Tuesday, January 14, 2020

MFK: Relationships, Format, Long John Silver's

*Post started on January 13, 2020.

It had been a pretty uneventful week. Little did I know that was someone's intention.

That has all been addressed, in about every tell-all in the event of bad break up way. How hard is it to find a reasonably priced apartment with two entrances? If only both parties could afford one bedroom units in the same building.

And that has just gave me new notice that my codependency maybe getting the best of me.

There have been moments of frustration through out the week. Seeing that Mom has got a "Keep America Great" bumper sticker was one thing. For a woman who was hoping that John Kasich could keep the soon-to-be orange war criminal out go evangelical on my family is a bit of a shock. I would have assumed that she just keep her mouth shut about the Republican candidate instead of embracing her irrational fears of minorities or wealth redistribution. Surely she could have waited to revive her passive aggressive (and racist), "just don't vote for this Democrat" campaign.

If my older sister were to read this, my opinions may get back to her. But judging that she will not let you explain your side when it comes to politics, letting her know it in an environment where she cannot reply with "tough" might be good for her. The only real risk is Dad hearing about it and turning on me. I can respect that though.

How can you not admire that display of love? He maybe able to justify, or at least move on from each of Trump's evil policies, and come up with a way to recover and/or improve this country from them, but he has never displayed a hateful bone in his body. Mom on the other hand...may just be willfully ignorant and totally paranoid (not necessarily hateful). I have said that he can just tolerate, but goddamn, what he displays with her is patience. My only patience with her is just avoiding politics all together.

Which I did for the most part. We discussed how my sister and her family will handle the United Methodist split. It was nicer to focus on that instead of her husband finding used condoms in the drywall of their new house.

I guess last week may have been all about analyzing relationships and vanilla sex. Thanks Tommy Wiseau. After watching the room, it is good to know that I am doing something better than him in more than one way.

And if you want to see if that also expands into filmmaking, feel free to ask about getting a copy of the treatment for "Main Event of the Dead", a zom-com B-movie centered around pro-wrestling. Send me an email at russthebus07@gmail.com for the treatment or ways of promoting it out of developmental hell.

"The Room" has taught me the most important lesson James Franco and Tim Burton can offer. Wait for the dramatization of the bad filmmaker's stories instead of thinking that you need to live it to get it. If you are told a bad movie is beyond repair, believe it and move on. Rifftrax will get to it eventually. Too bad Burton is too tied up with IP and Franco can allow himself to be scum.

*January 14, 2020

I miss Myspace. As a certified website designer, it was nice to have a blogging platform were I did not have to think about making it two page downs long. In terms of bulletins and posts, Myspace was essentially Facebook on steroids. Why are we so quick to abandon steroids?

Basically, this post did not feel long enough. Fulfilling since I now realize how you can deal with concepts that are awful (Do I admire my dad's comprehension skills enough?), but brief. I was going to just leave this hanging around as a draft for a while, but I had the idea this morning to release two blogs clusters a week. This job is going well thus far, but should I have a release schedule that reaches out to September? That is about the time I have been here a year, so my wandering spirit may kick in and I will need to weigh big city hospitality versus stability.

Thinking about my stability, why are all my relationships codependent ones? I have just returned from lunch, and remembered that I had some money to move around. Waiting 25 minutes at Champaign's Long John Silver's (5 minutes to order, 10 minutes to pay, 10 minutes to get food) kind of threw my chores off and my justification for eating out instead of just making a PB 'n J at home.

Two visits ago (They say that I am the only one keeping them open.) they had just abandoned the drive-thru, and did not even take my order despite sticking their heads out to check on the traffic. But I had a coupon, and that happened in the evening, so I did come back for lunch before the expiration. Despite this, corporate and management failed to get back to my complaint.

If only I had a wider pallet when it came to fast food options. I will never be a burger guy because I cannot trust people to deliver beef, bacon, cheese and no condiments. Too many times have my plain chicken sandwiches arrived with mayo.

I should be sympathetic on the staff. The person waiting on me said that she and only one other employee was present and I am sure she was doing the best she could. But, this is not made to order (or I at least do not expect fried food to be), so why their were not planks in a bin like McDonald's fries is beyond me. And this is not like my retail job where you grab what you want to overpay for. If you do not have the staff to operate, just do not open up. I will at least understand. Of course, I am the ultimate customer.

This was going to be my last time at the fish joint. As I reached for the phone to send a scathing tweet, my order arrived. It arrived with another apology, and a five dollar off coupon for the trouble. Can you blame me for not wanting to waste free money?

Which reminds me, Hot Cash is coming up at Hot Topic. It is coming up the same week Auntie Anne's is offering buy one get one pretzels. Have all my vices/apps synched? Bitches.

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