
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 9: Plus My Autobiography Title)

I'm sure I've stated this in one of the early blogs, but I gotta make sure you know there is a film behind the rantings of this clinically depressed, socially forsaken blogger, I WILL BE HAPPY TO PROVIDE ANYONE A COPY OF TREATMENT OF "MAIN EVENT OF HE DEAD" UPON REQUEST (

Eight hours to go, and I'm out of websites to look at. Suggestions...for well designed topical ones? You can have great content, but if it doesn't follow the standards I was taught 12 years prior, it's bullocks. Curse my obsessive compulsive nature.

Rationalization 25: There Will Never be a Socialist Internet (the top two hits for Far Left merch don't finance the movement)

It has left me thinking that commerce is really the only practical use of the Internet (your paying for streaming services). When you try focusing on a philosophy where money has no value, (if the "Schrodinger's Cat" series has suggested), you do not mind visiting places to spend it.

Can I get a commision eBay user jpntoys?
Perhaps if I have seen some actual support for the production of "Main Event of the Dead" I would at least have something important to direct my finances to, the old adage "a fool and his money are soon to be parted," wouldn't apply. Instead, I've learned that black and white are overplayed when it comes to fashion.

So even my accessorizing search has gotten boring. Once I get this "Sailor Moon" cap, I will have a hockey sweater and baseball cap for each color of the rainbow. Except for a yellow jersey, but I'm not Swedish (fan of their politics [Thanks Stieg Larsson]), and my team in the Eastern Conference is the Philadelphia Flyers (and I've always like the Pens' third jerseys best).

Suppose there is still a cool looking green wrestling mask I can continue searching for. Despite I haven't been overly impressed with Ring of Honor's booking, I still find it disrespectful to try and wrestle in my Delirious mask. WWE Networks's only Cibernetico's coverage has him masked, so I don't think that I can get that one by the Smarks (redundant since the local ones won't let me get away with anything).

Rationalization 26: I'm Russ Stevens and this is "Faux-Intellectual Jackass"

The only other use of the Internet at work that I can think of (aside from watching muted Pay Per Views that the WWE Network won't post on Xbox 360) is to use it for a "work from home" job. I maybe a fool but I'm not a fucking fool and no longer the fool who follows.

"Dusk till Dawn," "Star Wars: A New Hope" am I stretching for movie references. "Be Your Own Boss" requires spending money to get the leads to make guaranteed money. I've already spent 3,000 bucks on this film project, but at least I'm betting on myself instead of some likely-pyramid scam.

So I'm either a fool, which explains why none of my readers are jumping behind this project, or just steadfast in my principles. I'm not making "Main Event of the Dead" for the money. I'm making it because I'm in love with my dreams. I want to be a screenwriter, and at some point, you got to actually have a resume to go from want to being.

It's not as lofty a dream as being a successful professional wrestler. I didn't say I want to make a living as a screenwriter. Then again, who knows after the world (excluding family and the mentor of Seth Rollins) does me a favor beyond once being male, middle-class and white (it's a bitch if you don't believe).

Rationalization 28 (Preview): Accomplishments are Participation Trophies

It comes back to my never being satisfied and a friend constantly telling me to just change my view of the world. This world isn't as bad as it the friend calls for social Darwinism to be encouraged.

Rationalization 27: Yankees are Either Left or Right

I'm kind of surprised that Dan Snyder and Roger Goodell haven't claimed that the New York Yankees is reason enough to keep the Washington NFL franchise's racist nickname. Yankee is a foreigner derogatory term towards Americans (foreigners that include the Confederate States of America), but that Major League Baseball franchise uses it because it's a term of endearment. You call a Southerner that, and see if you do not offend them.

This friend considers themselves to be a Democrat which is brave, but is fed up with the not so well off. Thus, welfare is being far too abused, so the nation cannot give it out. This person also believes that it isn't the money that maintains monopolies, rather it is the quality of product that the financially dominate is paramount. So I'll bet they'll see "Gravity" before "12 Years a Slave" or "Her."

Until recently, I'd say this friend was an ideal Libertarian. I once thought I was that, then came my "12 Months a Putz." My financial ruin for someone who only way to support themselves was by illegal means (at least in this country) eventually left me realizing that I shouldn't have been the only person to give a shit about this person.

In all likelihood, it was a con (as I previously stated, I'm no longer a fool that follows), but I know the handicaps were real, and those who were suppose to care didn't act. If a handful of them acted, I'd at least would have gone bankrupt starting a wrestling promotion or on the streets of Chicago or Philadelphia as a proud professional wrestler.

Still, I was lucky enough to have a great family to clear up that financial ruin. If only they would back my ideal financial ruin, but without people who want to get involved with a Zombie/Action/Comedy, their money means nothing. Which could fall back to so many of rationalizations, but let's get this blog back on track.

What I'm getting at is my family was responsible for one of their own. Since Americans pay taxes because of a responsibility to make sure their country flourishing, all Americans are one of their own. This is where I suggest communism to find ideal work for all the lost souls, and it's been suggested. Welfare or state capitalism we should all feel responsible for our fellow countrymen's well being. There is always someone who can help, but we aren't required to, so we support policy to maintain that.

Just supporting a liberal concept doesn't let you say your even middle of the road. It says your a cowardly asshole instead of just an honest asshole (a conservative). If you want a swear word to describe Liberals, it would be bitches. We are complaining about what's truly wrong, but until the assholes have enough of it, nothing will change.

I'd say being called a bitch is a bad thing (not just because I'd rather be called a twat for cuteness sake or cunt for awesomeness), but I don't see any magazines at Barnes & Noble shelves with that title. You might be able to find "Asshole" at Swinger's World or The Green Door if you're a Peorian. I'll just refer everyone else to "Adam and Eve." I'd post a link to the website, but the story of shame should automatically direct the conservatives that way.

So in the end, Matt and Trey just got their four letter political descriptions misplaced with "Team America." Then again, they were more phallic. I guess that would just make Kim Jong Un shit. Too bad we consider fuck to be a worse curse word.

So better name for my autobiography, "I'm Russ Stevens and this is 'Faux-Intellectual Jackass'" or "Proud Twat?"

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