
Thursday, November 18, 2021

FMK: "Trainspotting", "Libertarians", The Disgruntled's Real World Champion.

*This blog post was started on November 17, 2021.

I have the Chinese idiom "Everything in Disorder" tattooed on my right forearm above a tattoo of an empty shell of Hello Kitty's head. This is next to a lucky/beckoning cat holding a lit match in their left paw having just ignited the fuse to a bomb that they are securing with their right paw. If you want a summation of my existence, the ink may be it. Especially when the suicidal feline is bordered by lines from "Trainspotting", "And the reason? There are no reasons." It is a good thing that am inked enough to lack the space for "Who needs reasons when you have heroin?" and the rest of the "Choose Life" monologue.

A recent "The Rewatchables" podcast was dedicated to that feature. Perhaps my mom was right about that movie being bad for me. She was more upset about the imagery, but I think it may have been the message. She knew of my hate for high school and that I dealt with some bullying (and her Midwest naivety on how to deal with mental health, "If he could play sports, he is fine."). An introduction to nihilism could not be a good thing. It is a good thing that I got around to seeing it before she got around to it.

I guess it is like reading "Gender Queer" because of its content before the South Carolina governor calls for its banning. The cat is out of the bag. Now you are just promoting two things: the product you oppose and you intolerant nature.

Why am I thinking about my tattoos and "junkie porn"? The banking system went down at work just as we were processing the day change (I cannot wait for the manager to come in tomorrow and ask why I have two 11/17s and 11/18s.). Like last week, this occurred when the manager was taking a day off. At the same time, I realize that I have at least a 105 movies to consider for "'s" Best Discoveries of 2021, at this time. Thus, going into my 2010's notebook to transcribe some reviews will only make things more tasking.

With that said, it looks like Michael Dubuois will be returning for the "Ready or Not" episode. Gregory Carl should be back in the next couple of weeks as well. And ThePoeticCritic is getting ready for Christmas even before Black Friday. I have already watched "Santa Slay" with Bill Goldberg. There will probably be another five movies with that episode.

And of course, I am coming off a four-day stretch where my car was stuck in Normal when the rear passenger-side wheel's control arm snapped. It was going to be a day in Blo/No, but the "Pokemon Shield" Game Stop promo code inspired the trip. In the end, it was not available in Bloomington (or Danville as I found out the previous night), but with a VPN and some Googling, the Netherlands's Game Mania came through for me. My ingenuity ended up being rewarded with finding out that a Pokemon's level means nothing in the Battle Tower. 200 extra hours to get them to level 75 to find out the Tower caps them at 50.

There is just a vibe that nothing is going right. All I have to write about is wrestling and satire. Too bad you cannot run that by my coworkers.

Michael Dubuis shared a post on Facebook that stated, "I use to be a libertarian until I realized that other people had feelings to." If they got upset at the following joke, the libertarian in the next seat has yet to realize that.

Britney looks so disheveled in this video. She needs someone to take care of her makeup.

You know, I think she had someone taking care of her.

No! That is not being taken care of.

So yeah, I just stay out of politics. Too bad the new employee is too personable and is ready to try and chat about the upcoming verdict of the murdering white-supremacist Kyle Rittenhouse.

This all comes after I over hear the "aware" one bitching about being gaslighted by family.

If you are going to get upset about things that are not offensive...

I love how they have a god complex and can determine what is or should be offensive (If they ever get to this blog, Fuck Britney and Fuck Johnny Depp.). The sad thing is that this maybe taught. Here is to hoping this sociopathic engagement works out for them like the treacherous sheep of January 6th.

I have not been intimate with anyone in over a year while there are idiots forging a chaotic road to happiness. Yes, questions are something I always asked. Irvine Welsh and Danny Boyle have some reasonable answers.

If one thing is not broken...too is pro-wrestling. I guess the proper way to state it is that the best wrestling is doing fine. Survivor Series will be interesting, but a part of me tells me not rush to get home from Peoria on Sunday.

The Disgruntled's Real Men's World Champion (from 1/4/2019 to 11/17/2021)

The 92nd DRCW Men's World Champion:
WWE Champion Bryan Danielson (f.k.a. Daniel Bryan) (4) (1/4/2019 to 4/7/19)

The 93rd DRCW Men's World Champion:
WWE Champion Kofi Kingston (4/7/19 to 10/4/19)

The 94th DRCW Men's World Champion:
AEW World Champion Chris Jericho (2) (10/4/2019 to 2/29/2020)

The way Kofi-Mania ended was a slap to the face of WWE fans (Fuck the universe.), so if they wanted great wrestling and booking, TNT would be the channel to switch to.

The 95th DRCW Men's World Champion:
AEW World Champion Jon Moxley (2/29/20 to 12/2/20)

The 96th DRCW Men's World Champion:
AEW World Champion Kenny Omega (12/2/2020 to 11/13/2021)

The 97th and Current DRCW Men's World Champion:
AEW World Champion Hangman Adam Page (Reign began 11/13/21)

There was no argument to be made against Kenny Omega being a superior wrestler to the DRCW Modern Men's Poser Champion. Now that Omega's reign has come and gone while Reign's hold on the Universal Championship has not, you may say it is time for the head of the table to rise to the top. Too bad WWE does not know how to book long term. There has never been any chemistry between Reigns and whom he is defending his championship against.

We knew Hangman would eventually be the heavyweight championship, but that is what the audience wanted to see. If anything, there are AEW fan's, like myself, who wanted to see Omega win last Saturday to further extend this angle. Page would still come out on top, but at Revolution.

It should be said that because of all the injuries Omega sustained, only Omega can beat himself. This further elevates the AEW World Championship over the Universal Champion. And, regardless if Reigns is the best WWE product, do we care about Reigns? I think we only care about him not being shoved down our throats as a babyface.
Roman Reigns is not Ric Flair, so no one cares if he is constantly winning and losing the championship. If WWE is not careful, their premier champion will be flashing us back to Triple H's reign of terror.

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