
Sunday, December 9, 2018

4/29/12: Facebook Should Be the Ultimate Bar, So Know the Rules


It seems like the idiots I talk about say stupid, borderline hateful shit because they would be considered shunned if they said the hateful adjective that they want to scream out.

I really gotta get back to writing daily.  When the end of the month comes, there are so many twisted ideas that I haven't expressed, it is tough to determine which one gets a month dedicated to it.

There is no excuse for the lack of production.  Or at least, my acceptance of my fleeting existence.  Bukowski, Hemingway, and the greatest female writers thrived because of that.  When are Stephanie Meyer and J.K. Rowling going to off themselves to prove their witches and vampires aren't just fluff?

Then again, I'm not that great a writer.  I could blame that on living in Midwest for my entire life.  It just lacks the insanity of war or delivering mail in East Los Angeles to support a gambling addiction.  Guess I still have my sanity, suppose it's a bad thing.

At least sanity is ironic.  It is tough to keep one's sanity though when you go onto Facebook and see some of the uneducated, divisive shit people are willing to post

Here is where I need to make an apology.  Not for telling the truth about Peoria wrestling, but for a recent political debate I was involved in on the social network.  Actually, it was pretty civil and wise from all involved, but I don't think it should have occurred.  And, it is my fault that it did occur.

This will not happen again because I vow that I will get caffeinated immediately upon waking up and before checking Facebook.  At least after my legal stimulation, I have the sense to avoid political debates.  This is still a challenge though because so much of it is hateful and ignorant.  You cannot get angry at someone pissing on a public figure, that come with the job description.  But when someone demands that their view is right but they will not take the time to defend their stance...If they were not part of my potential audience, I shouldn't be their friend.

Of course the excuse for them is that people will only read 140 characters at a time and that reading is hard enough to begin with.

This spawns some jealousy towards Knight Wagner's Youtube series, "Knight Life."  He knows how to get his message across, but I don't like how.  My dislike solely comes from my love for the written word.  If you've got something interesting to say, it should be worth reading.

Messages do not need charisma.  Unless you are a politician.  Thus eight years of a racist, religious zealot backed by a fascist, whom I voted for twice (W).  With that being said, how about Wagner/Erin for the White House in 2024.  You can make Jordan McEntyre transportation secretary to appease the right wing and downstate Illinois morons.

I can use the term downstate morons because if I'm not drinking with them, a lot of my Facebook friends fit that description.  Buy me a round, and I may change my opinion.

Or stop telling me how jealous you are of the poor or of those who have liberated themselves from the evils of Christianity.  At least justify your anger WITH A BLOG.  Not by re-posting a JPEG of large text because for the sake of humanity, Facebook will not let you change font size.

Yes, there are a lot of stupid blogs out there, but a blog is strictly about one's own stupidity.  Is that really too much work?  If I want to know your opinion, I'll research it by visiting your page.  Don't wake me up to your bull shit.

Facebook is about people we still or at least at one time considered friends.  When you go to a bar and get reacquainted with these people, the last thing you want to do is say something to piss them off.  If you are an interesting enough person, there is no reason for politics or religion to enter a conversation.

So why the fuck do we forget about this when we go on Facebook?  If I wanted political diatribes from people I agree with, I accept their friend request.  Finding out that I need to get my four-ounce gloves to beat the douche bag out of an old friend is pretty depressing.

If we can keep ourselves civil when we are shitfaced, why can we not do it when we are sober behind a keyboard. With typing errors, it's not like we aren't sort of drunk using social media anyway.

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