
Sunday, May 26, 2019

90 Minute Netflix DVD: "Armed Response" or The Turd Seth Could Not Polish

Armed Response - Teaser Trailer
It is a tough stretch for me. By the end of this Saturday shift, I will be half way between my work, best be sleeping, work schedule. I will get a day off before I am back at work, and then it is doing my best to treat my girlfriend for her birthday in Chicago. Only frustrating thing about that is that I will not be able to get my finer clothes washed by my folks since I will be exhausted come Tuesday. My ability to "best be sleeping" is rather poor.

Tonight, I should not have an excuse to avoid bed. Cold fried chicken awaits me (too bad throwing peppers on top of a sauce makes atomic wings from Wingstop nearly inedible, hence more cooking to be done) at home and my "Fucking Brilliant" journal is at least in the car. My streak of movie reviews will continue, provided I remember to take it from the car to the desk. Because of this, "Last Week Tonight" should be the only programming I need (Why did last night's episode of have to to feature Maria Bamford? I needed sleep). There should be no need for me to access Amazon Prime to watch an 80's horror movie.

I do fear my satire is falling to the wayside by doing this movie catch up. It makes me reminisce of my second trip through Illinois Central College. Give me due dates, and I will deliver something to be defanged by the competent editor. My righteous butt appreciated the awareness during the second half of my time at ICC's newspaper, The Harbinger, but it was fun putting the reputation of the paper on the line with pro-steroid pieces.

Steroids, that is probably a good spot to stop tonight. Dolph Ludgren, Michael Jai White, Danny Trejo; these are all stars in the journal. The only other thing on my mind is how The Wrestling Compadres may have managed to prevent me from cancelling them for another month. Praise the "Tom Magee" documentary on the WWE Network while bad mouthing me for not wanting to watch a booking turd like "Money in the Bank" inspires to me to want to engage in their tit for tat, despite the number of times I have been edited for their own su-su-su-su-spect devices. Thrice, pro-feminism views had been cut.

All these movie reviews I am teasing have wrestling parallels, so I should stick to the transition, but when I think about all the times I have been edited, it makes me wonder if I should just try to podcast. My stuff looks good written, but how does it work for the audiophiles? Anchor (thanks for the tip Spotify) says it is easier than ever to find out.

Podcasting does seem to be about talking in circles, so my writing should be fine. At least I know it is better than that in..."Armed Response," the WWE film where I regret giving Seth Rollins 90 minutes to shine a turd, hence why I will not let his A.J. Styles's match inspire me to watch twice the poor writing to get to.

Check out the rest of this review at - A More Acceptable Runtime.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 8: Youth is wasted on the loud)

The problem with having a cat as a birthday gift is that you tend to have the same annual health related appointments. To Eva's credit, my blood work at age 33 (maybe I'll find a way to get out of it at 34) is my fault. But soon it will be prostate exams every year, and to Eva, I am sorry. I will not stand for her not getting her temperature taken at the vet.

Rationalization 20: Birthdays are for Essential Anal Invasion

Another birthday, and it reminds me of my perceived insignificance. Harold Ramis and Tim Wilson's passing the week of it reminds me of how little impact I've had from a creative standpoint. Ramis had the brains for it, so I can't say his success wasn't overly surprising, but Tim Wilson (smart, but not a Lampoon) was about dedication. I also think it had to be about being given opportunities and friends who remembered returning favors.

I can't say that I've been one to leave the impression of, "You better get me back," but I've always busted my ass for anyone who has asked (provided I haven't worked 6 days in a row...without the promise of promotion), so I'm not afraid to say I'm a bit frustrated that trying to be a good person is never rewarded.

Rationalization 21: Facebook is for Self Importance.

It sucks that this blog series was inspired by my spiritual enlightenment. I've found being enlightened leaves me free of being judged when I die. I've done my best to be a good person, how can you say I'm going to hell for not promoting a God followed by people who believe societal perfection was when the King's James Rendition was finished? I don't think many will shit on my name when I pass because of that philosophy, but I think it will be insincere as several people who have and will wish me birthday wellness on Facebook.

Please migrate to Twitter (@MainEventZombie). I hate to sound cold, but beyond your fingers and toes, your friends total does not involve friends. One of the best parts was MySpace would showcase that. Hell people would at least try to earn a Top 8 spot.

At least MySpace didn't, initially, do status updates, your opportunity to say whatever you want without putting any thought into it. Maybe that's why I don't see many liberal thoughts posted on a Central Illinois resident's Newsfeed. The liberals want to make sure their point makes sense instead of hate motivated.

At least Twitter would limit the amount of bull shit idiots can spout by a character count. It doesn't prevent it, but my cynical self can enjoy Richie Incognito's attempts to further ruin Jonathan Martin because of it.

Back to your Facebook phonies, the social network inspires a sense of self importance. So some birthday wishes seem to be their way of paying it forward.

I suppose I better not tweet this blog link out till Sunday evening. I won't get the ingrates calling my "Thanks for the wishes" insincere. They wanted to feel like good people, and I never tell anyone to stop drinking when they want an illusion.

Rationalization 22: Promotion Should be a Reward for Breathing.

What I'm getting out is that people are willing to promote themselves and stupid politics (on a social network, all politics and religion are stupid...the bar rule should apply to "friends"), but there are people who need their help, but they refuse.

Only a few readers have actually asked, "what do you need," "what do you want," and an occasional "how can you be helped?" I'm suspecting that their aren't many readers. The non-reader's attention is dedicated to those who are loud.

Rationalization 23: Promotion is for the Loud.

As I try to write this blog, while I'm working on my birthday (creative and profiting are two tough things to do at the same time), I'm dealing with this weeks high school competitors, poms poms and flags. At least the chess and speech teams had guys around for those girls to not act (overtly) like they are the center of attention.

Then again, they must be use to the attention. The best known porno (not centered around oral sex) was about cheerleaders, not bookworms.

It leads me to a better understanding about how I am good in the customer service field. I deal with people one-on-one and relate. LOUD NOISES!!! that is nothing more than the babbling of girls talking to each other, expecting you to be impressed, not my thing. I focused on trying to win over the "blah" shy girls. Fortunately, I thought they were the most beautiful girl was a part of that group.

Too bad shyness was rampant among those who aren't loud. I suppose that's why class clowns developed from the least athletic. The noisy cheerleaders could relate to the loud mouth, if not, they had a little more cache with the quiet girls than the quiet boys.

It goes back to Rationalization 16: Size Does Matter. I say that because volume and physical attributes seem to be what determines value. The more, the better. This is a reference to Wrestlemania's main event, but if you aren't fitting what society's deems a valuable item, society will more than likely abandon you...or someone will say don't take a gamble on him.

Rationalization 24: My Readers Don't Think I'm a Safe Gamble.

I'm sorry to offend, but you shouldn't be miffed at the evidence. The feedback I've suggested is to throw a few thousand at me to make me deliver a film ("Main Event of the Dead" my pro-wrestling zombie B-movie, ask for a treatment by e-mailing The problem is that I do not have the people to produce anything with the cash. I'm not deemed to have value, so no one will get behind me.

The other suggestion was a makeover. Are they willing to accept a pink-haired Don Draper wannabe? If I don't get to use my radical charm, then I'm just a sell out and not being myself.

I guess I'm out to prove that I am worthwhile, but I'm not loud or big (muscle wise, I have volume where it counts), so it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter, then I guess we get to transition to the point of "Schrodinger's Cat."

And next week, provided nothing changes, we will investigate my version of existentialism. Just have your funds prepared to support my fiscal losses if you deem treatment is necessary to resolve any "issues."

Fuck you if you start a Kickstarter to raise those funds instead of supporting "Main Event of the Dead." At least money from multiple sources presents the illusion of value.

