Saturday, June 8, 2019

Up: The Emergence Perpendicular Citizens Brigade

Current mood: drained
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Pixar's "Up" is an inevitable tale of the elderly. The first time we see bloodshed in a family CG film, and we get it from a cute old person. Not only are they using up all of the social security, they are looking to kick our ass. Be it with their four-pronged canes or attack dogs (I'd like to point out that there were no evil [or stupid] cats in this film), they are out to get their way.

Don't trust anyone over 40 never rang so true.

Hopefully, that drew you into this blog about a cute, family friendly film about the bond between like minded explorers regardless of age. Not as daring as "Wall-E" or "Family Guy's" Herbert and Chris relationship, but who needs innovation when you have a well told story...with talking dogs.

Pure bread dogs at that. With the lovable and dimwitted hero pooch Dug, there is either a hidden message about the need to accept everyone or that the meek will actually inherit the Earth. Both views can be seen as optimistic, but I'm hoping its the prior.

But let us get to the elderly conspiracy.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtime

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