
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Schrodinger's Cat: Rationalizations of an Existentialist (Part 8: Youth is wasted on the loud)

The problem with having a cat as a birthday gift is that you tend to have the same annual health related appointments. To Eva's credit, my blood work at age 33 (maybe I'll find a way to get out of it at 34) is my fault. But soon it will be prostate exams every year, and to Eva, I am sorry. I will not stand for her not getting her temperature taken at the vet.

Rationalization 20: Birthdays are for Essential Anal Invasion

Another birthday, and it reminds me of my perceived insignificance. Harold Ramis and Tim Wilson's passing the week of it reminds me of how little impact I've had from a creative standpoint. Ramis had the brains for it, so I can't say his success wasn't overly surprising, but Tim Wilson (smart, but not a Lampoon) was about dedication. I also think it had to be about being given opportunities and friends who remembered returning favors.

I can't say that I've been one to leave the impression of, "You better get me back," but I've always busted my ass for anyone who has asked (provided I haven't worked 6 days in a row...without the promise of promotion), so I'm not afraid to say I'm a bit frustrated that trying to be a good person is never rewarded.

Rationalization 21: Facebook is for Self Importance.

It sucks that this blog series was inspired by my spiritual enlightenment. I've found being enlightened leaves me free of being judged when I die. I've done my best to be a good person, how can you say I'm going to hell for not promoting a God followed by people who believe societal perfection was when the King's James Rendition was finished? I don't think many will shit on my name when I pass because of that philosophy, but I think it will be insincere as several people who have and will wish me birthday wellness on Facebook.

Please migrate to Twitter (@MainEventZombie). I hate to sound cold, but beyond your fingers and toes, your friends total does not involve friends. One of the best parts was MySpace would showcase that. Hell people would at least try to earn a Top 8 spot.

At least MySpace didn't, initially, do status updates, your opportunity to say whatever you want without putting any thought into it. Maybe that's why I don't see many liberal thoughts posted on a Central Illinois resident's Newsfeed. The liberals want to make sure their point makes sense instead of hate motivated.

At least Twitter would limit the amount of bull shit idiots can spout by a character count. It doesn't prevent it, but my cynical self can enjoy Richie Incognito's attempts to further ruin Jonathan Martin because of it.

Back to your Facebook phonies, the social network inspires a sense of self importance. So some birthday wishes seem to be their way of paying it forward.

I suppose I better not tweet this blog link out till Sunday evening. I won't get the ingrates calling my "Thanks for the wishes" insincere. They wanted to feel like good people, and I never tell anyone to stop drinking when they want an illusion.

Rationalization 22: Promotion Should be a Reward for Breathing.

What I'm getting out is that people are willing to promote themselves and stupid politics (on a social network, all politics and religion are stupid...the bar rule should apply to "friends"), but there are people who need their help, but they refuse.

Only a few readers have actually asked, "what do you need," "what do you want," and an occasional "how can you be helped?" I'm suspecting that their aren't many readers. The non-reader's attention is dedicated to those who are loud.

Rationalization 23: Promotion is for the Loud.

As I try to write this blog, while I'm working on my birthday (creative and profiting are two tough things to do at the same time), I'm dealing with this weeks high school competitors, poms poms and flags. At least the chess and speech teams had guys around for those girls to not act (overtly) like they are the center of attention.

Then again, they must be use to the attention. The best known porno (not centered around oral sex) was about cheerleaders, not bookworms.

It leads me to a better understanding about how I am good in the customer service field. I deal with people one-on-one and relate. LOUD NOISES!!! that is nothing more than the babbling of girls talking to each other, expecting you to be impressed, not my thing. I focused on trying to win over the "blah" shy girls. Fortunately, I thought they were the most beautiful girl was a part of that group.

Too bad shyness was rampant among those who aren't loud. I suppose that's why class clowns developed from the least athletic. The noisy cheerleaders could relate to the loud mouth, if not, they had a little more cache with the quiet girls than the quiet boys.

It goes back to Rationalization 16: Size Does Matter. I say that because volume and physical attributes seem to be what determines value. The more, the better. This is a reference to Wrestlemania's main event, but if you aren't fitting what society's deems a valuable item, society will more than likely abandon you...or someone will say don't take a gamble on him.

Rationalization 24: My Readers Don't Think I'm a Safe Gamble.

I'm sorry to offend, but you shouldn't be miffed at the evidence. The feedback I've suggested is to throw a few thousand at me to make me deliver a film ("Main Event of the Dead" my pro-wrestling zombie B-movie, ask for a treatment by e-mailing The problem is that I do not have the people to produce anything with the cash. I'm not deemed to have value, so no one will get behind me.

The other suggestion was a makeover. Are they willing to accept a pink-haired Don Draper wannabe? If I don't get to use my radical charm, then I'm just a sell out and not being myself.

I guess I'm out to prove that I am worthwhile, but I'm not loud or big (muscle wise, I have volume where it counts), so it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter, then I guess we get to transition to the point of "Schrodinger's Cat."

And next week, provided nothing changes, we will investigate my version of existentialism. Just have your funds prepared to support my fiscal losses if you deem treatment is necessary to resolve any "issues."

Fuck you if you start a Kickstarter to raise those funds instead of supporting "Main Event of the Dead." At least money from multiple sources presents the illusion of value.

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