Sunday, September 11, 2022

Hammer to Fall & The Honorable Disgruntled's Real World Champion

  *This blog post was started on September 11, 2022.

It seems that time flies. I know, that is a common theme when it comes to my blog posts. Time management may be the real issue. But it was my mom's birthday yesterday. Was I not supposed to head to Morton, Illinois to celebrate the beginning of her 70th year? My latest tattoo was finished (And started, I am a simple man with the desire to be covered in nerd culture like a race car is covered in advertisements.) on Friday. If I am in the area, why not visit the cranky boomer and rewatch the last half hour of "Bohemian Rhapsody"?

Because, when you eat Old Chicago as your only real meal on Friday to be followed by Avanti's as Mom's birthday dinner, your body will punish you. Especially after they bought McDonald's to feed ThePoeticCritic, so after those McNuggets, what was I going to eat when I got back home? Ramen is not a way to stop my caloric intake for the day. Fried food was not an option, so a run to the border was made.

It may not be time management. It is probably my diet. We know that by the time this post is finished (If I am being optimistic), there will be a half hour lost to the restroom. And I still need to watch tonight's episode of "House of the Dragon".

Just install a chip inside me Tim Cook. I have to return my Apple Watch tomorrow since it was not receiving all the notifications that my phone was, but I dug the activity functions. But it cannot tell you how to manage bathroom stall time. Thus, being left like the villain in "I Saw the Devil" does not sound too bad. Leave a transmitter in my bowels to tell me when the chow will demand to vacate.

What is there to fear? Lee Byung-hun kicking my ass daily? I have been itching for some non-personal violence for a long time. Lee never cripples Choi Min-sik. He needs his opponent to be able to resist the next day.

And boom, I can now try to transition into a wrestling blog. Do you know who has no respect for the art of fighting?

Phil "CM Flunk" Brooks.

If he did, there would not have been a melee that resulted in a reset of all of Tony Khan's booking plans. It sucks because I would have loved to see him be obliterated in the ring the next time he tried to unify the Undisputed and Interim championships. You cannot get two comeback stories. Punk is not John Cena.

Now I am further inspired to watch "The Girl on the Third Floor". If Punk was going to turn into John Cena like the Red Sox became the New York Yankees, the bastard best be able to act. Otherwise, they shoot horses. He has no value to any media production.

Of course, I am ignoring the comic books he has written. Time management as a first shift employee has been more than established as not being my strong suit. At least CM Flunk cannot be accused of turning into the St. Louis Cardinals from the Chicago Cubs. They had a good six year run, but it is over. We maybe losers, but not sore losers. From what I could tell, we were not sore winners. Only teams that feel five letters are too many to describe knickerbockers become that.

After Moxley was allowed to establish doubt in the newest Southsider (As a Cubs fan, I have too much respect to call him a Cardinal.), I was given content for the Disgruntled's Real Championship Wrestling blog. Unfortunately, a second redemption arc has made it more troublesome. A week and a half belt swap without a legendary trilogy like Flair and Steamboat means that the AEW World Championship is not the championship in wrestling. A new Disgruntled's Real World Champion needs to be determined. Is it now a time to acknowledge the poser Roman Reigns?

The Current Title History of the Disgruntled's Men's Real World Championship:

The 98th Disgruntled's Real World Champion:
AEW World Champion CM Punk (3rd Reign was from May 29, 2022 to August 24, 2022)

The 99th Disgruntled's Real World Champion:
AEW Undisputed World Champion Jon Moxley (2rd Reign was from 8/4/22 to 9/4/22)

If I see 2029, I will probably need to create a new title history from 2019 forward. Hind sight may take away Punk's reign because we know it was not a great one. Injuries only allowed for one chance to defend the championship which was unsuccessful. At least Jon Moxley had three title defenses as Interim Champion which is more than what could be said of any other champion at the time with the exception of...

The 100th Disgruntled's Real World Champion:
ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli (His first reign began on 9/4/22).

The DRCW Interim Men's World Champion, Switchblade Jay White, has yet to defend his title for a second time while Castagnoli has defended his title three times. I think age before beauty allows the former Cesaro the top prize in pro-wrestling. If Tony Khan wants to be cute about championship recognition, he should make ROH the sanctioning body for AEW, provided that he cannot get ROH off the ground as either a touring or televised promotion.

Pinterest @dawnhoig

Pinterest @dawnhoig

Having Claudio Castagnoli or any member of the Blackpool Combat Club be the face of All Elite Wrestling might be a wise move. Sadly, with AEW only running two nights a week at the most, Khan cannot capture the sports feel of New Japan Pro-Wrestling. There cannot be a G1 equivalent, round-robin tourney to impress the Internet Wrestling Community. But, having a faction like the BCC operate as a sporting club could allow for the faction warfare NJPW has. It is like representing a discipline as opposed to being a member of a team.

With the late teens NXT talent raids, face factions are nearly nonexistent in NJPW. CHAOS members team with about any other babyface (ask Colt Cabana) to fight the heel factions. After the Rocky Romero/Ryosuke Taguchi tag team was established, it is all about uniting to fight evil, but do not deny Taguchi his faction and just say all babyfaces belong to CHAOS.

I can go on and on about why factions are important, but let me just use it to prove my point instead of calling for more and more. Double-C has the best teammates. Bullet Club is splintered and you cannot see any other member hold the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. The BCC, only Wheeler Yuta lacks the preparation to be a world champion at the snap of a finger.

In the end, I am impressed by this blog. CM Flunk was called out and I did not dive too deeply into the politics of the business. Would that make me a good or bad dirt sheet writer. It leads me to think that I need to just surrender and try to take over "The Mudshow with Gregory Carl". He is quick to accommodate my needs for podcast guests on "NinetyForChill: The #Podcast". It is only fair that I do the same for him...or is it to him. But, who is Whose ruling who?

With that said, the next episode of "NinetyForChill" will feature Gregory and I discussing "Fritz the Cat" as he tries to watch "NWA 74: Night 2". It is a good thing that no one under 18 should be talking about Fritz, which means that I do not need to censor his cursing about Control Your Narrative's presence on the show.

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