
Saturday, June 1, 2019

7/29/09: Sympathy for the Devil...I mean Mom, and the Chinese

Class is about to wrap up for the summer. I gotta remember when I'm at ICC to pick up another fall schedule. The older sis was pissed when I tried to hold out on her by only offering her the advance one.

Tough weekend. Parents and little sister are out of town for our douche bag (in the uptight way...chuckle...not the bad way) cousin's wedding, so I had to be my big sister's chauffeur to work, and where ever the else she wanted to go on her schedule.

It's not like I had a choice. When she calls it the crimson tide, it isn't just going to be her blood leaking. Good thing I decided not to deal with the poser/redneck crowd at the IWA tryout in advance.

It's not like she doesn't have a reason to be bitter. She doesn't want to have kids, so why does she have to get visited? Good thing she is going back on the pill. The pill can control more than offspring possibilities.

What really screwed by internal clock was Saturday morning. She works third shift 2-8 am. So I figured I'd watch "Watchmen" (which is everything The Dark Knight wanted to be), blog a little, then pick her up. Pull in at 8 am to the broken up call telling me she had to stay till 11.

Bless her heart, that she follows rules, but I don't think they would have minded if she used her cell on the clock to tell me to get some sleep.

So, cannot get moving till 3 am Monday.  I'm down five points on my Stats grade, and out a Kid Robot tattoo. And I had to just sit back and take it in case I want kids someday.

Not to be cruel, but is being a single child that bad?  We end up having to take care of parents in their senior years, but we always have to watch after our siblings.  If not out of love, out of what an adversary your age can do to you.

There is a time when any sibling you have can kick your ass.  Sisters get that opportunity once a month, and any sibling knows a few of your secrets.  We love because we have to, and as we secretly idealize the Chinese one child policy.

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