Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mark Dacascos the Booker: A Call for a Zombie-Themed Wrestling Podcast

I have recently thought about removing The Tennis Channel from my favorites list on my Comcast receiver. It is a sport I've never played with the exception of my first stint at Camp of Champs (an amateur wrestling/Christian camp ran by Olympic Champions Ben and John Peterson, if it is still in operations, send your kids there [tell the youngster to think of the religion as "philosophy"]), because our cabin needed someone to fake it. Fortunately, other sports weren't proficiencies of the campers, so we faked our way to third. If it wasn't for Nintendo, would I have a reason to respect the sport?

Why am I messing with the sport best known for douche bags (Agassi, McEnroe, Riggs, Waluigi)? Because they are preempting the sports talk TV shows that I listen to as podcasts at work. Does anyone have some cool, raw rock n' roll suggestions? If it is popular on any stations that uses Rocks (as a verb) in its title, I won't give it my time.

Short on tunes and talking heads for my ear balls, I've been made to search for other podcast to listen to. So I got scared to find Nerdist has their guys for my field of expertise: wrestling wisdom. Then I listened to them.
If you aren't confident that the concept of "Main Event of the Dead," my B-movie script about lower level indie wrestlers versus inpolitically correct gimmicked zombies, doesn't translate into its original intended format, it may as part of a podcast. Please leave me some feedback to tell me otherwise or how to tweak it.

My nerdy gimmick to podcast is to perform a table read of a non-wrestling scene from my screenplay, going for the Cut Scene feel from the NES "Ninja Gaiden" series, after the first promotional break. I guess I'd be trying to top Colt Cabana's "Song of the Week" and trying to encourage more of his "65-year old Jewish Mother Recites a Classic Wrestling Promo" segments.

It would also be a podcast that acknowledges WWE does not necessarily (a stretch to use a term that lacks confidence) have the best wrestling. It will work better than any of the podcasts dedicated to the wrestling business presented by marks.

I'm not saying that only wrestlers can have wrestling podcast. The two I've come across are amusing for the most part, at least they were before the Bella Bitches (I'm just using alliteration) are dominating the majority of WWE's programming. "Legends House 2" beware of black twin magic.

Read all about the best intergender wrestling match I have seen at at the "Rip'Em System" Tumblr.

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