Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Ring Draft - Monday Night Raw 2020 - I Can Book with That.

 *Blog post started on October 20, 2020

I guess we are in a holding pattern until after November 3. That sucks in when it comes to coming up with blogs. Tentatively, this post would be published (I mean promoted.) on the fourth of next month. It could be a whole new world by that point, so how could the exercise of going into my head be relevant by that point.

30 Minutes Later:

Working on a tattoo design did kill some of the time. I suppose I could go to The Ringer or AV Club to amuse myself till closing time. A Letterboxd account is something I should establish at some point. It might be a good way to promote NinetyForChill.com. If it serves as a database for my knowledge, that could take up an entire shift.

But I do not have an entire shift, so lets return to the initial blog title, Ring Draft - "Monday Night Raw". There is no question that I would like to be a part of the Screen Drafts Podcast, but I do a lack the bibliographic fame and accreditation outside Illinois Central College's mass communication department from the 2001 to 2010. Thus, that is territory I shall not walk directly on. Fortunately, someone has to do a wrestling draft right. 

Too bad my draft response will probably be promoted a month after relevance. I guess I better hope my other posts have knocked it out of the park. Perhaps my ex-girlfriend is right and I should just do YouTube videos. That requires less thought from the audience.

"USA Network" Draft 2020:

  1. Drew McIntyre (WWE Champion)
  2. Bray Wyatt
  3. The Hurt Business (featuring the US Champion)
  4. Randy Orton
  5. AJ Styles
  6. Braun Strowman
  7. Jeff Hardy
  8. Matt Riddle
  9. Ricochet
  10. The Miz and John Morrison
  11. Retribution
  12. Keith Lee
  13. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods (Tag Team Champions)
  14. Elias


See if I have the same mind for the business as Vince McMahon at DRCWwrestling.blogspot.com.



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