
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fist of the North Star (1986) - As Rough as Changing Jobs or Women's Wrestling

The end is the beginning is the new teller job and trying to find another night stay to secure my status in the rewards program. I know that does not sound too bad, but my hesitations prior to the commitment will not let me get comfortable.

I immediately knew that things seemed too good when you can respond to management's text about how I could not get tonight off to watch "All Out", despite it being requested a month ago , with "I had just e-mailed you my two-week notice." My discipline is too great to not bring a tablet in to watch it and ignore the Downstate Illini fans hoping to get too drunk to make it back to Springfield or Peoria. The seven deities know I could use a distraction from that and their kids wandering about instead of being parented. Perhaps tomorrow I can leave a "present" on management's desk for blatantly ignoring my request until the last minute so they could do whatever they liked this weekend without any concern for their subordinates' mental health.

Then again, I may see management twice a month at this position. My chances to get friendly so that I am cozy with them were far and few. That will be the extent of my venting. The property is part of major chain, so do not want to screw up the great rapport with a Vegas location I interviewed with. Just stay out of hospitality in Champaign/Urbana is the summation of the last three years of my career.

After that, my first career decided that it needed to get back in my life. It happened over Wizard World weekend. My brief neighbor from 2005 decided that she wants to start a Peorian take on Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. She asked me in a comment about what I thought was needed to get it going, I replied, and the insistence of immediate action during my vacation was requested.

As a result, upon getting home, I ordered another green and black wrestling mask from MaskManiac and another UltraSaberIt is from my personal experience that Sith Lords are hella over. These occurrences should have been my lead when I briefly got to speak to the potential promoter. The lack of matching enthusiasm displayed on my behalf in our brief conversation may be the reason why she has quit corresponding via any media with me and seems less determined when it comes to letting the Facebook world know that she is the next Marc Maron.

I wonder if talking about this with my girlfriend had triggered the mood and her willful lack of awareness of me. She is acting like I am just going to run back to my strip club pass, so why work on making his life comfortable. Her experience may lead her to believe that everyone abandons you in the end, but based on my life, I have tried to show her faith is the greatest act of defiance. It feels like I am getting judged by everyone despite upping my income $5000 and being willing to work seven days a week to do so. Hence, judgement is something that I need to start dishing out.

But since I do not want to upset my girlfriend, denying her a Don Bluth cartoon has prevented me from opening up the Netflix DVD envelope. At least Amazon Prime Video does not allow for fulfillment injuries.

"Fist of the North Star"

We gotta get "Main Event of the Dead" rolling: Artwork or a Harvey Danger Soundtrack

Artwork needed for "Main Even of the Dead."  1% need not apply.

So, I will hold off on posting my blog about how psychotherapy is a load of bullshit (sorry, it all depends on the therapist), because my indie movie project needs your help.

I had just finished the reinvention of, so now I must move on to So far, I have put $2000 into the my debut feature already. Thus, I can justify paying for a teaser poster for this project.

The website can be created fairly quickly, but it should feature more than text. A lot of productions trying to gain funding on usually feature video of someone trying to sell you on the project, but we know how well I speak pu...pu...publicly. Plus, I am still old school about web design, and hate turning my site into a TV channel.

It is a computer for Christ sake, and who knows, a potential associate producer may only get to view the Internet at work where firewalls would kill the video or even block the site. And I am all about not judging people, so I cannot discriminate against the miserly of those still using dial up.

Sorry to use a synonym for wickedly thrifty, but my fellow 99 percenters own iPads and lap tops not because we are told to we must own the best technology to obtain the jobs we deserve that the Republicans believe are worth at least $20,000 in student loans we cannot pay.

Do the morons who post anti-Obama images on Facebook (use your own words, not some hateful asshole graphic artist. Hell, I will pirate you a copy of Fireworks to come up with your own images. If I was in the 1%, I would buy you a copy of Photoshop), understand that the money that the 1% unreasonably cling to could save this country? All the rich have to do to DESERVE the riches is to create new jobs, accept they NEED to be taxed to at least 50%, give a third of their wealth to charity, or CHOOSE TO ONLY BUY A SPORTS CAR OR A VACATION HOME. THEY CANNOT HAVE BOTH.



Sorry about the rant, back to Zombie Wrestling Movie.

If you want to consider providing some awesome art work for the MainEventoftheDead website, let me know (email If you need more details about the film, the script is still a work in project, but I am more than willing to write up a complete treatment. If you cannot find inspiration from that, I do not think that I will need your services.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog, and if you can get away with it, DON'T GO TO WORK ON FRIDAY 11/11/11.

We gotta get "Main Event of the Dead" rolling.  Need some sense that my efforts can be rewarded

January 2012 - The agony and the monotony is killing me.

I wish I could have made that a direct reference to Harvey Danger, but cannot say there is much irony to discuss. Don't have the time to make it.

Since the Ryder Customer Response Center moved to Nashville, I am overworked and under-appreciated. Because the new fast food account base pay rate is $0.44 higher than the $8.79 it took 18 months for me to earn with RCRC, the two years I spent with the company is null. This leaves me taking a pay cut of $120 (second shift differential and attendance bonuses are gone.)

With this position, if you have the earned time (paid time off), there is no reason to not take a day off every week. Only problem is, if you don't want to work 40 hours a week, you will have to request four days off because with weekly schedule changes, the scheduling blokes are not afraid to schedule you for four 10 hour days or weekends.

To make matters worse, this fast food restaurant only cares about protecting the brands image and could care less about the customers. And everyone with status on the account is pretty arrogant about the influence the clown ^_-  (either a West Coast or Chicago Based white face) has on the markets. Makes me wish I was working on the lousy accounts they were came from so I could appreciate cold French fry and nugget complaints.

It also sucks working first shift. You cannot drink on the weeknights if you got to wake up at six in the morning. When all your friends are drunks, your left only with a cat and a blu-ray player that for some reason that will not play "The Wrestler."

Guess they are Sean Penn fans at Toshiba. I thought "Milk" was an excellent film to, but to take away Mickey Rourke's Oscar to recognize the liberal agenda of Hollywood and a dead Australian hack. Come on. Rourke's Chinese exploitation with "Year of the Dragon" was better than Madonna's career sabotage of Penn's career called "Shanghai Surprise." Let us not compare their works with Robert De Niro.

Just like Rourke, this adrenaline junkie's efforts to accommodate are unappreciative. Things just get worse when I work my ass off. It just feels like I am following "Sin City" with "Domino." When can I get some box office?

I hate to make resolutions, but "Main Event of the Dead" (a B-movie, pro-wrestling zombie comedy, ask for a treatment at has to be completed this year. Of course I need some help, and unfortunately, I cannot count on anyone to deliver except me. Aside from my family, I can only think of three people that have gone to the bat for me. One of them is dead, one got me arrested over a coke head, and the other is a wrestling promoter.

Shows you how fucked up my life is (was, but back to thinking about working in Vegas instead of Champaign). I make the time for everyone, but never had that returned.

Spring 2009: The Wrestler, because I promised a movie blog

Current mood:  bummed

So, I promised a movie blog this week, but since I'm hoping the Heretic Magazine takes my "Hitler v. Cruise" essay, I decided to save you a trip to an ICC campus and post my most recent movie review for "The Harbinger".

Sadly, this is the edited version since they decided they just needed to put a picture of Ernest Miller on the page with it. Hopefully, the Heretic Magazine will pick the original up, and perhaps let me go into the Gay Hollywood conspiracy to why Mickey Rourke was snubbed. Until then, here's the important stuff.

The Wrestler: A Film that Demands Recognition

Last February, the Academy Awards chose to overlook the motion picture of 2008 that had the most heart. This film was Darren Aronofsky’s Mickey Rourke vehicle "The Wrestler".

