
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Honkee Hatin Haiku

Current mood: morose (I miss Myspace adjectives)

I apologize if the word choice offends you. I was trying to show that obscenity towards others reflects poorly on my race. That we really are all the same, so why curse others. I am sorry that I got to use the words that fit the poem structure.

https://www.worthwhilesmile.comA moment of genius or I am the insensitive bastard that my Creative Writing instructor thinks I am?

In the intense suns
We all appear to be chinks
Summer of yellow

After the tough fight
To the cops, all are niggers
Either that or smurfs

Pakies with backpacks
Closet, lying Christian fucks
Sinners celebrate

Border jumper work
Whites complain cuz jobs lack
Employment unclaimed

Disregard the names
Honkees, we are all the same
Why be fucking lame

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