06.09.09 Emotionally and Financially Broke In Vegas

Current mood:  crushed

As you've probably read, my life has been in the dumps. At least that's my opinion. Don't worry I brought a long evidence to support it.

Regardless of the argument, five days in Vegas should remedy that or at the very least relieve some of the symptoms. Especially when it was going to be my last hurrah with my little brother before he got married.

Unfortunately, my mother wanted to make it as Peoria...scratch that...AC Morton as possible. Different time zone, but same crap. Frustrating since I saved up as much of my unemployment as possible to have fun.

Damn WGN's "Around the World for Free" when you can't do Vegas on a hundred bucks.

Yes, Penn & Teller were awesome, Santana did his thing well, but I don't go to Vegas for the shows. I like to try my luck, but I only end up with $50 to do so. Hell, with my li'l bro, I thought I'd have people to socialize with for a change. But when your Mom is determined not to be embarrassed in any possible way (using your brother as the justification), I'm left watching cable in their bedroom realizing that no matter where I go, the my dilemma remains the same.


Saw Penn & Teller, came back to hotel room knowing I'd have little money to gamble with, so better save. End up getting an earful from my little sister that I have to live my life how everyone else does since that is the reason I'm depressed. Told her how I accepted responsibility for my life, and that's why I argue with myself about ending it each night. But the night ended with promise since my li'l brother said we'd paint the town the next day since he didn't think I'd be able to enjoy the bachelor party.


Went to the pool with my bro and his fiance, lunch, and even went to the courthouse to get their license. I went to take a break from them since they got talked into going to Freemont by her parents. Rand said we were on afterwords, so I didn't intend to go, especially since I didn't have the coin. My mom got out of her drunken stupor enough to join them on the excursion, and since I needed something to do, I tagged along. Eventually, I'm getting ready to kill the time till Rand got to me when my mom orders me to the hotel because "it's all about him and he doesn't want you around." This is when it was also determined that I would now have similar boarding arrangement to the ones I have now. No privacy and no objection to what my mom determines is right. It was also made clear that Mom had no clue about how I feel, and even if she did, she couldn't understand....scratch that...she refuses to understand.


Went to the pool with my bro and his company, and then to lunch with family. Followed that up by seeing "The Hangover" with my parents. Then just stayed in the hotel not wanting to do anything since I had no cash to gamble, no social network to hang out with. I'd just accepted that life won't get better wherever I'm at. No one to blame but myself.


Did I mention I stayed sober the prior two days in hopes to get a tattoo at Las Vegas Tattoo Club in the Miracle Mile shops? Even got the idea for a Tokidoki design to get done. A couple of drinks and I was drunk for the rehearsal. Fortunately, I played it off well. My mom didn't know until how she talked about how we were going to get hammered after the wedding. She also gave me grief about how I didn't seem to want to get a girl to marry. I told her there was a lot of psychological stuff that I wasn't going to talk to her about. So I get more grief as the days goes on. To the point that after the wedding, Rand has a picture taken with me just to apologize for how bad my weekend was.


I saw Santana, and it was awesome, but can't say I did anything worthwhile beyond that.

I actually had therapy today. More appointments set, but no improvement. I just said I'm waiting till I finally end it. He said things aren't getting worse for me, but I failed to tell him how every new thing I try falls upon death ears. Nothing will get better. My Dad even acknowledges how horrible my life is.

I am just the ultimate down note. My therapist said "You can't make the suicide decision because You are depressed. You are not in any position to make that decision."

I'm sorry, even when I'm having a fun, I take a look at my life and wonder why I don't have a FOID card. When something really good happens, I want to die because I can leave with an accomplished. Why couldn't I have been stabbed after I bought my $30 Smorkin' Plush Labbit.

Is there really more to life than owning a stuffed bunny with five o'clock shadow, cigarette, and butt-hole?

Saturday, May 18, 2019

90 Minutes on Prime: Contamination...of Cinematic Bed Bites

School is out and I am shagged.

My suggestions for my retailer to make my position full-time come as they do a manager swap. Not that it would allow me to step away from my corporate hotel position, but more money and less chances for the management to put me on a back burner in terms of time off requests would be nice.

Did I want to go to a wedding tonight? Not particularly as I think of the poor catering and lack of bar from the last one my girlfriend took me to. The couple each brought one kid into the relationship, so I suppose chicken fingers had to be on the menu, but when you order one cheap item, you tend to keep buying cheap instead of compensating by buying something that sounds sophisticated. And then the kids stuff is being devoured by adults looking for a sure thing. An outdoor reception in the middle of no where kind of prevents a kitchen from providing you warm food as well. A bar of any type would have been nice to wash that stuff down with.

I could say it would be nice to be on the other side of the desk after dealing with drunks at the iHotel. My marvelous debonair drunk status would allow me to side with the staff and try to guilt trip the assholes from the nuptials to get their shit together. Of course, today's wedding would be in town. And the next wedding she wants me to accompany her to is during UIUC football season, so doubt that will hold up unless I get out of this extended stay facility.

My current hospitality position is constantly filled with reasons to want to leave. Tonight's motivator was team members who lack the skill set to work with guests deciding to book birthday parties for their kids at very discounted rates. If you cannot deal with guests, you probably do not handle yourself with an attitude that most people can tolerate. Do on to others, treat people the way you want to be treated, live the role. You know what kind of bullshit we deal with, do not act like you were waiting a turn to reciprocate.

Not wanting much respect might not be a bad thing. If we are not going the extra mile for ourselves, society might get more relaxed. Sadly, they those who have everything will use that as an excuse to exploit you. If you do not want to impress people, you do not need the means to do so. I hate to kill the buzz, but you got to act like you want to be appreciated.

Where to transition to from here? Do I rant about my girlfriend's perception that I might tight bummed nature should end when I am in the confines of our home? Or should I start my movie review about an Italian-German "Alien" ripoff that tried more than most foreign knockoffs to be appreciated, "Contamination"?

"Game of Thrones" has not concluded yet, so better keep the peace for the next 48 hours. Here is a review for something that "80's All Over" over reacted to.

School is out and I am shagged.

My suggestions for my retailer to make my position full-time come as they do a manager swap. Not that it would allow me to step away from my corporate hotel position, but more money and less chances for the management to put me on a back burner in terms of time off requests would be nice.

Did I want to go to a wedding tonight? Not particularly as I think of the poor catering and lack of bar from the last one my girlfriend took me to. The couple each brought one kid into the relationship, so I suppose chicken fingers had to be on the menu, but when you order one cheap item, you tend to keep buying cheap instead of compensating by buying something that sounds sophisticated. And then the kids stuff is being devoured by adults looking for a sure thing. An outdoor reception in the middle of no where kind of prevents a kitchen from providing you warm food as well. A bar of any type would have been nice to wash that stuff down with.

I could say it would be nice to be on the other side of the desk after dealing with drunks at the iHotel. My marvelous debonair drunk status would allow me to side with the staff and try to guilt trip the assholes from the nuptials to get their shit together. Of course, today's wedding would be in town. And the next wedding she wants me to accompany her to is during UIUC football season, so doubt that will hold up unless I get out of this extended stay facility.

My current hospitality position is constantly filled with reasons to want to leave. Tonight's motivator was team members who lack the skill set to work with guests deciding to book birthday parties for their kids at very discounted rates. If you cannot deal with guests, you probably do not handle yourself with an attitude that most people can tolerate. Do on to others, treat people the way you want to be treated, live the role. You know what kind of bullshit we deal with, do not act like you were waiting a turn to reciprocate.

Not wanting much respect might not be a bad thing. If we are not going the extra mile for ourselves, society might get more relaxed. Sadly, they those who have everything will use that as an excuse to exploit you. If you do not want to impress people, you do not need the means to do so. I hate to kill the buzz, but you got to act like you want to be appreciated.