Randy “The Ram” Robinson's (Rourke) wrestling career seemed to have culminated 20 years-ago when he faced the Ayatollah at Madison Square Garden, but he still travels the northeastern sea board putting his body on the line. His life is not a comfortable one since the wrestling business has never been known for taking care of its own, and even as a draw, the grand pay day is never a guarantee. This leaves our protagonist struggling to pay his rent at the trailer park, unable to reconcile with his daughter (Evan Rachel Wood) who has disowned him, working at a supermarket for a manager who loves to demean him for what he was, and his only true friend being a stripper, Cassidy (Marisa Tomei), who does her best to distance herself from him to ensure a better future for her and her son.

For the fans that still pay to see him, The Ram has been willing to pay any price to do what he loves, until he suffers a heart attack after an “ultra violent” match. Now, he must determine how to get his life in order since it is more than likely he will never wrestle again.

Because the film is named after a character in it, many of the elements that make up the film are indeed overshadowed by the focus on Mickey Rourke’s performance. And rightfully so. This is the role Hollywood has wanted the actor to play since his reemergence to the scene in "Sin City". Rourke has had his own demons of living a normal life, and that is what the film is about. He had to pour his heart and soul into The Ram to make the character believable, and despite not doing all of his own stunts, those that he has to put himself through involve pain that is rarely, if ever, asked of an actor to endure. After this performance, it is very difficult to imagine watching a documentary about him. Randy Robinson is everything that is Mickey Rourke, so it has already been filmed.

This is why Aronofsky deserves vast amounts of praise. His fictitious film takes place in the most realistic world caught on film since "Borat". A side from the characters mentioned in the synopsis, everyone else is playing themselves, and unlike the comedy mentioned, this film is able to keep the reality from becoming part of the fiction. To further enhance the environment, Aronofsky has overachieved on the techniques pioneered by Lars von Trier, the director of "Europa" (a.k.a. "Zentropa"). He does not try to make any visually artistic statements with the use of constant close ups, but they give the film the feel of a documentary, and Robert D. Siegel’s screenplay allows the audience to feel like they are an active part of the film. A long with the billed actors’ performances, the writing and directing allow The Wrestler to genuinely feel alive.

Randy “The Ram” Robinson should be one of the most memorable characters of this decade in cinema, but with a lack of tangible recognition, Hollywood does not seem to care whether the efforts of the writer, director, and actor who created him are remembered. If one is a fan of fine films, it is imperative that they view The Wrestler.

Summer 2009: At the Gimmick (Because we can't call them movies)

Current mood:  sick

If you follow me on Twitter ( you are well aware of my fear of the summer flicks.

"But Reynolds plays Dead Pool, so he can't have many lines."

Perhaps, but he had enough to feature in a commercial, and I believe they have already green lit the "X-Men" spin off Van Wilder. Which makes me wonder why it directors like Eli Roth whose box office is hurt by leaked films while the faceless debut of the former second unit director is not? To be fair, is "Hostel 2" worth checking out?

You can mention that I saw "Adventureland" which was a three star flick, but for having to deal with Ryan, I should have been rewarded with a Kristen Stewart nude scene.

And the film is called "X-Mex Origins: Wolverine", so what is Scott Sommers doing in it. Maybe I do not follow comics well enough. Is there another mutant who shoots beams from his eyes?

If I am going to see a movie about Hugh Jackman's character, I want 90 minutes of Jackman's character. At no point do I want to see a character he should absolutely not know since this is a prequel. It just seems to me that the movie is like an overextended Lycan/vampire love story without Bill Nighy.

On that note, I have run into many a person who thought the latest "Underworld" flick was taking place after "Evolution", so I am certain of an assumption that people only want to see the future (probably why Trilogy fans bitch about the glitz of the Saga), so they know that this is adding to the story of Wolverine, I just think people are too dense to know when the story takes place.

Since I'm discussing the future, I should move forward to the next big movie to be released, but again, we will have to wade through the past.

Why do we have a white Goku? You know we have not given the guy who played Harold his own franchise yet. If we believe Kumar can carry a film (like "The Namesake"...and "The Rise of Taj"), why not the Korean? It could have kept him busy enough to skip "Star Trek (2009)".

Sorry Simon Pegg, you cannot count on Americans to use you well. Just ask Steve Koogan.

I might be predisposed to skip this one since I have never wanted to make the time to see a J.J. Abrams project.

Like most of America, I never watched "Alias" (even when they added Rutger Haur), and likewise I do not know why Jennifer Gardner gets lead roles.

"13 Going on 30" may have been worthwhile, but that does not make her the vagina-equipped equivalent to Tom Hanks. Hanks at least had "Bachelor Party" and "Volunteers" to appreciate him for. She has the "Daredevil" franchise. If she had a little bestiality thrown in those flicks (and they were a bit kinky with the blind screwing) perhaps we could look at her career in a different light.

Back to other things I do not know much about. "Lost" is a show that I never watched, but I worked evenings at a gas station, so aside from "Law and Order" and animated comedies, network programs are rarely anything I get into. It would also be redundant for me to watch a show called Lost.

There was no way I was going to take the time to see "Cloverfield". Until The Wrestler, I did not know of any hand-held films that were worth seeing.

Also, I remember "Godzilla" attacking Springfield (or was it the NYC, can never tell with Azaria and Sheer hanging about), and that was a rough two hours. And I like Matthew Broderick and Jean "Grandma's Daughter Screwing'" Reno. You are going to tell me that the "OC" pricks instead of character actors are going to make the monster flick worthwhile? Perhaps if they were fighting zombies.

Reminder to self, rent "Zombie Diaries" and "Diary of the Dead" (and "Land" so I'm totally caught up with the franchise), so I can skip the Kirk on Uhura action due out of May 8th.

If Kirk is going to shag the crew, he might as well be boning Spock, or buggering a Scottish-accent into our English Scotty.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Dark Knight needed a sex scene, where was Harley Quinn?

Sorry to hold back on my conclusion to my "Cyborg 2" rant, but after viewing "The Dark Knight", it leaves me with another argument to consider when it comes to who messes up a film. This concept may inspire my second screenplay or my master's thesis, "What is really learned from Angelina Jolie's lackluster lead characters."

I went out with my older sister to see the latest Batman film. A lot of positive buzz was behind this film including that of my favorite jawless critic. Personally, I think Roger Ebert is writing reviews instead of recovering if this was a four-star film.

Two and a half hours for a conclusive finale. By the time we reach the emotional climax, I was becoming impatient and regretting the diversion to Hong Kong.

Why did we need an evil Asian accountant? You are telling me Gotham has no Jewish community? Why this could not have been saved for a sequel? Heath did not die until after principle photography, so there was no need to cram it in, leaving me pondering at my butt indentation in the chair?

The film is far too long to have plot holes. If you then add in all the twist and turns, you are again left to ponder why the Mack trucks on the screens are not being lost to the flawed story.

This is why this blog's title wants a sex scene in this film. I'm not that enthused about Maggie Gyllenhaal's boobs (stated before seeing "Secretary"), but I could have refilled my soda thank you.

Honestly, the story and run time are the only things I can complain about in this film. That is if this film was not based around the second most known comic book.

The acting was marvelous on all accounts*, but do not start digging Ledger up for the February ceremony yet. His Joker is excellent, but not nearly as difficult to portray as Jack Nicholson's. He is of only one emotion, one directive, and one dimension. You may actually fear Ledger's character, but hey he is not bad, he's just written that way.

*After viewing "Terminator Salvation" and its lame John Connor, I have to reevaluate Bale's performance. Since I am not buying this disc, it could be a while before I render a verdict.

