
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Love Will Tear Us Apart and WWE Future Endeavor Suggestions

*Blog post started on April 7, 2020.

I am on my half day (With COVID-19, it actually was scheduled correctly.) and I feared that I would be rushing something to publish tomorrow. With only three/four hours on the clock and being the only non-salary employee, how would I have the time to get to writing when I hardly managed to get through last night? It turns out this coronavirus is killing more than people, but news in general.

As the old adage goes, "no news is good news." Everybody is too sick to wage war with the exception of the right towards the left. My weekly Mom call (under 20 minutes this week) involved her buying in on the hydrochloroquine (Which auto correct only ponders whether that word should be one or two words. It is good to see that Microsoft Edge [I am at work.] is as active as Bill Gates.). This might just be her reason to warrant going to a duplex showing while I am waiting for the pandemic to subside before moving out of my current codependent situation. Just give her the drug.

Being stuck with an ex right now is at least a distraction from the lockdown. If we were not locked down, I would still be dealing with her innocent, inconsiderate nature. She does not mean anything by it, but when you live with someone who is very detailed and optimization dependent, you have to try to think twice about your actions. Recently, her approach was ask for forgiveness, not permission.

Needless to say, I was a little pissed that she acknowledged that she was not giving a shit about her environment instead of fixing it when it was breaking. How I manage trouble is recognizing that something is broken and try to fix it whether or not I know how to. It may end up going from being broke to destroyed, but at least I made the effort to save the day, not apologize after it can no longer be fixed.

With my optimizing nature (It is more of life hacking, if you know about my actual abilities of handling logic.) there was a way to leave the environment. The spare bedroom has the 2014 PS4 and 2012 PS3, and I have a Switch. Too bad I want to be comfortable. The living room is where the 4K is. Roger Corman deserves 4K.

The prior paragraph should indicate that I have not watched a new(ish) to me film with a runtime between 75 and 97 minutes. But after successfully getting another free month of the WWE Network (which I plan to let renew provided the month lacks a Saudi show) to witness WrestleMania this past weekend, did I need an oddball movie? WrestleMania 36 showed that I need your help/suggestions in getting my no/low budget, pro-wrestling zombie comedy "Main Event of the Dead" out of development hell (Send those ideas or ask for a story treatment by emailing If you want the squared circle place in an alternate reality, I now realize that I may have been five years ahead of the curve.

If Bray Wyatt would have portrayed a Zeus, that would have warranted WrestleTalk's Oli Davis's six-star review.

Aside from an overly long last man standing match and an all too brief main event, I cannot really complain about the event except that it is another example of me giving in to people that lack empathy. Vince and Stephanie "Accurately Described by Scott Steiner" McMahon know not of the cause for lockdowns thus know of no safety risks. If I was not living that feeling right now, it was an adequate distraction since it left me fantasy booking as I try to wait out my former better quarter (Eva the Cat has her justified claim of half) to control the apartment.

The problem with fantasy booking is that WWE will just run back the "show of shows" for the nonsubscribers to see. So where does that place the employees who just are not being seen? I would suggest different places, and primarily a different country. AEW is still stacked, so unless performers are over on their own, I do not think they can get in there at this time. Vince McMahon cannot deny that he needs to make budget cuts especially if his goal is to take new pay-per-views of the network, which will obviously result in a revenue loss. Here are my cuts.

Should Be Future Endeavored:

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