Where to transition to from here? Do I rant about my girlfriend's perception that I might tight bummed nature should end when I am in the confines of our home? Or should I start my movie review about an Italian-German "Alien" ripoff that tried more than most foreign knockoffs to be appreciated, "Contamination"?

"Game of Thrones" has not concluded yet, so better keep the peace for the next 48 hours. Here is a review for something that "80's All Over" over reacted to.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtime"

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 7: A Justifiable School Shooting Scenario)

And of course as I start to typing this blog, the remnants of the IHSA State Speech Tourney kids arrive back at the hotel. And they're in a good mood. I'm in no mood for celebrations.

I was in a downer mood. When have I been sober and in a different mood this year? There were Rivermen games, but then came the unexpected, under appreciated (from a guest standpoint) nights as a concierge. Here's to hoping they're at least in the ECHL next season, that'll be worth dealing with loud, elitist high school bastards (it was the chess championships last week), white trash sports fan and those who do not have the skills to sell cars (they do Verizon better at the corporate stores).

I've also been dealing with the fact that these kids' mascot, the Terrier, has been nagging me the last couple days. What an annoyance? I think back to my little yorkie Maully and of that same freaking Jack Russell from every sitcom in of the 90's (because I'm in a downer, both Eddies from "Frasier" are dead), and there is no way they can intimidate their opponents. I'd at least put the word "Rabid" between the city name and mascot. Then again, when they're school gets shot up because some 618 redneck's arsenal falls in the hand of their depressed kid, the headline will read "20 Rabid Terriers Shot Dead." There will be people who will think, "that makes sense. What else do you do with the rabid?"

Rationalization 17: Facebook is for baby pictures, not politics.

The rationalization comes from my frustration that the only politics from Central Illinois is conservative. With their pro-life, pro-gun, pro-capital punishment--one day--baby pictures are the only thing that will be available to show. They'll have shot or executed anyone who doesn't agree with them. They won't get that done, but they're hoping. It's impossible growing up in Morton and not equating this to the following article from The Onion:

"German Leaders Quietly Confident They Could Pull Off Another Holocaust If They Ever Really Wanted"

There are more privately owned guns than American citizens. Perhaps the Republicans should push immigration reform just so the numbers make a little more sense.

Dealing with annoyances, I do not know if I have much more patience for it. If it isn't obnoxious guests, it's Facebook. It just ticks me off that people are more concerned about disseminating Right Wing bullshit than reading my own blog. Not to say that I watch a lot of my friends video blogs (most of them lack structure and the ones that promote well make me want to dedicate time that I don't think I'll have time to dedicate), but I've done more of that than reading articles by Tea Party Terrorists who deny global warming because it was not documented in a document written by ignorant, paranoid bigots.

Of course ignorant, paranoid bigots probably don't read the blogs I'm alluding to. They just like the pretty pictures with inaccurate statistics if they even state facts at all. Still, instead of my next step in promoting (if I'm around to keep doing so) is just posting a link to this blog in the close minded' comment section. Obviously, I'll wait till the next one, but that sounds more interesting than appealing to individual Peoria pro wrestlers to who I think they could portray in "Main Event of the Dead (my B-Movie ZomCom, email for a treatment.)". Anything sounds better than kissing the asses of those who keep me out of doing what I love to do.

Rationalization 18: Memes should only be seasonal.

Perhaps Facebook can be blamed for why I'm not interested in producing offspring (or dealing with other's). Kid pics are too sweet and I have diabetes, and thinning patience. But I still have patience. If I didn't, I'd be screaming for people to keep it in church to every post promoting a deity.

I maybe right, you maybe crazy. And unless you're a crazy girl whose an entertainer, you aren't the lunatic I'm looking for.

I don't mean to be down on religion, I just used it differently to arrive at my philosophy. I used the lessons to be enlightened, that is reward enough, so I don't need to worry about an afterlife. If I'm not worthy of a heaven, smeg off. I don't promote that...unless I think I have something thoughtful to say...and without a meme.

If you need a picture to draw your attention, get a Ritalin or medicinal marijuana prescription. Medical J, you'll at least an excuse. An ADD med, you can appreciate the words coming out of my fingers.

But, I can appreciate a love for your faith as much as you can appreciate my love for the Cubs, so I can't be opposed to the promotion. I'm just annoyed by it, like how I'm annoyed of Packers and Bears memes during the football season. For the most part, they come to an end.

I'm sorry the NFL splits the time that Jesus hoopla is supposed to be at it's height. It doesn't justify annoying me the other eight months of the year with unnecessary images that can cause discomfort to those who don't subscribe to the poster's faith. The Chicago sports scene is not a path to heaven, and I know that and it doesn't promote that. Promoting a path to heaven that doesn't make sense to someone, but expecting them to not question that feels wrong.

An example is someone saying something like, "TV needs more God." If you feel that the cause for most wars is promoted enough, you're offended by the concept.

Rationalization 19: Liberty means antagonizing

There isn't a prominent extreme liberal side while there is a prominent extreme greedy-Christian side. That indicates to me those who dare people to share memes with statements like "don't be afraid to offend people," are abusing the First Amendment. They want their side to antagonize those who don't agree with them. If you tell them that, you're stepping on their rights, even if they are asking for it.

If I had a looney for each time I've been told "move to Canada moosefucker," I could support my X-
Box Live superscription to thoroughly enjoy the WWE Network. No Chromecast app. Why is Vince McMahon out to ruin everything I love?

My last blog was about humanity being weasels. This one ends up being about humanity as bullies. And we wonder why I don't think there is any future for me in this world.

At least I know why people said my performance as a heel was lacking. If they only gave me seven blogs worth of promo time to explain how great a product I can provide. That would be about 14 minutes, and I know you'd rather I have it than Orton or Bautista.

I'm wrong, it'll be eight blogs to prove my convictions.

Hope Is the Stab in the Back Instead of the Slap in the Face

Yes, this part of the blog isn't very optimistic. It just happens to define the result for something I really hope go wells that inevitably blows up in my face.

Film expert, critic, screenwriter...I got two complete drafts if anyone has money to produce it...SIX fucking years of customer service. All of those define me, but it's been 48 hours, and I guess they don't equal Video Store clerk. I'll hang the boots up for a DVD's, but fate deems that I'm not doing enough.

Like with college. Mom finally gives me a comforting "okay, you can go to school this semester" instead of the bitter "your father wants to retire soon", and now the classes I need to knock out a Mass Communications degree are closed up. Some of them have got to be due to lack of interest, but still, I won't even get to take the Web Media Production course despite my professional certification from the college I'm taking classes at.

A personal blog with just one obscenity...Guess I'm not feeling to bad. But I'm not feeling to bad because of hope. That makes one bitter bastard. Could I at least be an inglorious one?

Now I'll leave you with the real depressing stuff, but I'll post my Domo Banner for my anime blog to try getting a smile.

Current mood:  crushed
To answer a the question Basement Jaxx posed, "Where's your head at?"

Not many have been made aware of the excitement of the last weekend for me. It's lead to a lot of reflection. Basically, I live because I don't want to be an asshole.

I wish I could live for the wrestling business, but the assholes in Springfield, Peoria, and Chicago won't allow it. The wrestling business owes me nothing, but there are plenty in the business in every fed I've worked who are comfortable with never acknowledging my efforts or to even let it come to their mind that they owe me. I've been fucking dreaming about the business every night, and I just want to fucking die. The thought that I'll have to beg to those who owe me to get back where I should be, defeats my efforts.

But then again, I'm simply defeated. Hunter S. Thompson said that being aware of the option to commit suicide is the only way to the stay sane. That lucky fuck.

I am not being vain, but I not going to give you incite on those I care for. After this weekend, I know that if I offed myself, the pain to others could ruin so many important people. Fuck Thompson and his legend.