Also here is a tweet that truly sums up Ledger's performance:

What is the difference between Heath Ledger's Joker and Paul Giamatti from Shoot Them Up? Really? They sound and act a like tit for tat.
7:40 PM May 20th from web

Otherwise there is not much more to comment on about The Dark Knight except it is great to see Cillian Murphy still can get stateside work. At least I cannot say anything without spoiling it for those who have not seen it (to whom I advice to make sure they know every element of Robert Downey's Iron Man portrayal).

I will say for all the crap they shoved into this film, the ball was dropped more times than a NFC North quarterback. Great character potential is wasted, and the possibility of their use in possible sequels will not redeem them.

In conclusion, it is sad to see that this Batman series skipped "Returns" and went straight to "Forever" in terms of cinematic quality. Justin Timberlake, be sure to bring your sexy back to the boy wonder.

The Future: Stress, Cosplay and Food Trucks

Evangelion X Queen
Evangelion X Queen
It has been an exhausting week. I cannot say that I have had a non-taxing week day since the sixth of August, but even that one had its drama (doctor appointment, swallowing pride, etc). Since that Wednesday, everyday has had hours dedicated to the man's wealth. The 13th was not a scheduled day for earnings, but that was the start of a trifecta of interviews over the next three days. With the need to get my weekends back to settle down and eventually go to an Ebertfest, you know there was stress.

And then there was Taste of Champaign. It was not that bad except for the humidity and my girlfriend to afraid to be proactive in her canopy set up (you can pick up the directions instead of seeing how far I can wing it). She also let my Furiosa Funko Pop go for five dollars less than I wanted, but it still left me up three bucks on what I paid for it and it was only right for being the only one to sell anything at HER craft tent on the first day. Still, the event was going to be stressful on her and since I was involved and did not want to let her down despite having to punch the clock both days, a little stress was to be expected for me.

Adding in fried and boiled meats as your only sustenance options, my body is teasing me since it has not left me bed/toilet ridden yet. That is probably waiting for the next day off.

But, the bills are paid, so no more running daily to Bloomington for a couple of weeks and Tuesday should actually be a day off this week. It will soon all be about Wizard World and letting my older sister and her boyfriend down to not partake in the "Earthbound" cosplay. There is only one girl in the game, and I do not think I can talk my girlfriend into shaving her head to portray Poo.

And do not tell me to man up and take the razor to my head. I am 39 years-old. My hair may be thick, but I do not want to know what will happen to it if I removed it. My hair follicles is not going to be a lesser appreciated Stephen King title with a young Hilary Swank.

Sadly, my girlfriend does not seem to be paying attention to any video game that I think she may like, so I cannot go and counter program the high end "Other Sister". With how busy we have been (and how anti-Amazon fulfillment that I am [sorry it took the "Last Week Tonight" to tell me how bad Bezos was instead of taking Matt Stone and Trey Parker's word on it]), my steampunk Darth Vader will not work out and Squirrel Girl was a pipe dream. The latter is sad because we could have cosplayed her excessively furry cat as a Squirrel. If those nerds do not have their inhalers present at all times, their asthma-related death are on them.

If the tickets were not already bought, I should have just said screw it and planned for Madison, Wisconsin's addition of the comic-con. It is closer to Halloween, so I can just count on Hot Topic and the pop up stores to meet all of my cosplay needs. A break after homecoming might also be something that I need. Does anyone know the booth rental fee so we can sell under-priced accessories and reasonably priced Pops?

Between jumping around from what seems to be a conclusion and guests requests (Do big glass microwavable bowls exist? You want two queen beds, but cannot have a tub?), it just dawned on me that this week may have been lost. I may have watched a "The Daily Show". My Jeffrey Epstein theory is that he bribed the right people to hang himself, so I probably tuned out the rest of the news.

This makes me think that I am just getting old. Falling asleep before all the late night information gets to me, it has to be aging right? Or it is dealing with coworkers who want me to book their hotel at our discounted rates instead of going to the websites themselves and following instructions.

It is just stress. Here is hoping that it will all pay off with a new job and fresh stresses to boot. Or an ADHD diagnosis. Does anyone need a new job annually?

Schrodinger's Cat or Lil Bub: Who Should be in the Box?

August 2, 2014

If a shuttle passenger says, "you drive like you are from Chicago". Is that an insult or a compliment? Immediately I think that I really need to pursue a hospitality career. My driving is at major metro mastery.

As I drop the seven guests (the vehicle was designed for six passengers) off at their destination, the one holding a bottle of Fireball criticizes my driving:
You need to be more professional when you have that many people in the car. And know where you are going before you say go.
There is a difference between hopping on the wrong way on I-74 and being ignorant. I suppose you can say that is the same as the difference between stupidity and ignorance, but I will call it instinctual. What is there in Peoria that's worth hopping on the interstate for? If you're at a hotel in Peoria, Illinois, it ain't for the shopping. You can at least gamble in Tazewell County. Or have the "Best Burger this Side of Paradice." East Peoria is all about the craps.

May be they were from Chicagoland and needed a break from the style of motorist I was presenting. On the flip side, even without my diversion into East Peoria, they should appreciate making it to the church on time. The five minutes spent bullshitting around to get ready for the shuttle was far more detrimental to their punctuality. No reason (since I was shorted $2 gratuity) for getting me into Audrey Hepburn zone. Just you wait Henry Higgins, just you wait.

Rationalization 61: Fund Me; Fight Me; Follow Me; Fuck Me

It is kind of nice to have some work drama to write about because there is nothing new to report about my life otherwise. Yes, I know, this blog has been about the constant desperation (misspelled that word, originally auto corrected it with "desecration"...some may say that is appropriate) of my existence. But being broke from the paycation has left me broke, so there is no way for me to find any new triggers to rehash the same old bullshit.

Maybe that's why I am still single, no one wants to fuel the flames that will consume my life. Or the ladies are trying to kill my blog. If there is nothing for him to write about, "Main Event of the Dead," will disappear. I'd like to put "fuck you" in all caps, but I think this is a request to FUCK ME.

As long as I have not reached my expiration date (determined by whether or not I get Kasabian tickets), I have to keep writing to try and add a few more years of time on top of that. That'll be done by either succeeding with producing "Main Event of the Dead," my pro-wrestling zombie themed horror/comedy, or someone presents a better distraction. Request a script treatment by emailing

So to take the pressure off of the female demographic, any promotions looking for some creative input or another body for the wrestling ring, drop me a line. Or at least point me into the direction of some fellow nihilist who can take a punch.

Maybe my expiration date should be delayed for the "Fight Club 2" comics to be released. Then again, that may primarily be consumed by hipsters and yuppies who do not appreciate the leftist values the project will represent.

I have other methods of relieving my dilemmas, all that would take is some follows of twitter @MainEventZombie.

To sum up this portion of this blog, a friend on Tinder (which is an indication that I am doing that wrong as well as life) complimented me on attempting to live a life based on the philosophies obtained though martial arts and how to deal with those who do not hold the ideals highly. You either make peace with it or turn bitter.

She left out getting drunk.

August 9, 2014

I guess I should better get the Kasabian tickets. The perfect end to an imperfect life would not workout. There is no way I can afford to take a night off at my preferred place of employment to attend the "Internet Cat Video Festival: Hosted by Little Bub," cross the street, and die of alcohol poisoning/choke on vomit in front of the Billy Williams statue at Wrigley Field.

It sort of feels like I'm putting down Williams, but it would be redundant to die at the feet of a man who made his living as a drunk conversationalist, becoming a diabetic means I may have missed Ronnie's message, and it is in poor taste to suggest playing two. This series of acts would pretty much sum up who I am now (cats, Cubs, and cocktails). There would be no need for a funeral, unless those from Morton High School wanted to say a few words about me, but hopefully they would know the pretentiousness of acknowledging my existence now. It's not like they will get a day off from class.

