Saturday, June 15, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 12: Petition to Waterboard Nancy Grace)

Any aspiring artist reading this blog? Any cute girls who can seductively read a press statement? If you want to make lower three figures (five if you include pass the decimal point), let me know if you would like to assist with the promotion for my zombie versus pro-wrestling screenplay, "Main Event of the Dead." © 2011 Russ Stevens. If you want to preview the project before committing, let me know and I'll send you a treatment of the script (

This project is not about making money, just an investment in yet another profession that most have advised not to pursue. So, I'm not in a position to exploit your efforts.

and thus, you've just read my latest rationalization...

Rationalization 38: I'm Not Nancy Grace.

I may have my creativity back. That felt like one of my most constructive introductions to my Cat blogs. This may have also presented a new format for all of my personal blogs that aren't actually related to the actual production of "Main Event of the Dead."

Allow me to rephrase the previous statement. These blogs aren't directly related to the production of my film. The implication that if you really want to help me, actually show support for this project. Hell, I'll settle for some word of mouth if you can't commit.

And please spread the word, because I don't know how I'll use this blog format once I have concluded this series.

Rationalization 39: Facebook is the home for the angry minority and stupid majority.

One of the most frustrating things about blogging with Facebook as my main source (if you view this blog, join the Twitter revolution and follow @MainEventZombie) of promotion is that bitching about public figures seem to garner more response from my "friends" than anything positive. Thank the Seven for the ability to unfollow friends. At least I do not have to deal with the conservative clutter.

With the Ultimate Warrior's death, you got the salacious stories. Nancy Grace, or I should say CNN, needed rating beyond pondering about the Malaysian pilots who tried a poor tribute to David Copperfield, so she attacked pro wrestling. A part of me (since I didn't watch the Hall of Fame ceremony) appreciates that someone reminds us that we should still cast a little shame on Warrior the wrestler (not the family man) despite the poor research or petty agenda.

The latter is just a way to spit on a profession that no one outside of it respects. It seems pro wrestlers are nothing more than entertainment's fast food workers. But when they are reminded of it, someones head has to roll. Hence, #CancelNancyGrace.

Funny, because people shit on the fast food industry and everyone bitches about their request for a living wage. It is because wrestlers are trained in an art form while you don't need to train to ask, "do you want fries with that?"

The problem with the petition is it discounts the interest of money. Or a majority. It makes CNN's advertisers money to piss on something that the majority disrespects. Will a few thousands signatures deter playing to those ruling elements. 100,000 signatures...that is 0.0003 of this countries population.

Unless someone has died because of Nancy Grace trashing the business, there is no reason to cancel her. At least Phil from "Fuck a Duck Dynasty" could have inspired the ignorant Christians (that's redundant) to feel justified in harming minorities and homosexuals.

But since Phil is lovable, if you express your outrage, you're considered the bad one.

Rationalization 40: "Do you have a flag?...No flag, No country, You can't have one!"

I'm assuming you'll understand the parallel I'm drawing to this Eddie Izzard quote after this paragraph. There was a series of tweets that I sent expressing my discontent over the reaction to someone making there living as a shock jock (can't call her a journalist) because they didn't have the temperament to be a defense attorney after their time with the prosecution ended. After the tweets failed to show up on Facebook, I posted my stance "of quit watching and stop bitching," as a status update on Facebook. There was no response on Facebook in support of this stance, until a wrestler who cannot be taken seriously shared a link to #CancelNancyGrace petition with a picture of the worse cunt (Colin Cowherd has also made a similar stance) aside the link.

I'm hoping that he is just a he's a greater friend than I'll ever be, but I have a feeling that a thousand great words pale in comparison to an ugly jpeg.

Rationalization 41: It's easier to write people off.

and waterboarding talk

I guess this works in relation to how we demand those who tick us off deserve to disappear. And I had a lot of "inspirational" experiences to expound on, but let's get to the humorous element (which may still be 40 miles of rough road).

I woke up to a phone call from a friend who was about to visit a non-mutual friend of his. My friend told me of how his friend confided in him of how his life had gone down hill to the point where he's was doing a lot of drugs and eventually strangling and drowning a cat. The cat survived (or it didn't lose nine lives).

So my friend called me for advise on how to deal with someone who had committed an insane act. Surely, this guy deserves an ass kicking was what he may have wanted me to justify, but my friend advised me that his friend was seeking help.

He also said that his friend was disturbed by a lack of empathy. After a further description of the individual, I suggested that the person's actions were because he felt powerless. Not the best outlet, but he's trying to get help since the dealing with the wet pussy.

What I advised my friend was to not bring it up, but if it was to disapprove of it, but be there for him if he is getting help because he needs the support in getting better. I've dealt with way too many people who never receive the support they need, and with so many people just writing them off for far lesser reasons, it's my only recommendation.

So what am I more angry about? That I cannot back down from a stance that may have killed me financially. Or, that I've encouraged a support system for someone who went and tortured the universe's loveliest of furballs while I can't get a support system to see a point to existing.

Fortunately, I at least have found a way to sugar coat the situation:

When your cable goes out, you feel powerless.
When you feel powerless, you want to take the power back.
When you want to take the power back, you want to take karate.
When you want to take karate, you balk at the price some under qualified white guy wants to charge for lessons.
When you balk at the price, you go to an animal shelter and adopt Mittens the cat.
When you adopt Mittens, you want to keep everyone secure.
When you want to keep everyone secure, you waterboard Mittens to find the Rebels' hidden base.
Don't waterboard Mittens to find the Rebels' hidden base.
Register for Affordable Care and get the fucking meds you need.

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