I am the foot note. Important to many, but that's where it stops. Pursuing a "regular life" is painful, and pursuing my dreams are insane.

I officially hate living, because that's all I can do. In the end, I lose those I care for, so I'm free to die, and that's all I'm free to do, because all the dreams are gone.

Sorry for this downer. I really wanted to write about my latest coping efforts, but those would not give you the incite into how gone I truly am.

Moon: A Sam Rockwell One Man Show

First off, let us thank the producers of "Moon" from preventing or at least delaying a remake of "2001: A Space Odyssey". I'm sure that Kevin Spacey would be perfect for the role of Hal, but thankfully he gave his voice to Gerty the robot. It is great to know that this generation will not be blamed for the desecration of Stanley Kubrick.

This film maybe Sam Rockwell attempt to prove himself as an unlikely leading man. Since "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind", he is probably considered the Seth Rogen of independent film when he should be considered the next Robin Williams. He should have been able to advance from comic support to legitimate actor like Williams has, but since I seem to be one of the only supporters of "Choke", it has not happened.

Moon is dependent upon a great performance by its lead, and if the character was a bit more memorable, Rockwell performance should be talked about in the early months of 2010.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtime"

Moon (2009) - IMDb

Sunday, May 12, 2019

90-Minute Netflix DVD - Nirvana: Christopher Lambert versus The Antivax Mouse

It is looking like it will be a super weekend for Three of the next five blogs will be movie reviews and not just me refining my content for After dealing with people babying their adult children with overblown graduation celebrations in the lobby, I feel the class struggle expressed in 1990's cyberpunk films from America and Italy. The Franco-African party in the meeting room also fulfills that smaller world feel of these flicks as well.

We need to develop customer service apprenticeships or have all businesses that require its employers to be legal adults be operated under University banners. People like myself who enjoy and find that the field suits us well may be allowed to earn the same respect as anybody with a bachelors. Imagine how good we would be at the job if it was supervised by a college.

At least that way, people will understand that the merit systems of reward programs do not place you in a position to demand hotel rooms a facility does not have. Especially when you know there is probably only one agent on site. This society is never going to get over bullying.

I could go into the customer service side of bullying, but judging that two rehashed entries this weekend are a bout depression, I will digress.

And, educational credit may not help the customer service field. If we mock youthful fast food employees, why would we not mock youthful clerks. It may just be a case of the haves versus the have nots, which is the root of all end of the millennium science fiction. Fortunately, we have not experienced the devastating economic falls that were prophesied, but the rise in diseases seems to be a poignant prediction.

Antivaxxers might just be the product of the rich's influence on those who envy them in the lower classes. If they do not give their kids a medicinally-insured childhood, and it seems to work, the idolization will leave the poor believing their kids will be fine. They just need to be reminded that Jenny McCarthy quit having kids and Alicia Silverstone can put her little ones in plastic bubbles.

Which movie studio has the antidotes? Sony and Paramount have not been making a lot of moves to increase their portfolios, so I think they would be the likely suspects. Paramount and Lionsgate make a lot of moves together (like refraining from joining Movies Anywhere) so they may be too dependent upon each other, but would Sony go and distribute a film like "Johnny Mnemonic" if they were hiding the MacGuffin.

Per chance it is the most obvious conglomerate, Disney. Fox was the UK distributor on "Mnemonic" and Miramax was under the Disney banner when they released the dub of the Christopher Lambert film that inspired this blog, "Nirvana". The mouse is hiding his evil intentions in plain sight.

Read this motion pictures review at - A More Acceptable Runtime.

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 6: Humanity is Buscemi)

Difficult people, difficult weather, difficult blogging session. I'd like to quote "Common People" by Pulp (because everyone hates a...), but I don't want the blow back from my favorite employer.

If the far from needy loiterers weren't enough difficulty (just because your only eating at the restaurant shouldn't give you the presumption that your convenient parking is more important than those who are snowed in), I found this blog to be difficult to start. I could probably just go with a rant about the people who are difficult in my life (strippers, chat bots and fundamentalist Facebook friends...oh my), but I don't think this is the time for it.
Sorry Jiji, found cuter Ghibli cats
Rationalization 14: Timing is Everything.

It's not my focus on the difficult that delayed this blog. The cell sales people I've been shuttling to the steak house haven't shown much gratitude, with the exception of crediting my drifting skills (who needs four-wheel drive), may keep me from finishing this blog tonight (2/15/14), but if I would have timed my cat tattoo hunt (I think I have something to use from "Kiki's Delivery Service"...RIP Phil Hartman), there wouldn't be any problem. Instead I may have shut that window without even having a sub-sub-subtitle for this blog.

You here timing is everything, and the successful all have seemed to be in the right place at the right time. Everyone tells me when they meet their significant others, they were not looking for that person. Maybe my depression stems from that right time never occurring. I can't even be "Die Hard" cool about it because if I was ever in the wrong place at the wrong time (outside the Illinois Central College's web design program...stupid programmers under cutting the fundamentals of design innovation), I could be the hero or at least get a great catch phrase out of it. Instead, my high points in Peoria is defined by the phrase, "Shut up Russ."

This is a great parallel to why I'm not taking antidepressants, I'd rather feel depressed than nothing at all. At least I'm not a poser like "Three Days Grace." It should be a rule that after a successful mainstream album, your songs should not try to seem so blatantly depressing. Unless you're talented, but when have we seen that out of a rock group in the last decade (to be kind).

I'm just saying focus on storytelling in terms of entire albums. At least when it sucks, you can say you're experimenting. Just make sure you have a multi-record deal and pop gold already prepared for the rebound album before becoming daring.

With that being said, how awesome is my sophomore film going to have to be (after all of together put "Main Event of the Dead, my pro-wrestling zomcom in the can. Get a treatment by emailing me at Why am I teasing myself with optimism when windows are made to be shut?

Rationalization 15: Everyone is Mr. Pink

That's more clever way of saying "Shop Corporate instead of Local for Cell Phones," as the rationalization.

10 trips around the unplowed north end of Peoria, and I'm rewarded with $15 in gratuity and not enough time to finish this blog that night. If you think I'm being petty, I think it is fair that I get one dollar per passenger per trip. 24 people one way, 18 the other. I could see why it was appropriate for Joe Cabot to say something hateful to Steve Buscemi.

It was wrong to use the five-letter F word to emasculate Mr. Pink. I would have chosen cunt, that's color appropriate.

Too often humanity seems to be like Mr. Pink. Four die with thoughts of honor while the hamster ("G-Force" joke) runs off with the loot.

My night ending that way seemed appropriate. Obviously, the entry was going into of how it looks like I won't have a chance to be productive. I'm too old to have a wrestling career. My back injury would makes even getting back in the ring a disrespectful act to my family. The likeliness of finding the right girl is virtually nil.

I was too focused on wrestling to knock a girl up to forever spend my weekends at Stone Country, and you can't really find anyone in Downtown P-Town. Punk shows are a bit painful when you know you can't talk to the seemingly ideal match because the girls who are there are always with their man for security sake. Now, the girls my age are all dedicated to whatever family they left their twenties with.

The cost of being an Anglophile punk. The end of "God Save the Queen" by The Sex Pistols seems to define me:

"No future, no future, no future for me."

Then again was there ever one?

I suppose at long last I haven't let the cat out of the radioactive box, I must drudge on. Sorry if it seems I'm wrapping up "Schrodinger Part 6" prematurely. Blame the Digital Store from keeping me away from a larger monitor. My laptop was chosen for its Tech Specs, not screen size.

Rationalization 16: Size Does Matter.

At least keeping this blog short was probably a good thing.

Another Example of My Longwinded, Pesimistic Nature

Saturday, October 13, 2007: Missing organs? Rant ends at paragraph 15, subject start at 16

Current mood: restless

Stuck awake, depressed, and I probably made a mistake by watching "Saw 2" before bed time.

