Friday, August 22, 2014

PG Women > PG Divas

My initial title idea was "Diva Dunce vs Courageous C..." but I don't know if it is my place to desensitize that word. I know Motherf#c<@r can be a term of endearment, and I think the C-Word could be made that. Or you could claim I'm using the Washington NFL franchise argument. My rebuttal would be, I'm not calling them Pinkskins.

I've been able to stay busy enough of late that I haven't come up with new methods to drum up interest to produce my screenplay "Main Event of the Dead," an ode to zombies, the lesser levels of indie wrestlers, and exploring the lack of differences between Kurt Russell and Jeff Bridges.

I think that tag line is golden, but without feedback, how can I be certain.

Last week's blog actually garnered some attention. I suppose if I want to maintain interest in this blog (vicariously, my script), the focus should be on the same topic: pro wrestling. This isn't necessarily a fun topic for me to over think because the SPORT is something I already devote too much of my mental faculties to, but showing that I have some wisdom (or at least a lot of knowledge I can misplace) should serve as an implication that I know enough to do half of my screenplay's premise justice.

Too bad that this week is burned out on wrestling talk in general with Summer Slam and the blow off Raw. Every one seems to be awe of a pretty solid card from Sunday. I only caught the end of Raw, but did I need to see anything else from the show? Why should I expect two nights of solid booking...or fuel the ratings for a bullshit Diva feud?

Read all about the best intergender wrestling match I have seen at at the "Rip'Em System" Tumblr.

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