
Sunday, July 2, 2023

NinetyForChill: The #Podcast with @CatBusRuss: THE MARATHON: Sam Elliot vs. Red-Sashed #Podcasters (PG-13) The #Podcast...with @CatBusRuss

Episode 125: THE MARATHON: Sam Elliot vs. Red-Sashed #Podcasters (PG-13)

Eva's stache cannot compare to Sam Elliots

THE MARATHON: Sam Elliot vs. Red-Sashed #Podcasters (PG-13)

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

Help NinetyForChill: The #Podcast get away from paywalls by subscribing to "Ninety For Chill: The #Podcast with @CatBusRuss". 

Andrew "@CouchManBakes" Tiede has been one of the most reliable and fun repeat guest to bless "NinetyForChill" with his presence. He has really helped CatBusRuss make great audio content, so it is about time that he got to chat about a feature that he has been pushing for since " Big Trouble in Little China": CouchMan Lo Pan vs. Jorge Shen". That picture is "Tombstone", another feature starring Kurt Russell.

But this picture is 2 hours and 10 minutes long. It does not fit the format for a podcast dedicated to features between 70 and 100 minutes. How will we get this to work?

CatBus has been trying to offer up some work arounds. Thanks to an experiment that the "Screen Drafts" podcast came up with to reassess their past episodes, The Marathon, a compromise was made possible. Our host and his guest will each make up their own tribute night to perhaps the greatest supporting actor of all time, Sam Elliot. Both showcases will end with the most beloved take on the tale of Wyatt Earp, but each moderator will have their own format. Andrew gets two two-hour movies and a grill to open up "Sasquatch Cinema House". His competitor gets three 100-minute timeslots and a popcorn machine to debut the "Six-Raven Moviehouse".

Will "The Good Dinosaur""The Big Bang", and "Thank You for Smoking" draw more people to Russ's cinema in spite of "Roadhouse" and "Tombstone" being ran back-to-back? Will having to endure "Ghost Rider" ruin Andrew's audiences night before it gets started. Since both movie theaters are BYOB, who knows?

Allow me to get out of third-person. Happy Prof. Shurtleff of Illinois Central College? I (CatBusRuss) will try not to make so much light of violent death in this summation. This is my declaration of changing perspective.

Things should still be looking up for me. Because my second job is Chicago based, the Downstate employees get to enjoy the benefits of a higher cost of living north of I-88 and east of I-39. More responsibilities at the full-time job has also lead to better paychecks. Aside from getting a Playstation 5 media remote, there is not much that I want from a possession standpoint.

The storms did not dappen my return home. Food poisoning has yet to be an issue, so the power was not out for too long. A trivia win and a descent karaoke performance when returning to Champaign/Urbana made up for a dull night in Downtown Peoria.

Peoria is kind of starting to suck. It is not a college town where you need to keep the kids in check. Embrace the late last calls. You need the the booze to survive that town.

If you could only regulate OnlyFans. Perhaps the good weeknight strippers would return.

So, judging by the mood being expressed, my day off has been shot. It was supposed to be dedicated to just playing "AEW: Fight Forever", but I had to do my best to resolve my issues with Hostgator failing to fix my domain. It was two hours of dealing with a customer service agent who said that their previous agents lied to me about being able to redirect to my Spotify profile page and that I would need to buy additional hosting with them to resolve this issue.

It just leaves me steamed. Popeye's customer service sucks (Check out to see the BBB letter showing that those fried chicken dealers ignored me.), but at least they gave me a path to satisfaction at no financial cost to me. The means were insulting, but if I had faith that they could provide good service, it could be considered a win. Thank the gods Raising Canes is now in campus.

In my 20 years of customer service, I have never left a customer without means to satisfaction. First off, I apologize and take responsibility for the situation. If you got the wrong product, I will refund you. If you felt cheated by some other agent, I will provide you with something. If it goes to hell afterwards, or you change your mind, I am sorry, but I have done everything I can possibly do. To be told there will be no compensation for your time or there is nothing that could be done from the start is unacceptable.

When I worked at Mediacom for customer retention, I would tell you how to get what you wanted. If you wanted out, I would tell you when and/or how. Of course there would be incentives given to stay. There were means for me to refund certain things. To be told, there is no way or it is company policy, you know that will get out to the masses (Again, check out my Twitter.).

I just was not in the mood to have fun. But, I do not want to waste time, so let's get caught up on my blog and producing a Toss Back Tuesday episode because of lack of guests. Let me thank Andras from "The Ta2 Squid Podcast" for doing his best to come on. The effort has to be respected when he also works two jobs.

I am still determined to keep up the podcast, but the past week was tough. Unless guests want to stay up late, Sundays are the only day that I am certain can be made for podcasting. With that said, if you have a movie or topic that you want to chat about, send an email to

The reason for wanting to change's landing page comes down to wanting to waste time I suppose. Time for blog postings is hard to come by now. I actually have no excuse for downtime unlike the idiotic location Morton Community Bank is seemingly keeping open. (Your next location is barely a mile away. You are better off without any of the Marine Bank managers). I might as well save my time and just let them be the first four paragraphs and be done with it.

But, there is no chance to vent. Or tell you how awesome it was to be in London. The trip was brief and by the time I got to figure things out, I had to go home. I guess it is a great vacation when you do not want to go home. London now means more for me than my mom. This could be grounds for me to create a Patreon I suppose. If you like "NinetyForChill: The #Podcast with @catbusruss", then fund is vacations abroad for the sake of his sanity.

Yeah, I wanted London to be my Milwaukee to the English guy who flew to the Brew City for lovely ladies in "Love Actually (fictionally)". Would you not know it? Glastonbury was happening the same weekend as the London Series. My search for something to do on our one baseball-free day should have been wider. Lasses and the Artic Monkeys would have been awesome, but not meant for a 75 year-old married man. It probably would not have been as memorable as "The Book of Mormon".

I should have bought a souvenir frog. You can learn all about my London trip with last week's episode: London Calling: Banshees, Maron, Mormons, Marcel, Death Becomes Her.

As I copy and paste the format from last the June 13/Renfield post, I see that I ended up summing up this podcast then. It would be great to get some feedback. Thanks again to Andrew "Couchman Bakes" Tiede for all the promoting he did for the episode. If only I could have come up with a way to find out whose cinema performed better. Twitter polls I suppose. 

At least this blog got my mind off of the Hostgator holding Stacia's tribute hostage. A few edits and a bowl, and I'm ready for tomorrow, July 3. Try not to think about the dental appointment angst.

Follow me on Twitter @catbusruss. If you want to be on the show, contact me on Twitter or send an email to All we need is a theme, movie, director, or actor and a focus on sub 100-minute material. As long as the credits start before the 1:39:59 mark on the runtime bar, the movie qualifies.

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