Can you blame me for being hard on myself? Those who do not appreciate life do not deserve it.
Great, now I gotta replace the bulletin title, it feels like a rant.

Why do I want to be a writer? I haven't put much thought into that. Really, the concept came from being declared as the total mainstream outcast from a few personality test. A weirdo, eh? Let's run with it.

So I'm stuck in ICC's Creative Writing (short stories) with a poor instructor who believes that my sense of humor is that of a scumbag. I guess a more accurate description would be from his critique of my first story that was A work with an unjust B grade.

Hey, it may not have been publishable (that's what rewrites are for), but compared to what I work shopped in class:

"There is nothing funny about these horrific events. Characters that make light of it are scumbags."

I admit my second work was not A quality, or B, I think C quality (again, rewrites), but the story was great, and readable, but his ignorance to appreciate it bugs me.

After all this, let me just say, this is more of a journal than a literary work. So fuck you for fucking nitpicking.

Now that my teacher isn't going to teach the class, I am really considering (and did) dropping it. Actually, it's not the lack of teaching, it's that the work I'm working on doesn't feel like mine.

Incorporating static stereotypical characters in my tale, took away from the inner struggle that I pride myself on. More importantly, making light of the struggle.

I didn't get much joy in turning a junky into an obese bastard. Some addictions are not universal I guess. From my experience, they can walk hand-in-hand. Just look at Carrie Clifton.

Is it wrong for wanting the world to know what kind of cunt she is (was)? At least till she has proven otherwise that is (was) my position. But still documentation for her kid to possibly come across is the important thing...right?

Now to the instructor would probably hated the fact that I just don't say it right out. Ironic, since he failed to tell us that his head slipped up his ass as he was trying to kiss up to his so called greatness.

If you won't let me develop the characters to develop the story, don't act that way.

I've really lost the stomach for writing, at least for that fuck. It is not worth it since I got to still stick with the hell of the truck stop (I think the flames support the metaphor), or give it up and get a depressing forty-hour a week job.

I know, not all 9 to 5 are downers, but when nothing seems to be an upper, I believe the hopelessness is just.

Throughout my whole life, I busted my ass to live a worthwhile life. When it seemingly stopped (bankrupt, no bookings, constantly looked over for douche bags...which maybe redundant since it covers the prior two), I was left clueless and without the support that something good will come of the experience.

Again, I lost the stomach. Why can't the metaphor be the reality? Oh for life without the gut kayfaber. If you don't know what that is, well your not suppose to know what it it. Let's just say I'm sick of 34 inch jeans that are 3 inches to long.

So I guess, I really have lost the stomach, but without the stomach, have I lost my heart? The ability to put up with this shit. Especially in the wrestling business.

Lord knows the mind is gone. It at least seems that way. To get thrown onto 2 by 4 for my life, that can't be sane.

Take in the concussion history...well...anyone know how to suffocate on stuffed animals. If I gotta do some "Frankenstein" or Bride of Chucky bull shit to do it, I will.

After all this, the realization that I may not have the internal visceral organs (I will win my war with the liver damnit), maybe the mind is still there.

Better wrap this up, gotta bash my head into the desk a few times. Can't let this depressing sane feeling stick around.

Night of the Living Dead: Film Analysis for MCOMM 224

Current mood: lazy

Dialogue from George A. Romero's 1968 horror classic, Night of the Living Dead:
"We'd all be better off us three working together."
"We may not enjoy living together, but dying together won't solve anything."
"Beat em', burn em', they go up pretty easy."

These lines could all be associated with the Civil Rights movement, the last being a description of a lynching. From interviews with the co-writer/director, he considered the film to be a message about racism (the film's first sequel was about consumerism and its third sequel about corporate greed). His message was delivered to an unprepared audience with a black protagonist by the means of zombies. With the support of critics and horror film enthusiasts, this maybe one of the longest lasting message about the subject.
    Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtime"

    Sunday, May 5, 2019

    Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 5: Cat Tats and Tatters)

    I was a little stressed out about starting this blog. Not over the content, but whether or not I could deal with an over reaction to the post after I put that Facebook post and Tweet out there. This is how I make sure I keep up my writing, but also how I kill time at work. Post it too early in the evening, I may have to deal with the panic and my inevitable mental breakdown for a few hours on the clock.

    Rationalization 13: Timing makes a cool tattoo

    Backlash shouldn't be an issue since I started writing this after my first shuttle run, so I'll have traffic to slowdown my progress. Still, remember I am driving people around till 12:00 am CST February 8, 2014. Please hold back your phone calls and text until all of the hotel's guests are tucked in their beds or pondering whether or not they needed that late night stop to Al's. Don't worry gents, it shows up as B.A. Restaurant, Inc. on the credit card statement.

    It may just be LLC...if I go into why I think that, I may not be allowed back in.

    No longer a butt or tramp stamp concept
    Holding off on starting to write this blog worked out pretty well. I was able to amuse myself with trying to figure out how to build upon my Catbus tattoo. Because of all of the headaches of the early week, I determine that's a priority instead of getting my "Tank Girl" V-sign (that reads dirty for some reason, thus the concept art).

    Since I refused, at that moment, to think about Claire Danes-esque existence (the title of that show I never watched back in the 90's not her actual existence that DiCaprio has forever trivialized), I seemed to like the challenge of coming up with Miyazaki elements to add above my fifth tattooed furball (I will get to Evangeline soon enough). Like always, my hard hardheadedness was not rewarded.

    Everyone has kodomas or San's mask (damn that's too much Claire, and we've yet to imply my best friend), I don't want to use Baron T-shirt art from tees I've purchased, and that Fall Out Boy twat has a "Howl's Moving Castle" tattoo. Is pop punk out to make every Faux Mohican (Guttermouth song, expand your horizons) look bad? It's our tackiness, don't use it to sell records. Don't let it get associated with insecure sisters of inexplicable pop success who ruin their most attractive feature.

    As long as it isn't "Porco Roso" wide or Sarah Jessica Parker long (then again that maybe her cheese wedge of a head), a big nose can be sexy. Now I have a Al Snow/Wrestlemania 20 joke I could make, but back to the ink.

    I did find some stuff to add to the sides of my Catbus from "The Cat Returns" and some tanooki suit ideas. Would it be okay to incorporate the cats from "Sailor Moon" instead? Regardless of the anime ideas, I don't know if I want to dedicate that much time to a tattoo I can't see or won't be able to show off. Maybe my grand Grumpy Bear tattoo needs to be my next one to get rid of that limitation, but that maybe a bloody Pillsbury incident waiting to happen. My imaginary deity, what will people imagine from that statement?

    People say, "timing is everything," and you can say I presented evidence suggesting that. Everything about my tattoo struggle and blog timing, I could control. Except for Pete Wentz shitting on the most underrated Ghibli film of the last 17 years.

    I suppose it depends when he got the work done. If it was in the last nine years, I slipped up on calling that FIRSTIES!!! If it was before that, my ink was for my Star Wars wrestling gimmick (I now call Darth Claudius) or Stacia Hardin inspired. Otherwise, the colored flesh was suppose to begin and end with my 87-89 Cubbie Bear. Maybe I should get that touched up first.

    I never thought I'd say this, but Cats before Cubs. Even if I can decide on what Northside fandom to build around or pick-up a wrestling booking to prevent this faded icon from being forever covered, I got to get back my independent spirit. I'm not about money, so I can't be reminded of something I'm not...A SELL OUT.

    Realization 14: Friends determine value.

    I maybe a clinically depressed lichen, too apathetic to maim, or to proud a cat lover to turn into a mutt. Every month starts, and I'm in the absolute shits. At least 2014 has been that way. 2013 at least had true friends. This may have been why nothing got done in terms of "Main Event of the Dead" until I wrote a treatment that I sent to a podcaster asking for advise or support to the project.

