
Monday, August 26, 2019

Rearchiving Blogs: 6/25/09 - It's a Lou Reed Day

...and it just keeps me holding on

June 25, 2009, good day for the Dead Pool. Sadly, I am not the first to try making a social networking site based around it. Again, stuck forever coming up short. It is sad that Farrah Fawcett passed, but it is pathetic that Jackson has made today all about him. What I mean is, Iranians are still dying, could  you not have kept yourself in better shape to not die when there are people dying for a cause.

The last time we had two celebrities die on the same day that I can recall was Cash and Ritter. We had declared, and believed at that time that the mission was accomplished, so we were free to be pissed that Ritter got all the cover stories despite only having "Three's a Company" and the queer in "Slingblade" to his credit. There is no luxury in these celebrity deaths.

I cannot watch TV tonight because I don't want to see the coverage of the celebrity cadavers (and TNA is still making it all about old WWE guys). Right now, there are a lot of important issues (economy, health care, Iran, the treasonous right wing), and it makes me sad that this country is still going to take the time to complain about Michael Jackson stealing tribute time from Fawcett, while some people will try to do the John Ritter thing, and justify why she is more important than the musical icon (to her credit she did have the poster).

It is sad whenever anyone dies, but at this time, the true friends should be the only ones focused on paying them tribute and the media should back off, even if it makes MTV more entertaining for one night (they'll be showing videos).

At least Cobain chose a boring year.

Current mood: complacent
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

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