Perhaps someone at the hotel is reading my blog, thus cutting me to Saturdays only come next month. It is not the kind of concern that I feel I need, but I have to appreciate it. At least there is no confusing angles to this kind of appreciation. A building cannot say I love you (but I think the "Friendly Confines" not fuck with that Ricketts).

I am a natural entertainer. Why does it feel like no one recognizes it? The lack of spectacle seems to be delaying the inevitable. Or it's the inability to physically pet the cutest cat on the Internet ,with a website, before I leave this physical world. As long as I am paying for cable TV (it is for the POINTS!, until the GAME begins), there is no way I can afford to give Evangeline, the cutest cat on the Internet (technically), a proper website.

Lil Bub, Wrigleyville and the anniversary of one of the most meaningful dates of my life seems like it needs a ceremony involving human sacrifice, like in "Conan the Destroyer". Perhaps missing this event will turn me into the monster Andre the Giant portrayed in that film.

To be associated with Andre, how would anybody turn down booking that guy. Unless the association is based on Japanese bathroom habits.

So, you should follow Lil Bub @IAMLILBUB on Twitter (intercourse Facebook) for foiling my plans, and I should thank her for giving me something to write about. With the lack of space for the second portion of my blog, I can never be too sure if I can write a great piece addressing this "Family Guy" line:
"Hey, baby. How would you like to go black, and then make a difficult decision regarding whether or not to go back?"
Without my awkward promotion of this challenged kitty take over of a 31-year old punk venue, this blog could have been nothing but me talking about nothing (at least the lack of audible/written support for my proposed film, "Maine Event of the Dead," suggest that is the value of this creative outlet). This has led me to this rationalization:

Rationalization 62: Jerry Seinfeld Cannot Have a Meaningful Blog.

Rearchiving Blogs: 6/25/09 - It's a Lou Reed Day

...and it just keeps me holding on

June 25, 2009, good day for the Dead Pool. Sadly, I am not the first to try making a social networking site based around it. Again, stuck forever coming up short. It is sad that Farrah Fawcett passed, but it is pathetic that Jackson has made today all about him. What I mean is, Iranians are still dying, could  you not have kept yourself in better shape to not die when there are people dying for a cause.

The last time we had two celebrities die on the same day that I can recall was Cash and Ritter. We had declared, and believed at that time that the mission was accomplished, so we were free to be pissed that Ritter got all the cover stories despite only having "Three's a Company" and the queer in "Slingblade" to his credit. There is no luxury in these celebrity deaths.

I cannot watch TV tonight because I don't want to see the coverage of the celebrity cadavers (and TNA is still making it all about old WWE guys). Right now, there are a lot of important issues (economy, health care, Iran, the treasonous right wing), and it makes me sad that this country is still going to take the time to complain about Michael Jackson stealing tribute time from Fawcett, while some people will try to do the John Ritter thing, and justify why she is more important than the musical icon (to her credit she did have the poster).

It is sad whenever anyone dies, but at this time, the true friends should be the only ones focused on paying them tribute and the media should back off, even if it makes MTV more entertaining for one night (they'll be showing videos).

At least Cobain chose a boring year.

Current mood: complacent
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Saturday, August 17, 2019

7/10/09: Taking One For Team "Heal the World"

Death, the situation that is the most constant cause of confusion:

  • As long as that douche who told us we cannot have slaves isn't the head of the party, it'll be cool to sell out the land that Sherman raped.
  • Because Hitler killed a lot of you guys, you get to displace a lot of Muslims.
  • Since you guys never pissed us off, you guys in Sudan can ethnically cleanse Darfur.

I'd throw an example about maters, but I may come across as Antisemitic.

Aside from Darfur, we are fortunate that does not affect us on a massive least until Michael Jackson screwed that shit up.

The idolization, the media circus, the genuine tragedy. All of these got us to forget about the child molestation accusations. I for one, do not see a problem with this since I believe the "innocent" party, but what if he was a convicted pedophile doing his nine years.

Actually with all the children that he probably helped, is it wrong to expect a few little boys to take one for the global team? What would the Athenians and the Romans say about it?

Thinking about the Romans, is it any surprise that the Roman Catholics deal with child molestation allegations all of the time. What makes it suck for the Catholic church is that some of these allegations occurred, and the as a whole gets punished for it.

Except for the nuns it seems, but it would just be weird to think of Mother Teresa expecting little Indians to turn tricks for food.

The only reason why I'm thinking about "What goods trump what evils" is because of the Steve McNair tragedy. It was a murder suicide allegedly based around his adulterous nature. In my opinion, the media seems to focus on all the good he did (which we fucking should) because he wasn't the murderer. But what if it was the other way around? Would his criminal act cause everyone to turn against him?

Like they did with Chris Benoit. The devastating actions he took were insane. There is medical evidence to support that he had sustained so many brain injuries that is was almost surprising that he did not do something nuts sooner. But since he has been determined to be the guilty party, everything good he did in the world up to the last three days (perhaps even less) is lost, and never to be spoken again by World Wrestling Entertainment, TNA, or any independent fed.

Despite, if you ask anyone who trains wrestlers, Chris Benoit is one of those guys who we are told to look up to. That is because he was more than just his last acts.

The Catholic Clergy, Jackson, McNair, and Benoit. All of these guys were not Hitler. None of the guys made being a mass-murdering occultist a career choice. They all made entertaining and helping people the goals of their lives.

I'm not saying these individuals didn't make poor decisions. On that note, Farrah Fawcett should never had done the body painting Playboy stuff in the mid to late nineties (there are things you just do not do when your rounding 50). But the important thing is that they did more good than harm.

There is shit worth remembering about these people besides what not to do with celebrity. So lets remember that stuff. Why the fuck would you want to make the bad the obituary opening?

Or at least, let us write their memorial like they would want it to be written. Like this story I tweeted on

  • Driving towards the Peoria County Jail on Farmington Rd. See an actual sign on the side of the road (green with while trim and everything).
  • It says 'Please don't drink and drive. In memory of..' Now was he the victim or the driver. I just wonder if that was his final thought, OR
  • Was it: Live fast! Drink Hard! And the what he do'n out on a country road this late?
  • 'Don't Drink & Drive' is a good message, but we should make sure the victims want that to be their legacy.
  • If he thought, 'one more and I wouldn't have been, so up tight when I rolled the motherfucker', He had no intention of being a PSA

Is it a spoiler to say that Terminator Salvation has a lot of heart?

Current mood: bummed

My cynical self had probably left some tweets discussing my paranoia about how poor the new Terminator could be:

  • Can we have a Terminator movie without the asshole shrink from 1-3 & T2-3D?
  • Terminator, Connor saying 'fate lies in the spirit, not the machines' that's a claim that the machines don't have souls.
  • Salvation is negating the THUMB UP in T2. Maybe that's what the Bale Blow Up was all about. Why can't British actors turn down scripts
I find myself to be spot on with my British actor comment since the film also features Helena Bonham Carter. Also from my tweets, I indicated that I had difficulty resisting going out to see this film.
  • Terminator Salvation, I think I just want to check it out because of the use of NIN in the preview. Kinda covers up the subpar feel.
  • I guess I'm open to entertain anything if NIN is the soundtrack. The cash lost on subpar dancers who play "The Only Time/Ringfinger" set
To find out that the Nine Inch Nails led me to an Oingo Boingo based score, an HBC flick where she wasn't aped up, and most importantly a Michael Ironside vehicle (Corey Haim is to blame for the crappyness of "The Watchers" and "Highlander 2" was part of the Connery slide to the oblivion of "The League of Extraordinay Gentleman"), it is fair to say I was pumped to see if the credits's promise of a picture with heart was true.

