
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

NinetyForChill dot Com: The Podcast - Episode 3: @Quidpro_Joe and Jigsaw Games


Skimble knows when the red light goes on The Podcast

Episode 3: @Quidpro_Joe and Jigsaw Games


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"Sometimes I even amaze myself."

Imagine if that franchise could have had a flick that was under 97 minutes long. As I write that, I realize how that explains the confusion in the series's use of parsec. Distance. Time. Both of their measurements are length.

At this point, the only "Star Wars" feature that would qualify for - The Website (or the Blogger since I am taking a few shortcuts despite my Web-Designer Certification) is 2008's animated feature "The Clone Wars". IMDb says it clocks in at 1 hour 38 minutes, but I will bet a digit or my left ball ("That it ain't no good until the good are appalled". I cannot resist a Supersuckers reference.) that the length will be rounded down on the DVD box.

Perhaps a podcast for a later date should be about cinematic features for animated TV shows. Is "DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp" on Disney+? It has always been tempting to just grab a copy from my retailer since Disney is not overly proud of that one (Just like the mid 80's films, the way they treat pre-renascence is criminal).

As much as I would love to talk about Ziro the Hutt and Stinky the Huttlet, that is not what I and Joe Golwitzer (@quidpro_joe on Twitter and Instagram) chatted about yesterday.
Buzzfeed - 19 Movies That Would Be Hilarious Backwards


The "Saw" Franchise

Joe use to be my manager at the retailer I work at, and thanks to Amazon, we probably had more times than we should to talk about movies. He is a fan of cinema who is doing his damnedest to own and/or watch all of the Best Picture Academy Award winners, so his taste in features maybe considered better than mine or he is more dedicated to becoming a more respectable cinephile than I. He is quite the respectful horror movie fan with "Halloween" being introduction to horror and he had recently seen and loved "The Thing". This lead to our original intention to do a podcast about John Carpenter's sub 99-minute movies.

I decided for the sake of the podcast and my guests not being nearly as anal as I to up the ceiling to 1 hour 39 minutes. This only applies to the podcast.

When it comes to 99-minute Carpenter, Joe realized that he was not as verse in that filmography as I was. So we decided to go with the second suggestion that I offered which was the "Saw" franchise, the sequels more specifically. Only "Saw III" runs too long for the pod's parameters, but with that being my least favorite, I figured it would not get too much love.

We still swoon over Carpenter, which makes my late Saturday viewing of "Dark Star" and related drunkenness worthwhile, and work in the issues with how computer generated gore simply will not do. It allows us to transition to some David Cronenberg chat and my pitch for Jeff Goldblum to be the next Jigsaw apprentice. 

With the original feature being released at the peak of "The Boondock Saints" fandom, we do reminisce about how that has aged poorly. We also discuss the need for these frequent sequel franchises. I also slip in a visceral "Castle Freak" review and tell the audience from "Jurassic Jeff Jezebel Owes Me Eight Bucks" how my experience with Neil Marshall's "Hellboy" turned out.

We are both big fans of the last great horror franchise and we are happy to do all the excess thinking that the "Saw" audience should avoid. Hope you enjoy.

My notes for "John Carpenter's Dark Star"

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