Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Display the Merch and The Gnarly Men's Doubles World Championship

 *Blog post was started on August 3, 2021.

Display the Merch!

Has the WWE forgotten how to book a show for a live crowd? Nikki A.S.H. winning the Raw Women's Championship has been the only pop not related to John Cena. That was the third night of having fans back. The past two weeks, nothing of not has occurred over the past four episodes of television. Sorry Bill Goldberg.

In the meantime, AEW has had violent shows and numerous high profile title matches. As I type, I think I may just want wrestling programming to be dynamic. If nothing changes, there is nothing to talk about. Hence, there is nothing to blog about. There are only so many movie reviews left in my 11 year-old notebook sitting at my desk and satire is hard to come by. Change in the WWE product is something I need. Midcard championships are not meant to be static.

I have effectively booked myself into a corner. Or I could blame AEW for this situation. Did Darby Allin really need Sting to get further over. If so, did he have to be the TNT Champion. At least with Cody Rhodes offering up open challenges, we knew the championship was important then. Can there only be one midcard championship worth talking about?

WWE has been trying to make us forget about the United States and Intercontinental Championships despite they had the most qualified title holders. What about the merchandising?

When we would go to WWF shows in the early 90's, we were always trying to get Dad to buy us a toy championship belt. For whatever reason, WWF never updated their world championship toy from the WrestleMania III strap to the Winged Eagle. Perhaps they were selling to many replicas of the eagle, so they would not want fans taking short cuts with the foam version. Regardless of motives, you had three belts to choose from. We would not choose prestige, we would choose belt design. WWE is failing themselves by not having Sheamus and Apollo Crews defending every week. If we do not see the toy, why would we want to buy it.

Or I can just stroke my ego and say that one from my scores of readers works for WWE and is taking my opinions seriously. "Russ has not placed any of our world championships in the hands of our performers. If Sheamus loses, we have no champions to represent us in the Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling.

I can go on and suggest that we should have more sanctioning bodies to help promotions offer title matches on every card, but there is still the Men's Doubles World Championship to establish.

The Continuation of The Gnarly Men's Doubles World Championship

When it comes to my scores of readers, there are not too many voters. Of course, I put the poll to determine whether we call the championship gnarly or legit on a Twitter account with 54 followers. It was easy to scroll pass it. This question was posed to my coworkers. When added to the Twitter poll result, we ended up with a tie.

I have decided Gnarly is the way to go at this time. My dreams of starting up a promotion are still to be realized, so this website is not a sanctioning body (but I am willing to negotiate). Thus, do I have the authority to use a word that expresses legitimacy instead of coolness/goofyness?

The 28th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
NWA World Tag Team Champions
Ricky Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes (11/19/1991 to 1/16/1992)
The 29th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
NWA World Tag Team Champions
Arn Anderson (2) and Bobby Eaton (1/16/92 to 5/3/92)
The 30th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WWF World Tag Team Champions

The 31st DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
NWA/WCW World Tag Team Champions
(7/20/92 to 9/21/92)
It can be argued that, because Typhoon (Fred Ottman) and Earthquake (John Tenta) did not continue their act elsewhere, may have a better claim than The Miracle Violence Connection, but to keep the Real World Tag Team Championship separate from the duos, I think the Japanese stalwarts are the better option. Also, it allows us to unify this championship with...

The 32nd DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WCW/NWA World Tag Team Champions and
DRCW's 1st Two Legit Men's Doubles World Champions
Barry Windham (3) and Dustin Rhodes (2)
(9/21/1992 to 11/18/1992)
The 32nd DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WCW/NWA World Tag Team Champions:
Ricky Steamboat (2) and Shane Douglas (11/18/1992 to 3/27/1993)
The 33rd DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
USWA World Tag Team Champions
The 34th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
AJPW World Tag Team Champions
Terry Gordy (4) and Steve Williams (4) (3/29/93 to 5/20/93)
The 35th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WWF Tag Team Champions:
IRS (4) and Ted DiBiase (2) (5/20/93 to 6/14/93)
The 36th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
USWA World Tag Team Champions
(6/14/93 to 6/21/93)

I think it is fair to place a team, Well Dunn, of journeymen in my efforts to unify this title lineage.

The 37th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
USWA World Tag Team Champions
New Jack and Homeboy (6/21/93 to 7/5/93)
The 38th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
USWA World Tag Team Champions
C.W. Bergstrom and Melvin Penrod Jr. (7/5/93 to 8/2/93)

The 38th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WCW/NWA World Tag Team Champions:
Steve Austin and Brian Pillman (8/2/93 to 8/18/93)

Again, I do not want to have a DRCW World Tag Team Championship follow the reign of another double championship team (IRS/DiBiase) with this lineage. To the Hollywood Blonds credit in terms of being a doubles unit, Steve Austin was just told he would be tagging with Pillman. It is a classic creative has nothing for you scenario. They made something out of it and then WCW decided to kill the act and the team's legitimacy.

The 39th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
USWA World Tag Team Champions
Bonecrusher/Dogcatcher #1 and Crowbar/Dogcatcher #2
(8/16/93 to 9/6/93)

They were formally the Barroom Brawlers, so obviously their team gimmick did not work out.
The 40th DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
WCW/NWA World Tag Team Champions:
Arn Anderson (3) and Paul Roma (9/6/93 to 9/19/93)

The 41st DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
AJPW World Tag Team Champions
Ted DiBiase (3) and Stan Hansen (2) (9/19/93 to 11/13/93)
The 42nd DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
New Japan Pro-Wrestling
International Wrestling Grand Prix Tag Team Champions
(11/13/1993 to 1/4/1994)

It seems that Japanese tag team wrestling maybe dependent on gaijins. You look at the most recent IWGP champions, occasionally L.I.J. gets to hold the belts, but there is usually at least one foreigner dating back to 2012.

The 43rd DRCW Gnarly Men's Doubles World Champions:
New Japan Pro-Wrestling
International Wrestling Grand Prix Tag Team Champions

After all the work to get to a conclusion, legit may have been the correct adjective to give the Men's Doubles World Championship. There is no merge this title lineage with Most Legit Championship. I guess the latter championship will be an interim belt, so I still have homework to do. If only Sheamus would drop the U.S. Championship to give me something different to focus on.

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