As long as you do not mind a poor Christian Bale performance (and based on the success of "The Dark Knight", most of you do not), "Terminator Salvation" is worth an afternoon or late show (I cannot advocate paying full price). The new world presented and recognition of what the fans of the original trilogy want to see are delivered with excellence that one will forgive the few weak characters, disappointing ending, and "The Rise of the Machines".

To make sure the film (and the two proposed sequels) are totally based in a world of its own, the film's main character is not the stretching to show emotion incarnation of John Connor (portrayed by "I should only be cast if you want a Patrick Bateman" Christian Bale), but the triple murderer on 2003's death row, Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington of Australia's "Lake Placid" better known as "Rogue"). Before Wright is executed, he is convinced by a Cyberdine representative (Helena Bonham Carter) to donate his body to science. He then awakens 15 years later in a scene that is reminiscent of the jail break in "Raising Arizona", and heads to the remnants of Los Angeles.

In LA, Wright comes to the aid of teenager Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin) and his mute partner who claim to be the remnants of the LA branch of John Connor's resistance. The three leave together only to be tracked down by numerous machines whose goal is to capture Reese who is the father of Connor. The two kids are captured despite Wright's best efforts, but with the assistance of pilot Blair Williams (Moon Bloodgood of "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li") he should be able to inform the resistance of SkyNet's plans. Whether or not Connor wants to listen to what he believes is the latest SkyNet infiltration model is the only problem. If he does not, there is a good chance the heads of the resistance will bomb SkyNet regardless of who is being held captive.

As I stated with my remarks and tweet about Christian Bale performance leaving me yearning for Edward Furlong or Nick Stahl.

As a rule, if you are making a sequel to a movie, do not cast Christian Bale. He will not bring his A-game. Otherwise, check out T4.
Sam Worthington gives a compelling performance as the film's lead. It is a character who has to go through a mythological challenges to become a hero despite his reluctance. Added to that, we have a character who has to come to terms with what he is (buy the toys for the spoiler) which is something everyone can relate to. If his performance was poor, we would have a "Pirates of the Carribean" sequel. Fortunately, Worthington leaves us feeling like we are watching what "The Terminator" would have been like if it focused on Reese instead of Sarah Connor.

On to Reese. What a marvelous job of casting. The kid looks like what you'd think a pre-adolescent Michael Biehn would look like. He does what he has to as a heroic child actor. Never reluctant to play tough, but not above showing fear.

The rest of the casting works very well. Dare I say, nice ethnic casting choices with the exotic Bloodgood and the always serious black rapper Common. Carter's coldness gives us a face for the enemy, and Ironside gets to play himself. Sadly, Bale's lackluster performance prevents this film from earning four stars from any critic.

Bales performance and the disappointing ending, but I'm not about to give away spoilers. It is sad that these hold the film back from being as good as The Terminator (if not Judgement Day at the very least) because director McG and writers 
John D. Brancato and Michael Ferris do their best to pay tribute to what gave them this project. Again, to discuss how would to spoil this flick.

There is so much in this blockbuster that makes it something science fiction fans cannot allow themselves to miss, and the near constant action make Terminator Salvation worth the discounted admission for any movie goer. Like the T-800, it is not perfect, but I'm sure with the addition of Robert Patrick to the next flick, we may be on the verge of the next science fiction Saga (I won't say Trilogy due to the sanctity of Lucas's original works of genius).

Netflix DVD - Brigsby Bear: A Mental Disorder to Rally Around

Things seem to be going pretty well for me. I have gotten a little bit of financial aid. The only problem with that it involves a banking conglomerate that does not have an office in Champaign. By the time I am off from work and clear of any immediate responsibilities, there are very few things of interest in Bloomington/Normal.

Only a few weeks of trips to go. At least I can claim it was not charity. I am putting in the miles.

And who knows, I may be able to send it all back. It was a good week of interviews, advancing to the third stage in one of them. This week, I have got a good amount of work at the retailer and two in person interviews. The only thing my success will cost me is my sweet mustache and excessive goatee. Their terminations will not be too hard to get over, but with 40 pounds I could lose, how will I define my chin?

Fortunately, I can work to find the bright side of any situation, so my girlfriend's 24-hours of sleeplessness on Thursday (was it inspired by concluding "Fight Club" or just her buyer's remorse on skipping a B1G1 deal at Rue 21?) allowed me to finally get comfortable enough to explore a feature about captivity, mental illness, and Teddy Ruxpin, "Brigsby Bear".

Schrodinger's Cat: Kids, Dogs and Rolled Up Windows (Lessons from an Existentialist)

Look at the box office gross rankings ( No zombie movies. Two flicks dedicated to the blissfully unenlightened (way to possibly piss off half the people you're pleading to).

"Main Event of the Dead," will not change this landscape, sadly, but it at least offers you an escape. And with this escape, you can feel as accomplished as that one guy in that Stephen King novel who "crawled through a river of shit and came out clean."

I hope you automatically assumed that was Morgan Freeman saying that statement. If you keep that voice in your head, surely you'll be convinced to help out with the production of this film (like any of you have a Discover or AMEX card to argue otherwise).

Right now, I'm not looking for finance, just support to bring my zombie with simple gimmicks versus pro wrestlers comedy to life. Any suggestions will be appreciated and you can ask for a treatment at, or if you can come up with a cool poster to at least have something for the Kickstarter, you will be compensated. Celebrity endorsements would be nice (fuck Rip Rogers's teeth, I've at least bought some merch [just some feedback from the treatment please...thankssss]).

The undead status of this project is forcing me to turn, and my anti-gun stance will only allow the infection to take me. You'd do it for Randolph Scott.

And if you have been keeping up on my blogs, then you know I'm running out of ideas on how to repeat this message, so I need your help more than ever.

July 26, 2014

Time never crawls for me. I am usually clever enough with a time card to prevent that. It just keeps moving forward, and I haven't been able to catch up. Perhaps that's why my life is just a constant experiment in futility.

Rationalization 58: Some of them want (need?) to be abused.

Screw helping out with my movie (sarcasm), isn't there a girl out there who can start using me again (Sarcasm). It would at least blind me of the seemingly pointless pursuit of turning my screenplay into a film and trying to get involved with wrestling cards that actually mean something. I can at least know my pro wrestling career status (Funk-time wrestler, unless the hotel job starts to suck...thank god the vocally conservative night audit girl was all talk about her beliefs).

If you need a list of girls who have broken me down to an overly obedient puppy like state, just send me a request (SARCASM). Bi-annual shag and I'm yours (SARCASM...unless I start believing the status of half of those who unconditionally love me).

On the topic of puppies and small animals that can't defend themselves (that's why cats are awesome, only an asshole who cannot take the occasional scratch can render them helpless), I might as well get into the topic I have been discussing for the past two post.

Actually, this may have to wait till the next post. I'm typing this on my lap top as I wait to head out to the Brody Dalle concert, so I can't tell if this introduction will take up too much space.

Observation 5: Who Wants News when There is Netflix?

Rarely do I watch TV (thanks WWE Network) with the exception of the Comedy Central 10p (CDT) and 11p (CDT) shows. DVD has made it to impractical to devote myself to shows. If you miss an episode as you are trying to get into it, you may end up lost until the DVD release (OnDemand may not come up naturally). Why would you want the DVD of the season if you were not sure you were into it? And by that point, OnDemand is not an option.

