIS was the illegal espionage/intelligence agency operated by Malory Archer. R.I.P.) and why Barrack Obama could not get out of the Middle East even after completing the objective that got us into the region. At least we won Bush's total bullshit war, but it was only a matter of time that the unwinnable Afghani affair would end the way it did, regardless of who was in power. Trump formalizing the negotiations with the Taliban was not a good move, but an aspiring dictator going easy on successful dictatorships was kind of his thing.

What pisses me off about everything is that we took two months to gather our thoughts before acting stupid and starting this war. We had the time to come up with a winnable scenario, but instead annihilating an ideology was our goal. This is all a long way of saying we deserve this outcome and we need to help those who flee here.

I guess I am saying the whole of the United States is to blame (I was in college in 2001, I should have been marching.), so no point in pointing fingers with the exception of failing those who are running from the country. It is a little too early to do that. Lets just get them here and try not to be the racist assholes we tend to be.

May I suggest critical race theory to start developing the empathy the boomers and white, male gen exers are lacking?

It is definitely too early for a satirical take on this. Here is to hoping that I can come up with a better way to get back to my favorite topics to ignore my racist and trans-phobic neighboring coworker from watching videos that YouTube will not allow to air on their platform which misinterpret Alan Moore's "V for Vendetta"?

And I thought my realization of my current state of alienation was going to be the extent of my current bad times.

Ultimate Rabbit - Oliver Stone’s ‘W.’ Gives Empathy to an Unfortunate President of the United States
The Ultimate Rabbit - Oliver Stone’s ‘W.’ Gives Empathy to an Unfortunate President of the United States

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