    With what I've wrote, it would be hypocritical to come up with an Eminem's "Stan" tribute," but my sick sense of humor doesn't stop me from imagining it. Sadly, it wouldn't be appreciative since there are so many people who are prejudice of felines. No one would appreciate me driving off the Bob Michel Bridge with a spayed cat in the trunk.

    It would actually end up being an unsolvable homicide instead of a suicide that would give a rapper press. Eva the cat letting me pull the murder/suicide off (cats are people too, so there's the murder half...which makes me further support the fictitious concept of Obama death panels). If you met the cat, that isn't going to work.
    1. In all likelihood, she'd catch me off guard with her cuteness (I have a sick Chris Benoit joke I could tell, but this site is suppose to be about selling my film project).
    2. She'd figure a way to put me into the trunk (cats live to trip people), and close it (and pounce on things).
    3. She'd go all Toonces (the greatest one joke Saturday Night Live sketch ever), and drive me off a ravine.
    This scenario leaves me with a better understanding of Hara-kiri. My cat is acting as the second who decapitates their friend who is disemboweling themselves. That maybe the measure of a true friend. Not the person who will bail you out when your in trouble or the person you're sharing a cell with, but the person who will make absolutely sure your secrets of the evening never get out.

    That's a little grim to end this on. A true friend will help you accomplish something. I wasn't thinking about the script last year because I thought of stuff I could accomplish with friends. My best friend and I caught three great shows that we would forever regret not seeing. There were girls who left me thinking that maybe we could achieve something as a couple.

    The latter two left me blind. My best friend left me high and dry because she thought, "if she was a consolation prize to me, he deserves no prizes." She wanted my friendship to be enough to keep caring on and quit worrying about how I have no value to anyone else. When I said that I needed to be valued by others, she wrote me off.

    Or it was because I think her boyfriend is a bad person and I feel wronged that the bad get rewarded. He maybe a better person now, but he doesn't have to be.

    So I have no one to go to the Pixies with and no one to put me out of my misery. The only value you can say I have is to my employers, my fellow employees and my family. Until I piss them off.

    Rationalization 15: Now I wanna be...the Cat (I couldn't bring myself to say "Your Dog")

    Instead on focusing on the title of this blog was going to be, I noted what rationalizations I wanted to write to get to the conclusion. I only scratched the surface of one of them and I'm running out of page downs.

    I don't blame anyone for wishing a work week coma on me. That way, it will all end with Part 6. But do you really want it to end on a Cosby moment? If you went to a Big Ten or Ivy League school, I suggest you work on that suspended animation theory. Need a Guinea pig...or a cat for your box...I'm game, as long as I get $400 to make up for loss wages.

    Video Games Cannot be Sacred

    Current mood: lethargic

    Just picked a couple of titles for the Wii, but I am still determine to work through the sadly addictive nature of "WWE: Smackdown vs. Raw 2008" before I put that on the GameStop trade in pile (If I could get more than $11 buck for it, you'd see it on I say sadly addicting because what ever drug it could be compared to, they cut the hell out of it.

    Not one to end the night playing video games (kinda promised Stacia that a long time ago), I decided to chill out and put a DVD in till the Sleepinol got the better of me. It's either that or watch Gametrailer TV on Spike. Personally, I feel I gave the network enough of my time watching the crap that is TNA television. I could do a blog on every mistake they made since day one, but I digress.

    It isn't like I couldn't do that. What kind of face am I afraid of losing? Petey Williams is my only friend on the dying social network that is MySpace who was on the active roster.

    Still, I cannot say that I wasn't curious about the program that is capitalizing on G4 choosing to show "Cops" and "Cheaters" most of the time. Their pitch: Video Game Burlesque Tribute. On cable? Something tells me they'd be messing that up?

    I mean, I cannot come up with a gimmick to leave Chun Li with only pasties on. Can you? Are these girls genuine burlesque performers, or the Midnight Strip girls complaining about not getting enough exposure for their recently purchased upper torso enhancements?

    If they were real burlesque performers, I doubt they be making the money to afford the fake tats, and they wouldn't be in that anorexic shape. The art form that is the tease had been adopted by the feminist movement, so it really is only about the tease. Being picturesque wad targets is secondary. The concept of seeing the chicks get bare is why a guy should want to bust one.

    On a side note, before a girl decides to go into burlesque, at least look attractive enough that us guys want to see you naked. If you are going to be impersonating Ursula from "Disney's The Little Mermaid", it's all right to balance the scale that has Divine's corpse on the other side. But if you are just big enough to be mistaken for John Water's first meal ticket, avoid the rubber and vinyl clothing.

    So many channels, and there is still nothing to watch. I just wasn't up for waiting till 2:15am to see Jennifer Connely's tits in "The Hot Spot", despite I find rare R-Rated nudity to be more entertaining than porn 60% of the time. Oh for the days of the NC-17 flick that came after "Emmanuele" on Cinemax. It was just a simpler time.

    Well, I still had to unwind, so as I said, I popped a DVD in. "Resident Evil". A good zombie flick, but lacking a Jill or one of the Redfields doesn't make it a good video game movie. Especially when it gets me flash forwarding to "Resident Evil: Extinction".

    What was the deal with that one Paul W.S. Anderson? Russell Mulcahy has his moments, but did you have to write him a script that he couldn't say no to?

    Bastardizing the original concept, you know Russell is going to love that script. That's probably why we had to deal with "Highlander 2: The Quickening". What were you thinking Paul? You wrote and directed "Event Horizon", were wise enough to avoid "AVP-R" and "MK: Annihilation", and you gave us a good video game movie in "Mortal Kombat".

    It is one thing to give a second unit director a chance to break out or show why he has been a second unit director, it is entirely different to give a film to a guy seeking to recreate his days of directing the early Duran Duran videos, and seemingly write it for him.

    Yeah, I could go on about the science of zombies, immortals, and misusing a bitching cast (McG underused, but didn't waste Michael Ironside), but the point is, no one treats video games right.

    Wrestling games are bad for wrestlers, gamer television will not stick to its core audience (nerds and geeks), and the movies get it right so very few times. It's still secondary entertainment. The pulp comics of our time.

    Frank Miller, Zack Snyder, Allen Moore, Paul W.S. Anderson. Please save Mario. We'd be happy to sacrifice Peach if needed.

    Ed Brubaker's Angel of Death: The Reason I Kept Renting Instead of Buying

    Finally, directors are utilizing the ultimate kick ass chick, Zoe Bell.

    For those who object to the dialogue (being unrealistic, "girls don't talk like that") in "Death Proof", they could still enjoy the film's FYR element of a real stunt woman being the lead character thus making the experience of sitting through the film's first half and "Planet Terror" a worthwhile one. In an industry that is more faddy than NFL offenses, it was only a matter of time for another director to try and capture what carried the last two acts of a Quentin Tarantino film. Sadly, "Angel of Death" did not have the means to capture all of Zoe Bell's awesomeness, but it's a start, and well worth my waiting for a month for it to enter the "5 Day" rental category.

    Eve has been the best hit person for the Downes Family because she does not question the orders her agent gives her and she won't take time for regrets. This all changes when she takes a four inch blade into her skull. No seizures, no sever headaches, but she starts to experience hallucinations of her past assignments. To put an end to these demons, she is going to try and set all her wrong rights by stopping those who put the innocent at risk.

    Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtime"

    Sons of the Trumpy and Life Equals $75,000 of Hot Cash Per Diem

    Thanks the browser for remembering my shopping history. Sometimes it can be awkward. With all the stuff I have to search on Amazon as a means to price match for customers, I keep getting promo emails telling me about similar deals that I have no interest in.