Anyhow, being a movie fan, the lack of time dedicated to television programming is not necessarily a bad thing. I still catch "The Soup," so I'll know if it is safe to stare at the TV just like a junkie, and that is all the news I want...unless Comcast can magically fix the lack of MSNBC in HD which they say is an issue with the equipment on my side. With that being said: Everyone who lives at Forest Park and cares about reasonable politics, just claim the station is out of commission. How can one box not like Rachel Maddow?

HLN has to get rid of that fundamentalist cunt (I would like to get some feedback on whether or not you know who I am referring to [that may fuck up my hotel job if she ends up being a potential guest, but this blog should kill that opportunity]), before I stick around to watch it. CNN seems to be a cluster fuck (why am I so angry that I am not trying to work around the curse words). Fox News is nothing more than a tabloid (look at who owns it, and try to correlate purchases of tabloids with viewership [I have a one/one, maybe a two/two observation now]). So, I do not hear much news unless it made it to Facebook.

Facebook for news, that N-word (can we refer to other words starting with N as N-word right?) will not be capitalized. When you live in Central Illinois, that may be nothing more than the worst of Fox News. Regardless, it is all extreme examples of stances, whether or not the one doing the posting is an extremist or not.

That is why when I share a post, it comes straight from the Obama administration (or the Atheist Republic, but I do not go out of my way to follow them). And now all my conservative friends will call me a hypocrite because I am supporting an extremist.

Lesson 1: How to Prepare Them for the Windows being Rolled Up.

Enough about my politics and lets get to cooked kids and canines (oh alliteration). A friend of mine posted a video of a doctor who locked himself in a sweltering car for 30 minutes to show how inhumane it is to those who cannot make enough of a scene to get a passer by go get help.

It's not the parent's fault, it is your indifference. I will get back on track before I start going all Connor and Murphy on you (it would be in an ironic state).

If they cannot figure out how to unlock the car, they should not be left alone in the car, but Lorde knows that is impractical. Well not really. There is always some method of limited conveyance for children and you can just put sunglasses on to let your dog lead you around. The latter may get you a better parking space.

If the dog is too small to pass for a seeing eye dog, odds are you can carry it around like an American aristocrat (whose wealth should be liquidated, while I am not advocating their execution, and upon their death their heads should be stuck on pikes in front of Wall Street), and if that does not fly, just close the purse. It should be cooler than the car.

And despite I am not a fan of pit-bull advocates:

Own them if you like, but do not expect sainthood for owning an animal that can rip out your throat. If a "domesticated" cat cannot do something that violent, the pet is still too wild.

Sorry about that brief rant, as long as there is what you may call paranoia about the breed, whose going to tell you not to bring the animal with you. Still go pseudo blind, you will probably help the dog ownership cause that way, but I would recommend limiting this to convenient stores. You will have four minutes before the cops come to shoot it.

So, there's no reason to lock your kid or mutt in the car, but it does not mean you cannot.

The doctor in the video was a wuss. I've locked myself inside a hot car, windows up, no AC; to nap and sweat out a hangover. I have done this numerous times (cannot sleep it off when your cubicle is in front of your boss's door). I find it therapeutic. So, what is Fido's problem?

Maybe if the dog or kid was trashed, lets say eight hours before hand, they may appreciate it.

With that being said, I am cool with drunk dogs and kids being locked in. Just do not torture the sober.

The problem with kids is, the booze will probably make them pass out before they can get to a truly shit-faced state. So you have no excuse to lock them in a hot car. But since they cannot handle their booze, be sure to draw a dick on their face when you go out. They will not want to draw attention to themselves, thus they probably will not bitch about getting a toy.

Rationalization 60: Don't Take Your Kids to Places that Sell Toys.

If you take your kid to a store, and go down the toy aisle, those of us who practice safe sex demand you buy them something. Do not make the kid suffer for your stupidity. Just tell them WalMart is a grocery store that ends at the crappy clothes that should have just been sent straight to Goodwill.

Or draw a dick on their face before you run errands.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Card: Depression v. Brisgby Bear; MMA v. Fight Club; Cats v. Masculinity

If you have been following these blogs, you can just assume that I did not watch "Brigsby Bear" for yet another week. My excuse: The girlfriend wanted me to explain MMA to her as I was watching the Legacy Fighting Alliance on Axs TV. For someone who probably did not see a combat sport (wrestling is a sport) until dating me, you can probably predict the questions.
"Is this fa....predetermined?"
"How to they determine a winner?"
Thus, she got the story about what could have been if I was a smarter. I told her about my love for the expression of violence, but I was not a jiu-jitsu expert, my striking was limited (Taekwondo focuses too much on kicks), and I only proved myself to be a good wrestler after seven years, so mixed martial arts was not an option. Especially since wins and losses were just incidental in my opinion.

Then came George St. Pierre without any combat experience as a juvenile showing that UFC was no longer about style versus style. It became a sport in all senses of the word. After typing that, obviously the definition would only allow mediocrity from me.

The real problematic question came after a few minutes of me just enjoying a war of wills.
"How are you doing?"
I told her how I was definitely in an indifferent funk. Movie and collectible-wise, it is time for me to start looking for a new hobby. What would be the point of that since I am $300 in the hole? Why worry about that because the holiday season or a new job should put me back on track? How am I going to get that new job when the wage and hours I need falls into customer service categories that I do not have experience in?

What I just typed reads as a feeling of hopelessness. I do not know if I should wish that it felt that way? My feelings are more along the line that I am fed up with it all. Why be happy or sad? Why am I still kicking?

Okay, now it really seems like hopeless. I do not think I am suicidal. I just want to have something to get excited about. If you do not have that, what is the point?

If I was not behind the eight ball (I knew it was that, but I always thought it would be worse to be in front of the black sphere. My perspective must define my lack of success in pool) fiscally would I care about anything? There are a few rungs to move up on the relationship ladder, but then what? I am resigning myself to just try and clear up my weekends instead of moving to Chicago or Las Vegas, but are weekends enough to move forward my entertainment career aspirations?

And now a screen capture of a pro-women meme before I go into the "Fight Club" portion of this blog:

Lady Beatnik: The Genius of the Mandatory Vasectomy Meme
My girlfriend did not pay total attention to "Fight Club" the first time I viewed it in her presence, but she said she liked it. She even went as far as saying it was better than "Trainspotting". I am thinking that is probably because of the lack of dead babies and heroin instead of just subtlety and indirectly asking me how the Scottish film is my favorite one.

We were talking about my admiration of impersonal violence, so I thought rewatching the Fincher flick would make it even easier for her to understand it. Especially, since the narrator first appears in a similar state of mine as me. Unfortunately, I think she was appreciating it more for the subtle comedy than what unravels into a tale of toxic masculinity.

She was too tired to keep watching, so we stopped at the establishment of "Project Mayhem" and me disliking the lack of tall building is Champaign. Homesick perhaps? Imagine Peoria's Twin Towers as a Yin Yang.

I like to joke that I wish I had a legitimately evil bone in my body. It would be nice to actually have the nerve to shave her fluffy cat to end all the matted fur and let her come to that. As it turns out, she would have appreciated that more than me cutting out each individual chunk of hardened coat.

What did she expect? I am not a stylist. Thus, I have had no lessons in blending.

But if I had that nerve, I would probably not be able to call bullshit of Tyler's speech before the first homework assignment.

We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.

What is the point of staying pissed? Succeed on your own to prove TV wrong. Am I missing something? Destroying everything ruins everybody. Some people are already at the bottom. Do they really want the company?

Regardless, if you bought the message, that is on you. Do not go and bitch about mommy coddling you too much.

How much can you know about yourself, you've never been in a fight? I don't wanna die without any scars.

For me, what I enjoy about "Fight Club" is the discovery of one self. With that, I have discovered, via nihilism, that I am not a sociopath. Watching this was film was a nice reminder of that.

