
Friday, July 30, 2021

Your Body, Your Choice...To Piss off Nazi Enthusiasts aka Republicans

*Blog post was started on July 27, 2021.

Your Body, Your Choice...To Piss off Nazi Enthusiasts aka Republicans.

The concept for this blog post is a challenging one. Primarily, my challenge will be stretching it out to be long enough. This post will not drop until August 2 at the earliest. This means the navigation on the right hand side will be more compact since it need not mention all of my posts from the previous month. 

I suppose I could go to the Feminist Flag Corp on Facebook for some imagery to fill out this post, but that is kind of giving the game away. With that previous sentence, the sensible thing to do is to dive into the rant.

It is Tuesday, so aside from arguing about Simone Biles taking a mental health day, there has not been too much controversy over the weekend. This probably means I should be doing more with my podcast. Putting out a bonus episode along side editing a curse happy guest kept the world out of my hair.

Without cable television, catching up the news has primarily reading it at work during the first half of my day (Wrestling Inc > ESPN > FiveThirtyEight > Huffington Post > CNN > NBC News). If I hear anything else, it is usually the result of the centrist observing a news article and the conservative (Pardon, libertarian) ranting about it angrily. If they are challenged, their anger increases.

I have to speak in vague terms, but I believe the apparel that they wear to cover their bottom half is ideal in the event of gamma radiation exposure. With that said, I ponder why they are so gun-ho in obtaining a FOID card and then their conceal and carry license. Finding out their fiance has an arsenal does not comfort me. (They have a gun safe that is as big as a whale and its about to set sail, and be shot down).

The process of gun ownership has confused me. You need to obtain a Firearm Ownership Identification card to then own a firearm. How can you be a firearm owner before owning a firearm? Since owning a handgun is a sign of paranoia, I guess it is not hard to get them to ignore the semantics. They can only harness so much brain power.

My coworker fits the voices that Fox News, OAN and Newsmax are showing. I have had the idea for this blog post for about two weeks, but this exchange has inspired me to finally express it.

Centrist: Why is the CDC advocating indoor max-wearing by the vaccinated?

Libertarian: I thought the vaccines worked.

Aspiring Communist with a Bleeding Heart (Lets call him Russ.): They do. You are not going to die if you are vaccinated. It does not mean you cannot be asymptomatic. (I am aware you can get ill, there is a less than 3% chance that you will be hospitalized).

Centrist: It is just so confusing.

Libertarian (Who had COVID nine months ago): The CDC has had no clue from the beginning of the outbreak. They always change their requirements.

Russ sits seething because he does not want to exasperate the libertarian's (If we cannot [and should not] use the noun retard, we should not use lib-er-tard.) ignorant anger.

Libertarian: It is bad enough them acting like Nazi's to get the vaccine and wear masks.

Russ leaves for lunch immediately after.

I am sure I have mentioned that this coworker watches YouTube videos to assure themselves that they are not a racist. Is that stopping them from having time to see the weekly denouncements of Marjorie Taylor-Green? Are people who denounce PC too concerned about the extra time it takes to be not be an asshole? Or can they simply not handle trying to be sensitive to all people at all times?

This can all make a case for critical race theory, but I have yet to come up with the semi-humorous rant to accompany my thoughts about that. When is "The Daily Social-Distancing Show" going to return for me to be inspired.

Trevor Noah's team may deserve the Emmy because they are giving me two hours of content while John Oliver is only providing a half hour. Yes, we know the weekly show allows for better writing (outside of SNL), but we need those laughs that are meant to face fear to be spread out.

It was definitely for the best for me not to blow up at this coworker. Perhaps if I had a larger audience (Is corporate ever going to visit this branch?), making a point would be worth the risk. All I need is someone recording the meltdown. As long as bank functions are not shown, nothing post termination should be considered a civil offense. If only I had friends in Champaign to record it.

The biggest problem with not snapping is that it prevented me from going on the humorous rant. It may fall on loud mouth (This K-WASP would just go on yelling), but I think one coworker would at least want to hear it.

This homophobic (Yes. They need to be assured that Pride Week is bad.) coworker loves to use "My body. My choice." to suggest hypocrisy by the left for placing the blame on the idiots for allowing COVID to thrive. You can call yourself a libertarian, but if I suggest abortion, you are going to freak out that I speak against God's plan.

Libertarianism is not about allowing anyone to responsibly worship or not worship. It is about assuming that you get to make the same decisions as God. I say this because I have had enough libertarians argue with me about the need for a god when it comes to government. My stance is that of Mikhail Bakunin. You cannot allow for a spirit to influence the decisions of men. Their response is, "where else are we going to obtain those values?" Read a fucking issue of "Superman" and tell me where he curses minorities.

Even if it is not about religion, the people who tend to want to pursue abortion are those who cannot afford the mouth to feed. If they still want to have a kid, that is a lack of education or people demonizing them for considering the sensible choice. They are the same assholes who belittle those who take COVID precautions, so their opinion should not matter.

Pardon if I am going to sound a wee bit like Agent Smith from "The Matrix". Humans are a disease. If a poor person has a child, that is a risk to society, just like a coronavirus. If their need for everyone who can to assist them is ignored, they will (Presumptuous, this is satire.) do bad things to society. They will go full Eddie Guerrero on us. Unless they only punk the Republicans and the right wing posers (the true heels in the real world), that is not a good thing. Unless we start teaching critical race theory to abolish the right and their god complex, to survive, why would they care who they lied, cheat, and stole from?

Children are the COVID. Your body, your choice. The only choice is not to put your fellow humans at risk.

Right now, the only right answers are coming from the left. They may not be perfect, but at least they show you care about anyone beyond yourself. We think about how other people will react when we make hard decisions and how it will make them feel about us. To take COVID seriously, how people think of you is secondary to making sure you are doing everything to protect their physical being.

And if you think this is sorry-ass Nazi bullshit that the government trying to protect us is out of their scope of power, think about this. At 18, I had to register for Selective Service. If the government needed to bolster its military to protect their citizens, they can draft men/boys into it. And we cannot bitch about it, which we should because no war since World War II has been about protecting citizens. So quit your bitching and be a fucking patriot. Protect your fellow American.

My apologies if you do not get a "Thank you for your service."

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