    Otherwise, when soccer kids and dreadful graduation weekend guests are consuming your time, not losing my basket at Hot Topic is great. Most importantly, it allows me to get at least one set of blogs out for the week. The next big advantage is that I am so fried mentally, I will not necessarily write a long entry and can utilize all $75 of my Hot Cash.

    Looking to build a total bill of $150 may sound nuts, but this is the only low monthly payment credit card I have, so why not. After some of the shit I dealt with personally the last couple of weeks on top of being overworked, I got take any chance to be stupid that I can.

    It would be tough to write about The Troubles (taking it back Ireland). The party that is causing me grief cannot be inferred. They are not a lame ass promoter from Central Illinois's wrestling scene, so trashing them may lead to regret.

    What they are is a person who denies the need for communism despite their dependency on the welfare state. They are another American who stands by, no one will be inspired to work in a socialist state despite how I can argue that it would do the opposite of that. Thankfully, this party does not watch the right wing news outlets, so their only opinion on Sweden is that it is the happiest country in the world. Hence, rethinking their argument about too much socialism would be wise. Too bad I still have to take the piss out of that when I mention the suicide rate. Would a pleasant country give us "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"?

    Thinking about shiny foreign people is a good transition to what I would like to explore. Minneapolis is going to have to pay the family of the Australian white woman who was gunned down by one of their cops $20 million dollars. If you want to bring more international elements into the story, the cop was a Somali-American. There could be a story in the first cop to be convicted murder in one of these of unwarranted shooting was not white, but for another time.

    Not to sound unsympathetic, but I want to focus on the money. This decision, I feel, places a value on life. When you take into account the $33 million the Browns and Goldman's were awarded in the Simpson civil trial (double jeopardy in my opinion, again another time, a time when I really can tap into a nonwhite audience), you could say it sounds like this judgement was adjusted for inflation. What the decision has allowed me to find a way to solve all of this country's problem.


    That was my initial idea, but I did the math.
    $20,000,000 x 320,000,000 = 6.4 quadrillion dollars
    This debt is still on in the low trillions, that is definitely to extreme a figure to sell to anyone. I mean, I just defined "low" trillions.

    And then you will get Fox News actually being able to validate the currently false narrative that minorities only have children to avoid actual employment. I could say that it may inspire people to work to try avoiding the near immediate austerity, but that is quite a task since the concept of a per diem for every citizen will be needed as the world becomes more automated.

    Because of automation, every person is going to need to be assigned a worth. The per capita in this county 62,000. The one percent could stop living extravagantly and we limit the annual income to adults, we should be doing alright. If we let the top one percent have enough to pay for maintenance on their personal property, I think we can make it on 31,000.

    Sadly, that is not as much fun, so based on the facts of the murder and civil suit, adults should earn annually 500,000 dollars a year till we are forty. It is not quite $20,000,000, and you should not earn that after 40. I think everyone will be in business and the country can budget around that.

    We can all be rich, the trick is staying rich. More accountants will be employed. Careers only lasting 20 years means there will be more opportunities for those entering the job market. What is there not to like?

    What there would not be to like is assholes not being able to think they are better than at least one group of people. This tells me what a group cosplay for Wizard World Chicago could be. Spray paint some Donald Trump mask gold, put some horns on them, where lose bright colors and center it around an oversized tie. Son of the Trumpy. Too bad I do not have that 500,000 this year to even go.

    Displate - Metal Posters

    Wednesday, May 1, 2019

    The Bitternet - Something to Trademark / An End to Comment Sections.

    I really need to bring my journal to transcribe at work. I really need to bring the Pro Wrestling Crate box with comic books I need to read.

    I need to know that I have real enemies out there.

    It is the Internet. What else are you supposed to do with it when you are broke? Friends do not take the time to make you feel accomplished. Only by knowing that you have inspired emotion determines worth. The emotion you draw from someone does not matter.

    We may need to get rid of the like buttons on social media. It does not change the fact that the majority of comments from a post are going to be negative. Replies may need to be removed as well. If you are really dependent on the Internet, you need to know you are all alone.

    If someone really loathes something you said, surely they can take the time to write your name directly as they write a counter point. Is it easier to just scream out "THATS THE SHITS" in a comment field instead of writing your own statement that "PARTY 1 CONTENT IS THE SHITS"?

    Do I respond negatively to certain content? The answer is yes, but I take the time to make the response worthwhile enough that I will post it on my own feeds after I hit the send button. I do that in case people are not looking at the comments. If something needs to be straightened out, everyone should know it.

    The replies do not matter. Whatever you put out on the Internet is just to put yourself over. It is like the Night's Watch. If you cannot feel the physical warmth of a newborn tweet on your cheek, what value does it have? You start a Twitter account, you should have to take the vows that are meant to prevent you from loving anything.

    That might shut up Donald Trump.

    The Internet, curse it for ruining reading. Maybe I should be cursing broadband. When you were lucky to get 56K, you were not expecting to get great video or images. You had to read and appreciate the value of words, like this and every critic does. Then high speed came and allowed graphic designers to take a shit on us web designers.

    It seems like I am just predisposed to bitterness. Perhaps I should be easier on the masses who have adopted the superficial sanctums. There is time for me to embrace Instagram and Snapchat and target people that a niche wants to see brought down a peg or two.

    What philosophy would make anyone think that way? What religion?

    There are plenty of people within religion that encourage their followers to put themselves above others. They need to pass judgment on people to do that, but anyone with a shred of dignity knows that is bullshit.

    Then you have the concept that financial worth is the same as actual worth. Worship and aspire to act like the rich, and you are on the right path.

    If these influencers could write, maybe I would have a little, in any, respect for them. It makes me wonder how many of these hateful asshole today have read the material that use to inspire hate crimes. Are they just listening to some charismatic pricks via vlogs on social media because who has the time to read "Mein Kampf"?

    I bet if you find a manifesto typed out, it is because they were not smart enough to get their webcam to work. Or, the twat is just too ugly to pay any mind to. When they post the video, the first comment is probably a homosexual slur because the Internet seems to think it is better to be ugly than gay.

    I guess more reason to remove commentary on the Bitternet. If we let the fuckers rant, they will not grab a gun to show how straight they are.

    SR: Star Wars 20 Heroes Reimagined As Sith

    Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 4: The Catbus Arrives)

    Maybe I should have titled this "Title Subject to Change (I gotta check out that Kevin Sullivan documentary)," but with the intent of every installment being a finale, optimism is required to get rolling. The upside is that I won't need to explain a title change since all I have to is post photos of my latest tattoo. Unfortunately, nailing the title down makes for a less than epic introduction.

     Redbubble's Tee and Hoodies
    Never thought I would be cursing the occurrence of downtime at my day job. There are so many other things to curse there. Like giving away jobs to temps (from agency I assume) once a temp (as in expendable) looking for benefits in the company finds the job posting. Call me inspired by the CM Punk walk out to post negative feelings about my current employer (not the hotel, Viva Samuel Clemons!) on the only blog where my real name is listed. I may as well re-iterate that TriStar Marketing lies when their application indicates that "having a felony does not necessarily disqualify you from employment."

    Rationalization 10: The More Information, the Greater the Headache.

    So I may have to move some of my greatest blogs over to In theory, this should provide enough content to prevent potential employers from finding this installment of "Schrodinger's Cat." Human Resources should get fed up with my movie reviews and the observations of selling a man $2.00 of gasoline only to see him, impatient to see me fail at rescuing him, only use a $1.55 of it to torch himself with. Now I'm pondering about why he didn't choose 93 octane, whether that would have gotten the ordeal over with quicker, and why TriStar wouldn't give me a pity fuck up when they canned me.