On the flip side, thinking that beating people up with no emotional attachment may make me a psychopath. At least I know my girlfriend is okay.
"Which celebrity would you fight?"
"I wouldn't fight anyone."
Or it shows she does not get me. Now that is something worth worrying about.

Schrodinger's Cat: Rafiki from the "Lion King" was Full of Shit (Observations of an Existentialist)

Does "Main Event of the Dead" Need a Novelization?

Film nerds should enjoy the concept. Back in the 80's, every movie had one...regardless of the quality. I picked this information up from the "Stephen Romano presents Shock Festival" DVD. If you're in the Peoria, Illinois area, you might want to see if you can get it cheaper at Acme Comics or talk to the Drunken Zombie guys (and be sure to let them know about the blog that directed them to you). What I gathered from this expert of the low budget is that promotion is everything. As long as you tell them the product is even bigger on the big screen, they should flock to it, regardless it the statement is true. If you research some of the novelizations of appropriately budgeted films, like "Gremlins," the novel maybe better.

Is "Main Event of the Dead" Dependent on Tape Trading?

If I'm going to write the novelization, I'll need some matches to base the action on. As for my script, I'm not Vince McMahon. I'm not going to tell the wrestling actors how to make their match move for move.

I cannot leave those pages blank in the novel, so for any Indie Wrestlers reading this who wants the exposure of having one of their matches featured in a book, send the MPEG's my way. We might not get a movie out of it, but after selling the novel at indie shows, perhaps Chris Daniels and Kazarian will want to translate it into a comic book.

July 5, 2014

I was hoping for a more topical title, but my use of "smelling turds" as an equivalent for the douche bags of my past would be misusing the phrase Jon Stewart is trying to trend. Sad since I wanted to contribute to that effort before Urban Dictionary makes it strictly sexual instead of a plea for realization that Republican policies will be the demise of hope in this country.

Anyhow, did he intend not to apply to anything beyond the Republican agenda? Then again, most of the active Mortonites who are Facebook friends follow the feeble philosophy of the elephant. In those friends defense, they are not the types who will make an effort to piss you off because "you can just get over it."

Observation 2: Silence can be Golden.

Silence can be interpreted as a sign of indifference, but when there are people who spout their opinions without considering the effects, some people need the treatment of Joffrey Baratheon music critic.

They may rise up against the authority because of this action, but who would get behind them when they lack the tongue to speak their case? It is an assumption, but I doubt their handwriting/typing skills are nothing to admire. This may further the lesson since they've probably said something stupid to a secretary, so the authority would have the clerical community on their side. In the event of an uprising and summary executions, we would not have to hear them spout their bullshit as they slaughter.

Rationalization 57: We need Ilyn Payne on the Congress Floor.

And that is how the greedy will lose their power. I acknowledge, the concept feels dirty. Praising King Joffrey for anything is like saying Hitler had some good ideas.

So, I guess it was a good thing that I was out about to put up with the bullocks of the HOI. It at least proved that I could still handle it. And on the plus side, I may have developed better relations with people who at least like me, more importantly care for me. Still, it some how felt like the awful were waiting for me.

Observation 3: Rafiki the Monkey Didn't Get It.

Was the awfulness anything new: not really. It just brought up the past. I do not see how I may make a great future, but I do not think I live in the past.

For those who claim I do, here's my dissenting opinion. I think I am just a good storyteller. I like being told good stories. Who does not want to hear a good story with a charming, likable lead?

I guess the past should be a scar ("Lion King" pun) not a scab. Over this week, I ran into someone who wanted to be cool with me (after he ripped on me to others) since we had a similar issue with the same heroin addict in our past. This person wasn't my friend, I find him to be a coward, but I was trying to say water under the bridge. Instead he was searching for further pity on his righteous self by further by burying this person.

I let him get it all out and moved on. He decided to bid me farewell by referencing shooting up his arm. After the first time, I told him not to do that because I had a great friend who died because of that and the one thing I will always try to do is express my admiration of her. He did it a second time, I asked him not to do that because of my reasons. He did it a third, and now I am pondering regret for not beating the shit out of him. What a nice bandage that would be for me, and I would gladly find him some afterwards.

Anyhow, I was able to cover the most of it with the observation. It is still boiling, but hopefully focusing on the silly will keep me distracted enough.

Too bad it may not be proper in terms of memorializing Graham Chapman. It may be proper towards Heath Ledger, but I do not want to give a second rate Joker any further accolade. Maybe I just suck at trying to kill time to make this blog take up two shifts.

July 12, 2014

This is where I should make my pitch for further help with making "Main Even of the Dead." I have a lot of funny, borderline offensive rants to go on, but without a happy (fuck it, less depressed demeanor), how will I be able to focus on that?

Actually, parents taking their kids to their hotel rooms after 9:00 pm would keep my head a little clearer. Are the rambunctious rascals roaming the robby/ribrary (sorry, just picked up an Asian guest from the mall...alright, I need an excuse for further alliteration) punishment for the hotel lacking pack and plays? I know you gotta wear them out somehow, but there are beds to be jumped on. Just be prepared to catch them.

Now, I'll have to write these folks a thank you note for a transition to one of my observations.

Observation(s) 4: The Luxuries of a Hot Car.

Too bad I do not think I will have the web pages space to publish this until the next post..."How to Train Your Dragon to Appreciate Rolled Up Windows."

The Neon Genesis of Anime - Akira


I will be up front and tell that this is at least the greatest anime movie ever made. Akira is definitely the first anime that made it seem like this genre could create a major studio, four star, blockbuster film.

Ghost in the Shell is good, but feels more like an art film.


In August of 1988, World War III begins when a nuclear explosion occurs in Tokyo. By 2019, Neo-Tokyo is built, but unfortunately there are anti government protest, terrorists, and an ongoing motorcycle wars. Tetsuo, a teenage biker, is involved in an accident with a strange looking child who the army (and domestic terrorists) seems to have a classified interest in. When his friends come to the rescue, army helicopters come and take away the boy and Tetsuo. Worried about his best friend, Kaneda needs to find out what's going on. He also needs to impress a young female terrorist, Kei, so he joins her terrorist group that is out to stop a project called Akira from occurring or possibly occurring again.

Whatever Akira is, the army seems to want to use Tetsuo to be the body to contain it. Let's just say the power to disintegrate people is a power that is to be quickly abused.

Check out the rest of this critique at - For those curious about anime but hate the geeks.

Art Station - Brother Baston

Rearchiving Blogs: 9/15/08 - Don Rickles’s Wet Dream

Rain destroyed Dunlap Days, but the temptation of Pumpkin Ale and Blizzards may have been enough to draw people to Morton's Pumkin Festival instead of Peoria's 4th Annual Worldfest.

Finally, this Mortonite had found something to do with the second weekend of September.

Up yours Pumpkin Fest.

Damn your celebration of 20,000 McCain voting Mother...and fathers. They should have been celebrating the cultures...well, of at least half of the countries of the world.

They missed the chance to watch awkward Filipino Americans try their native culture's coconut dances.

There was the opportunity to see Chinese children exploited without the glory of sweatshop wages.

How could one pass up the chance to sit and pray for Michelle Yeoh-like choreography to be integrated into the Chinese long sleeve dance?

It was a chance to see elderly Americans pay homage to their German roots sans the Hitler, and a chance to wonder why the 15/16 white Native Americans were wearing glitter.

More Anglophiles were needed since there was no Union Jack present among the flags. Hell, I thought about cutting away at Australia's flag to represent my Motherland.

So many people missed the challenge of experiencing the awkwardness of just passing the Black Expo with apparent ignorance.

Who would pass up the chance to see 10 year-old "black belts."

Most importantly, they gave up the chance to remain dry.

