
Saturday, June 22, 2019

90-Min Netflix: Survivor - And Parenting to be Social - 2 More Bad Ideas

Who to curse today:
  • The American culture of traveling youth summer sports?
  • The Champaign and/or Urbana Chamber(s) of Commerce?
  • The hotel's owners sending someone to see if we are staying on our feet and off our phones?
  • Well, the fucking parent who just whipped out the acoustic guitar for starts.
Is it that we have to live with our neighbors the reason why kids younger than twelve have to travel to play baseball? I am not an advocate for AAU ball, but at least you know those kids are trying to physically earn a discounted education. Kids that lack teen in their age, can they be focused enough? Do they care about being better than anyone else in the state?

Not much you can say to that.
Personally, I loved playing only in my township. As a kid who was bullied a bit, but stuck to the main lesson of "The Karate Kid", those games were my only chance at vengeance. Unless a kid from Marquette Heights gave me some chin music or spiked me sliding into second, why would I want to see him humiliated? Hell, during my amateur/illegal wrestling/boxing days, it gave me an ego boost knowing some motherlover thought they had to fight cheap to beat me.

From the sound of it, it is solely about amusing the parents. We are not on the road to party. We are supporting our kids. It is just a bonus that we feel we can abandon all our responsibilities and considerations when we are renting our roof for a couple of nights. It is about time someone else answered my kids stupid questions.

I guess that sums up the initial paragraph. They are strangers, we are not going to see them again. To hell with their hearing and comfort. They suck for lacking kids.

It then leaves me to wonder if the Chambers think the locals are masochists. Why would you let assholes give you headaches? I know cash which then answers why I am standing for 13 hours today.

You would hope management would pass on considerations to auditors, like he was already standing for four hours. Then again, they have me being solely responsible for the satisfaction of 350 people. So, more reason I cannot wait to get a year in to then move on to bigger places, or liquor stores that pay the same.

I have not eaten anything today. Might be a wise thing to stick to. It is that or eat healthy.

My body is finally rebelling against me for a 24-hour Wednesday. 15 hours of sleep over three days, so I am overdue. The soul is willing, but the body is week. Despite the lack of stomach content, the back end is emptying and I think a popcorn hull in my gum ruptured something in there.

You might not dig my satire pieces, but you gotta respect my movie reviews. Popcorn abscess to watch a dry Milla Jovovich movie, please honor my sacrifice.

Survivor - A Title You Earn from Watching This

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtime"

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