
Sunday, December 9, 2018

9/16/11: Illinois Junkies and Smoking Orangutans of Polynesia.

A possible blessing at work. The lead on the weekends has put in their two weeks notice. Since I work weekdays until the demise of my current position, hopefully this will lead the higher ups to just give up handling the relatively slow weekends. There are only two other people who want to focus of those days, and I'm sure with the lack of other weekend positions, they'll either adjust, or wish us all the best of luck in our future purgatorial (and that is actually a word, thanks Firefox spell check) positions.

Just because I don't want to be an asshole, doesn't mean I cannot be a fan of the art. From a creative standpoint, you got to appreciate all philosophies to come up with the pro and the antagonist to make the work believable. The only problem with this is acknowledging that you do try to think like the scumbags for any reason. This is where I come off looking like a jerk damn near 100% of the time.

To the one who received their proper reward for partaking in the higher education system:
What about being a team player? The last kid who left on his own terms was relocating out of state with his parents which justifies leaving the sinking ship. Can't you let those junkies wait? I know White Oak does?

That is why I could never get rid of the addicts who ruined my credit. No beds to put them in. Bullshit reasoning. It isn't like they cared if they had a bed, at least from my experience. Hence why they allowed me, the caregiver, the mattress.
And now the practical aspect of the rant:
Makes me wonder why they never have enough beds. When one of said roommates had a truck load of furniture for our apartment, they had the guys from the meth lab on the floor below move it all in. Those felons did it in no time at all. I was not there when this all took place, but the lack of allergy medicine in the place leads me to believe the boys felt they were compensated properly for their work.

If meth heads built their own lodgings, there would be no reason for the addiction pandemic from coming to an end.
I know, that is not how addiction works. Actually, how it works is a mystery to me. All I know is that we cannot be judgmental of the addict. The greatest person I've met was an addict. Just don't let them fuck you over.

And don't fuck them over. I love how people constantly cheer on drug testing for welfare, but that is a crock of shit. You want them to quit doing drugs, make it so they can find away from it. Otherwise, they are just trying to survive, and making it tougher on them to survive makes you an asshole.

A lot of them are on welfare because they unfortunately felt they needed to turn to drugs. A lot of the time it is because of pricks capitalizing on them. They are shit on to begin with, and by saying they need to take a piss test for their house, you are only shitting on them further.

Look at it this way, I don't know of any realtors who make their potential clients take a drug test before signing a mortgage. If they did, rappers and rockers would not own any property. From the opinion that you should not be encouraged to make over a million dollars, that may not be a bad thing discouraging the frivolous purchases. Still if the private sector won't judge, why should they expect the government to charge.

Despite being bankrupt by addiction (I only wish it was my own), I'm still pretty lenient against the persecution of addicts. Guess I've seen the whole array of them, worst to best. As's blog description states, this page is about being against oppression...period.

Which is why I'm totally opposed to expecting orangutans in Indonesia and Malaysia to quit smoking. The little buggers are in a prison for Christ sake. Fucking kill the militants and farmers who have ruined their habitats to give them a place where they won't have to take up what the zoo visitors offers to give them a nicotine fix.

Best case scenario, less monkeys to fight off when James Franco fucks up this world by giving them super brains.

Of course, we may be too late to stop the super intelligent primate. Monkeys are the species considered responsible for AIDS. They are the innovators of postmodern germ warfare. That's why they hurl their shit.

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