    The downside with the theory is not knowing what HR looking for when they turn to personal (as in, not in a newspaper, prison records, or scholarly journal) web space for information about a potential employee. Is it because they do not trust the interview process or are they so fascinated about the person they need to find out everything about them?

    Rationalization 11: Human Resources Is for Stalkers.

    Which makes me wonder how blind was the date my parents went on since Dad was in Labor Relations.

    This has also left me having a Han Solo Moment, "Sometimes I even amaze myself." Going from a labor rant to my "When Doves Cry" rationalization. Damn, ESPN's coverage of Charlie Murphy at the Super Bowl and Grantland's "Do You Like Prince Movies" podcast for keeping this on my mind all week. My little brother moving back from the The Mini Apple didn't help.

    Rationalization 12: Maybe I'm Just Like My Mother.

    She's never satisfied. Can you be a mamma's boy if you act like her. Just asking to verify or debunk my ex-girlfriend's claims.

    A friend, a female one:

    So regardless of whether I'm like Mom, there is a definite Oedipus complex. This may explain the parallels of my last relationship (she and my Mom shared the same first name, my little sister and her shared the same middle name, she stood at the median height of my female family members, and that we me at the same ages my parents did) and why I think I favor taller women with longer hair. I can confirm the latter when the ex-girlfriend, whom I'm very tempted to name after how she left me, stalked me, and contacted me only to repeat the process (if I feel less spiteful over the female friends who...if I give the details, I may be inferred as hypocritical) purchased stripper shoes to spice things up. 5'9" is so hot.

    My friend who I was talking about said I was always dissatisfied. Why it resonated could be either because we were having a good time when she brought it up, or because she used one four-syllable word instead of whining about how I'll never be happy. My friend advised me that it may come with a creative personality (so come on, have a little faith in my take on zombie versus wrestlers, Hollywood and the McMahons won't be around to screw it up and it will be Kids in the Hall Free...unless all five want to get involved) and it explains why I'm a decent critic. Of course shutting the latter skill off is tough.

    The inability to be satisfied may explain my dilemma(s), but I think I have gotten better at accepting things. Then again, we may not be able to determine that if my best friend chooses to ever talk to me without the demand to like her boyfriend. It should debunk her belief I'm jealous that I'm not the boyfriend, but...

    Tattoo by Nose: Twisted Visions Peoria Heights
    Rationalization 13: I Can (Not) Satisfy.

    Forgive the Evangelion stylizing, please ignore the two parentheses and just read it as cannot.

    In the last blog, I stated that I receive no useful positive reinforcement, and when I think back to the reinforcement, I failed to document how much of it is that I need to change. "You can do this," "Why don't you do that," "Quit doing this," "How about giving time to (hence forgetting about yourself is how I take that)." A lot of it is "you can't do " which I've dealt with since becoming an adult. The worst of it is the guilt I receive from them for not bettering myself by following said advice and how it affects them negatively.

    I feel like a sell out for putting my Cat Bus tattoo too low on my neck to be seen when I'm wearing a t-shirt. I did this because of a guilt trip someone laid on me despite they ended up being a total asshole about it. It's nice to know my traps are huge, but his point was that it pisses those who care off. Perhaps, I shouldn't feel like a sell out, rather, I have brought great shame to Studio Ghibli, Miyazaki-San in particular (so much anime in one rationalization, am I right?). Harikiri maybe rash, but appropriate...for Hayao's sake.

    Having too much fun thinking of seppuku over a cartoon, I almost lost my train of thought. The last "rationalization" ended in "But..." because she only sees me as a commodity in her life. She thinks it impossible right now to have fun with me, so why worry about me at all. I fear I will eventually hear back when she feels it would be advantageous to have my friendship. I fear I won't have the nerve to tell her to go fuck herself because I'm not a commodity.

    Then again, if I'm not a commodity, it explains why no one has made an effort to help out this project. I hope not disappointing people by skipping getting an easy-to-cover tattoo will change that.

    So, I'm a sell out. Hell, not ending this blog ripping into Christianity should be proof of that.

    If I cannot flourish in the ways I need to, then I would rather be in the box instead of Schrodinger's cat. At least I have the thumbs to determine my fate. I hope Eva doesn't read my mind to further prove that thumbs are for stupid monkeys.

    So the cat has arrived, but the significance to existentialism has not. To "Part 5." At least the rationalization won't end on 13.

    Resident Evil: Degeneration, At least it makes more sense than Extinction

    I have a tendency to write about why I rent something. When the prescript is the research I've done, I start to hate my obsessive nature.

    Once the action in "Resident Evil: Degeneration" starts rolling, this viewer had to be reminded of "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within". If it the same crew behind RED, that's cool, but if it is not, it maybe the end of photo realistic motion pictures. It has been eight years since the need for Square to merge with Enix occurred (and I'm sure all RPG fans don't fault the result), and if the effects haven't improved much between FF and RE, one maybe a little miffed if we just rented one giant cut scene.

    The good news that only the Sony name connects the two which turns the possibility of the cut motion picture from a negative to a positive. Resident Evil: Degeneration may have a good premise, but can it be executed well.

    Like "Resident Evil 4" suggests, Umbrella had fallen after the nuclear annihilation of Raccoon City. The US government has kept what actually happened under wraps, so that they can allow a new firm, WilPharma, to further study the uses of the T-Virus. After a biohazard occurred in India and a terrorist government openly expresses interest in using the virus, a Senate-backed American-based research facility in Hardardville would probably meet with protest. Protest that are led by a former WilPharma employee and father/husband to RC victims, Curtis Miller.

    At the Harvardville Airport, Claire Redfield arrives to meet with fellow members of TerraSafe. While waiting to leave, they encounter Senator and WilPharma investor Ron Davis as he is being harassed by protesters with zombie mask. All hell breaks lose when some of the slow moving are not wearing masks, and a plane of undead crashes into the terminal. The only possible clue to what is going on his Claire catching a glance of Miller making his escape.

    The airport has been quarantined, and Leon Kennedy is on the scene to coordinate rescue efforts and to help oversee the dispersion of a new T-Virus vaccine. Once word that Miller maybe involved, he and Angela, Miller's sister, are out to stop this biohazard from spreading.

    Resident Evil: Degeneration is almost exactly like the video games it is based on. Perhaps to exact. When there is action, the viewer is amazed at the action like they are from the intensity of the video games, but once the scenes are over, the viewer is tied into a bloodless cut scene that consumes most of the picture.

    The exposition cut scenes would work in a video game because we need to cool down after getting pass a boss. We are a little more accepting of the details and flashbacks. But RED isn't a game, it is a motion picture. It feels like you are reading the "Resident Evil 3" strategy guide as literature instead of a tool to destroy Nemesis.

    I'm not saying that you will not enjoy the movie, but Resident Evil: Degeneration is strictly for the die hard RE fans. Everything you enjoyed in the games are here except sore thumbs. The Resident Evil fan should not be among us skeptics. With their cold response towards "Resident Evil 5", we may be praying Milla Jovovich's Alice will save the property.

    Against the Dark: Steven Seagal lazily fights the Undead

    What does not sound good about this premise? Steven Seagal faces off against vampires with the support of Linden Ashby (Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat) and Keith David. This sounds like made for video gold as long as it can deliver regardless of whether or not the director gives their all. Unfortunately, "Against the Dark" fails on the box art promises and fails to give us vampires or enough Seagal.

    It is not like there is not enough of him to go around no matter how the dark and claustrophobic scenes try to cover it. The story focuses on the survival of six people trying to escape a hospital filled with the infected. The only thing vampiric about these monsters is they stay out of the sun light and occasionally try to reason (a total of three times in 94 minutes), otherwise they are pretty much running zombies. Seagal and his group of hunters are only out to kill these confused undead and they show up every now and then, but by no means are they truly intricate to the plot especially since our protagonist never decides to stick with the bad asses.

    Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtime"