
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat: Kids, Dogs and Rolled Up Windows (Lessons from an Existentialist)

Look at the box office gross rankings ( No zombie movies. Two flicks dedicated to the blissfully unenlightened (way to possibly piss off half the people you're pleading to).

"Main Event of the Dead," will not change this landscape, sadly, but it at least offers you an escape. And with this escape, you can feel as accomplished as that one guy in that Stephen King novel who "crawled through a river of shit and came out clean."

I hope you automatically assumed that was Morgan Freeman saying that statement. If you keep that voice in your head, surely you'll be convinced to help out with the production of this film (like any of you have a Discover or AMEX card to argue otherwise).

Right now, I'm not looking for finance, just support to bring my zombie with simple gimmicks versus pro wrestlers comedy to life. Any suggestions will be appreciated and you can ask for a treatment at, or if you can come up with a cool poster to at least have something for the Kickstarter, you will be compensated. Celebrity endorsements would be nice (fuck Rip Rogers's teeth, I've at least bought some merch [just some feedback from the treatment please...thankssss]).

The undead status of this project is forcing me to turn, and my anti-gun stance will only allow the infection to take me. You'd do it for Randolph Scott.

And if you have been keeping up on my blogs, then you know I'm running out of ideas on how to repeat this message, so I need your help more than ever.

July 26, 2014

Time never crawls for me. I am usually clever enough with a time card to prevent that. It just keeps moving forward, and I haven't been able to catch up. Perhaps that's why my life is just a constant experiment in futility.

Rationalization 58: Some of them want (need?) to be abused.

Screw helping out with my movie (sarcasm), isn't there a girl out there who can start using me again (Sarcasm). It would at least blind me of the seemingly pointless pursuit of turning my screenplay into a film and trying to get involved with wrestling cards that actually mean something. I can at least know my pro wrestling career status (Funk-time wrestler, unless the hotel job starts to suck...thank god the vocally conservative night audit girl was all talk about her beliefs).

If you need a list of girls who have broken me down to an overly obedient puppy like state, just send me a request (SARCASM). Bi-annual shag and I'm yours (SARCASM...unless I start believing the status of half of those who unconditionally love me).

On the topic of puppies and small animals that can't defend themselves (that's why cats are awesome, only an asshole who cannot take the occasional scratch can render them helpless), I might as well get into the topic I have been discussing for the past two post.

Actually, this may have to wait till the next post. I'm typing this on my lap top as I wait to head out to the Brody Dalle concert, so I can't tell if this introduction will take up too much space.

Observation 5: Who Wants News when There is Netflix?

Rarely do I watch TV (thanks WWE Network) with the exception of the Comedy Central 10p (CDT) and 11p (CDT) shows. DVD has made it to impractical to devote myself to shows. If you miss an episode as you are trying to get into it, you may end up lost until the DVD release (OnDemand may not come up naturally). Why would you want the DVD of the season if you were not sure you were into it? And by that point, OnDemand is not an option.

Anyhow, being a movie fan, the lack of time dedicated to television programming is not necessarily a bad thing. I still catch "The Soup," so I'll know if it is safe to stare at the TV just like a junkie, and that is all the news I want...unless Comcast can magically fix the lack of MSNBC in HD which they say is an issue with the equipment on my side. With that being said: Everyone who lives at Forest Park and cares about reasonable politics, just claim the station is out of commission. How can one box not like Rachel Maddow?

HLN has to get rid of that fundamentalist cunt (I would like to get some feedback on whether or not you know who I am referring to [that may fuck up my hotel job if she ends up being a potential guest, but this blog should kill that opportunity]), before I stick around to watch it. CNN seems to be a cluster fuck (why am I so angry that I am not trying to work around the curse words). Fox News is nothing more than a tabloid (look at who owns it, and try to correlate purchases of tabloids with viewership [I have a one/one, maybe a two/two observation now]). So, I do not hear much news unless it made it to Facebook.

Facebook for news, that N-word (can we refer to other words starting with N as N-word right?) will not be capitalized. When you live in Central Illinois, that may be nothing more than the worst of Fox News. Regardless, it is all extreme examples of stances, whether or not the one doing the posting is an extremist or not.

That is why when I share a post, it comes straight from the Obama administration (or the Atheist Republic, but I do not go out of my way to follow them). And now all my conservative friends will call me a hypocrite because I am supporting an extremist.

Lesson 1: How to Prepare Them for the Windows being Rolled Up.

Enough about my politics and lets get to cooked kids and canines (oh alliteration). A friend of mine posted a video of a doctor who locked himself in a sweltering car for 30 minutes to show how inhumane it is to those who cannot make enough of a scene to get a passer by go get help.

It's not the parent's fault, it is your indifference. I will get back on track before I start going all Connor and Murphy on you (it would be in an ironic state).

If they cannot figure out how to unlock the car, they should not be left alone in the car, but Lorde knows that is impractical. Well not really. There is always some method of limited conveyance for children and you can just put sunglasses on to let your dog lead you around. The latter may get you a better parking space.

If the dog is too small to pass for a seeing eye dog, odds are you can carry it around like an American aristocrat (whose wealth should be liquidated, while I am not advocating their execution, and upon their death their heads should be stuck on pikes in front of Wall Street), and if that does not fly, just close the purse. It should be cooler than the car.

And despite I am not a fan of pit-bull advocates:

Own them if you like, but do not expect sainthood for owning an animal that can rip out your throat. If a "domesticated" cat cannot do something that violent, the pet is still too wild.

Sorry about that brief rant, as long as there is what you may call paranoia about the breed, whose going to tell you not to bring the animal with you. Still go pseudo blind, you will probably help the dog ownership cause that way, but I would recommend limiting this to convenient stores. You will have four minutes before the cops come to shoot it.

So, there's no reason to lock your kid or mutt in the car, but it does not mean you cannot.

The doctor in the video was a wuss. I've locked myself inside a hot car, windows up, no AC; to nap and sweat out a hangover. I have done this numerous times (cannot sleep it off when your cubicle is in front of your boss's door). I find it therapeutic. So, what is Fido's problem?

Maybe if the dog or kid was trashed, lets say eight hours before hand, they may appreciate it.

With that being said, I am cool with drunk dogs and kids being locked in. Just do not torture the sober.

The problem with kids is, the booze will probably make them pass out before they can get to a truly shit-faced state. So you have no excuse to lock them in a hot car. But since they cannot handle their booze, be sure to draw a dick on their face when you go out. They will not want to draw attention to themselves, thus they probably will not bitch about getting a toy.

Rationalization 60: Don't Take Your Kids to Places that Sell Toys.

If you take your kid to a store, and go down the toy aisle, those of us who practice safe sex demand you buy them something. Do not make the kid suffer for your stupidity. Just tell them WalMart is a grocery store that ends at the crappy clothes that should have just been sent straight to Goodwill.

Or draw a dick on their face before you run errands.

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