Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Why Freedom to Drink Trumps Freedom to Bear Arms (or Be a Dick like @original_shroom)

*Blog post started on May 26, 2020.

So things are about to get back to "normal". The retailer has not gotten back to me and, with new social distancing guidelines, I do not think that will be a bad thing. It would be greatly appreciated to still be furloughed there while I need to start getting use to waking up at 8:15 a.m. again. What will I do without those extra three hours of sleep?

It means I cannot drink as much, but with things settling down, the parental assistance should not be relied upon so heavily (despite I will only be making the same amount of money) as it has been. If I need an anti-anxiety aide, there is about two weeks of edibles to fall back on. The only problem with THC gummies is that they will end your evening. When they kick in, the gaming shuts down. Booze is a little more manageable.

Before you go on the, "Alcohol is not an anti-anxiety med," stance, let me ask if you have mastered your alcoholism? Since I have left very few personal downer posts on social media in the past six years, I have successfully made the only suitable nickname for it giggle juice. Still, moderation or abstaining from it is best. The only reason I was never straight edge was that I wanted the freedom to drink.

That statement makes me feel like I should relate a little to the lockdown protesters. "We have the freedom to not where mask or social distance." Is that not the same as the hypocrisy alcohol, pot, and abortion being available while church and temple are deemed nonessential? I think we have abused the option to be an asshole.

The only time I approved of the, "Mama told me I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an asshole" shirt was when those folks were my friends and we were only give each other shit, in bars. As it turns out, the statement on the shirt has no value because you are not an asshole when you are a decent bar patron. No politics or religion. Reminds me of my post "Facebook Should Be the Ultimate Bar, So Know the Rules".

Anyhow, as long as I am not behind the wheel (which some of my friends would argue that you would be even safer), my drunkenness is not a safety concern unless you want to make it your concern. You are already being an asshole if you are not wearing a mask and you are making my safety a concern.

With these enemies on the state on my mind (They love old documents but not their fellow human.), the only real heat that I got from the assholes I called out in "Infrequent Online Daters and Right-Wing Twitter Haters (like @ryan_secord)" was I am an asshole for saying they could not have opinions. I obviously did not say that. What was said was that they did not actually have opinions or at the very least, they were not valid.

I would say that @TheLibertyAmb Matthew Cobb may have proved my point with his comment:
Next time you tag me in something without substance to it to get attention you're getting blocked.
He had the character count to warrant a comma in that sentence, but that is the grammar professional in me. Which should have been my excuse when @klesley77 tried to state that I had a problem because I had three accounts. Realizing there are typos is how I remembered there could be a genuine use for the second account.
Excuse me, what is the point of immediately insulting a politician/activist that you do not agree with besides triggering the left or mentally jerking off the right? Is it to know you aren't the only asshole. (A grammar error on the retweet officially warrants the third account.) Thank for telling me the questions I needed to include.
His response:
There isn't one. It's why I don't tag anybody unless I've got an actual point to make. 
If that does not scream you are just a hateful piece of excrement, what else does? You want to be an asshole. I am a cunt for letting everyone know that you are an asshole? If your proud of your aspirations, what harm am I doing? If anything, I am further reinforcing the pathetic nature of your life.

You could say my actions trigger the right. If I truly standby liberal values, I should not punch down. My argument is that I am making my own statement and challenging these assholes to be better than they are. The first time I pulled these trolls into a fight, the first response was a person who stated why they thought that way. Because of that, I had not mentioned them again. Did I agree with their approach? No, but at least they were willing to stand up for their point (or lack there of according to Matthew Cobb).

I was hoping that I would have something more fun to talk about than people the FBI should be tracking in the event that Brit Hume and Sean Hannity indoctrinates them to commit acts of terror. Sorry I did not watch a 90-minute movie without Mike, Bill and Kevin making jokes over it (I do not think they really appreciated Brandon Lee's effort in "Laser Mission".). After AEW's "Double or Nothing", wrestling talk should be right up my alley.

Sadly, Hana Kimura's suicide is relevant when it comes to this blog. People went out of their way to be awful to someone and instead of lashing out at those who had no business being involved in her life, she decided to end her suffering where it only affected her, and sadly those who cared about her. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar definitely receive that kind of vitriol, but they are at least in a position to have a support system that is beyond anything your normal person would have.

The right-wing fucks who pointlessly (per Matthew Cobb) attack them would probably say, "Toughen up snowflake!" They are not going to suggest counseling because that will cost them a few cents a month. Why do we need to be tougher when you can act like the martyr you worship or the founding fathers you claim to represent (sans the slavery of course)? You would rather people without compassion be gone just because what they want (and what this country needs) inconveniences you. These assholes preach evil in the name of freedom and call it patriotism.

This was actually a response I had when Alecia (Band & Stand) @aleciavaught75 when I asked, "Why would you want to endanger your fellow human who are created equal?" based solely on the concept of the Constitution. "Why show a lack of brains that the founders hope you would have?" Of course I did state the founders did not intend for her and anyone of color to have such rights.
Aww, you hate America so much, Move. We don't need any more Anti-American Hate in our GREAT country (Surrounded by 70 flag emojis).
I chose to say, "You seem to hate Americans if you choose to risk their lives for your freedom instead of lobby for a way to help them." To which she responded with a meme asking me to educate myself. Really made me want to go with my gut reaction and tell her if HER America was THE America, I would love to watch it burn (and perhaps participate). But I am compassionate, so I will be there to pick them up with a livable wage, so I guess suggesting a scorched pile of conservative doctrines is an okay thing to say.

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