Take that you giant slide and the beer tent where all of whom I had tried to avoid at MHS would be demanding to reacquaint.

And where's the Pumpkin Rumchata?

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat: Prelude to Observations (It shouldn't be all about me...shouldn't).

June 21, 2014

So, I guess I have to do something to make this blog about "the movie."

Over the past week, I have come up with a possible round about way of getting exposure, but that's putting its fate in the hands of a drunk's (seeming at my level, so I don't consider that fighting words) aspirations of becoming a professional wrestler.

Curse this person for pushing my creativity nerve. It may serve as a pleasant distraction from my wanting to try front flips into bear traps (not necessarily suicidal), but if I get worked up about depending on someone else, the let down may just flat back my bumps.

Thus, my focus on promoting an effort to get "Main Event of the Dead" is paramount.

Observation 1: "Main Event of the Dead" Has Charm.

How does B-Movie Zombie Wrestling Comedy not sell itself? I blame the blockbuster. Why are people buying Michael Bay's Charm-Free Translation of a Toy Line featuring Mark Wahlberg?

It may be my tale of never-would-be's versus undead, insensitive stereotypes has one too many descriptive elements, but I guarantee it has charm. That's why "I Heart Huckabees" and "Ted" are the only Marky Mark films that I consider too have worth (okay, "Three Kings" and "The Departed"). Existentialist are nothing but charm and how can you not adore a cursing, toking, alcoholic teddy bear?

Oh yeah, the lack of support towards me is evidence that people don't get it.

I'm teddy bear shaped. I love creative obscenities. I'm at my best under destabilizing chemical influence. And charm is the only thing that I am confident that I exude.

Perhaps it is because I lack other Ted qualities: To shag without a dick and an overly defined regional accent.

To my credit, I love performing cunnilingus and with a few drinks, I can nail down whatever accent surrounds me (the only way I am certain I can make "Orphan Black" amusing [can't jump into that series cold]).

Rationalization 54: Oh How I Need to Relocate.

Going Theon/Reke is not an option. Or I just need to get the "Grumpy Bear" emblem on my stomach...or Grumpy Cat.
June 28, 2014

And now I am at that alienation stage. It is just painful to deal with people when you cannot relate to them or, for the most part, they've never given a shit.

I suppose I should thank Jason Pemberton of Sky Pro Wrestling for being such a horrible person (I do not want to even go into how wretched a promoter that must make him) for at least motivating me to get out there in an attempt to assure communication with the alcohol enthusiast mentioned earlier. As the gratuity from driving and the early arrival of my paycheck brings me hope for the evening, I am not to focused on elaborating on Rationalization 56: Honesty Produces Horrible People, which is why the body bag has been placed in the cart at Amazon.

Rationalization 55: Credit Lines Should Require Psych Exams

Before we panic--any further (any further than you have been to keep up appearances)--no corpse is going to be transported in this Super Savings Shipping item, it is just cheaper than getting a coffin to store the stuff I would like to take to the other side.

Yes, I know you cannot take it with you. I am just preparing for the future. I am thinking about the generation(s) to come.

I figure, all graves will get robbed at some point, but since cremation is the route of disposing whatever isn't useful from me, what would be the point of digging that hole for a coffee can of Donnie? With my collection of nerdom and athletic worship, it would be criminal not to preserve some of it.

I would also like to place my stuffed plush cats (we are not using taxidermy on Eva) propped to hold a sign that says "to the next frontier" on it. Is there any more appropriate memorial to myself?

With these plans now being revealed, guess whose family will skip the funeral arrangement.

It maybe best not to be remembered. I can only imagine the classless wrestling promoters in Peoria laughing at the news of a dead liberal idealist only to try to claim a show is a tribute.

Of course, life and death are the same, so I guess I would have the last laugh. Just hope I remember that if the decision comes. The decision, well, everyone said LeBron was committing career suicide, and he is fine.

Thanks for the loud and obnoxious for giving me material to avoid changing the mood of what was a light-hearted interlude from my countdown to extinction. At least it did not change the mood too much.

And thanks for the paycheck to prevent me from making these material national news or inspiring me to want to use corpse carry-ons for their traditional purpose. If only I had the time, or if the drunks could figure out how to walk a half a mile.

The Card: Keanu vs. Brigsby Bear; Netflix and Angels vs. and Amazon

I have been going to bed earlier and earlier and since abandoning the Wrestling Compadres Slamcast for downplaying, ignoring, and insulting All Elite Wrestling, I have been listening to more movie podcasts like The Ringer's "Rewatchables". Thus, I had the urge to pop in "Point Break" last night instead of "Brigsby Bear". Was buying that wise an investment if I cannot keep coming up with content for it?

I guess that will soon be where we will all be at with Netflix soon. Once, all the movies get pulled off by Universal, Disney, and Warner Bros, all they are going to be is original series. There are five Marvel seasons that I have yet to watch, and that seems a bit too daunting to undertake after I finish "Stranger Things" and "Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Return", so what use will I have for it. After losing $26 billion, it does not seem that they can afford more than one Oscar bait feature a year. And how often are you in the mood a insightful drama set in the Present day, Present time...Ha Ha Ha.

Great. Now I have to take time out to watch my "Serial Experiment Lain" VHS collection. It may have been wiser to purchase At least those domains are not monthly recurring purchases. Which may give the edge to Amazon Prime.

Do I ever need anything that I can buy on Amazon in two days? The answer is no. But if my still very valid's current disk is not under 97 minutes, Prime Video is where I go, especially since they seem to have the rights to all the VHS tapes that major distributors want us to forget about. On that note, does anyone know an actual digital content provider that has Albert Pyun's Gary Daniels starring "Heatseaker"? If Prime could get that, I will totally abandon my guilt for warehouse worker abuse for the two-day shipping.

This blog shows that I may not be constructive enough with my personal time. My work with "WWE 2K19" creation suite should not take up too much of my time forthcoming so I may get to move on to something a little less detail oriented to play. I am also working a fairly regular schedule this week after getting three days off last week, so time will be a little more precious to me. Arguments about its use might occur with the girlfriend, but it is an opportunity for me to practice my sternness.

On the flip side, get through "Stranger Things" this week, get to kill my subscription to Netflix sooner. If she wants to get halfway through a show before lesbian undertones creep her out, she can start paying for it.

Okay, perhaps too much personal stuff in the last sentence. I could go on and say that was what my day offs were by including the recollection about how Mom thinks liberals are hypocrites because they build walls around houses to protect themselves against the violent and intolerant.

Those walls are opposed to the walls that conservatives want to put up around countries to keep out anyone white men oppressed. Please pardon the redundant sentence. I do live in a red district still, a long with the majority of people I know, so got to make sure they know who and who is not an asshole.

Where I want to take this blog is by suggesting a way to get Netflix the wise and shy to them. My girlfriend is a very Christian girl. She is not hateful to anyone, but she is not going to go out of her way to get comfortable with them. In other words, she is a lot like Aziraphale from "Good Omens". We watched that series together, and I think the character allowed her to be interested in the religion questioning the show thrived upon. Eventually, it was easy for her to appreciate the nature of Crowley.

At my retail job, I believe "Good Omens" was the first Amazon Prime series that anyone talked about. People are already talking about Netflix, so give them a little bit of faith-questioning content, and they may get in the black.

"But they just gave "Lucifer" another six episodes," you may say. Do you think my girlfriend enjoyed immediately having to side with a demon after all I have written? Netflix needs to tempt the holier than thou, not spite them.

With that said, perhaps that is what "Main Event of the Dead" is missing, a lovable, god-fearing characters. I will just say it, that will be a tough rewrite. Any ideas on how to do that to a zombie pro-wrestling comedy, send them to