Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Essential: My Careers, Yes. Lockdown, Yes. "Demon City Shinjuku", Maybe

*Blog started on March 24, 2013.

I guess I am one of the lucky ones. My two jobs have both been deemed essential. Unfortunately, a lack of computers with Internet browsers at the retailer and catching up on how things will operate with two less hours (those still being paid thankfully) means that the Monday blog did not even get started.

So again Morrisey confirms that he is a dick. He lied, everyday feels like Monday. With an ex-girlfriend whose job has deemed unessential, everyday will be silent and grey. That may be a bit of hyperbole. Actually, it is a fuck up because I thought the lyric was "everyday feels exactly the same". I guess I am the dick. How dare I not pay close enough attention to Moz.

Getting through lockdown with someone you do not want to rent with (I did not intend to break up with her, which she thought was a dick move but I think just indicates the misunderstandings of our relationship. If you want to see a dick move...) scares me a little. It took her a couple of days to realize the confining elements of it, but since she did not want to bug me with how to manage the finer points (applying for unemployment benefits, understanding all the tech I have to keep her from being bored), I have to hear try to translate her problems over the phone to her employer or parents. The circles she runs makes me think she just as well call the Philippines.

That is not racist, that is how customer service work. HGS, the biggest call center corporation, charges its clients like McDonald's more for its customers to speak with American representatives. If a client still needs a call center, but at a lower rate, Manilla or Bengaluru will take care of you. This makes me wonder, since Peoria is one of their call centers (and I was there), would people rather deal with racists instead of the well meaning?

Now if I wanna get truly racist (instead of leaning away from PC culture), I would go off on those wondering why they cannot come into the retailer. What we have here is a failure to communicate.

At least with my household communication failures, it is just simple electronic rearranging and loud, relatively inoffensive music (That means no Nine Inch Nails or Lords of Acid...probably Combichrist and My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult as well.) to relax in the spare bedroom. I say simple rearranging, but even after raising the bed up again, I still got boxes on the TV consoles that prevent me from moving the PS4 and Switch to the room. It feels simpler to just wait her out till she goes to bed, but when I am in the midst of an essential 13-day work week, do I have the energy to?

It is a good thing that my secondary website, NinetyForChill.com is dedicated to shorter movies. The only problem I have is it takes so much time to find them through all the streaming services. Amazon Prime has come through for me many a time when it comes to haste, but with on-demand Rifftrax, finding these less than 90-minute gems makes me feel like I am missing something, besides "Fleabag". It is still offers plenty of the familiar, especially in terms of the post-apocalyptic, so "Demon City Shinjuku" seemed right for a revisit.

IMDB.com - Demon City Shinjuku (1988)

Demon City Shinjuku

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