Wednesday, December 4, 2019

90 Min Netflix: "Yoga Hosers" Kevin Smith's Ode and Betrayal of Millenial Canucks

How would you spend the eve of your first night off in 19 days? My mom wants to see Netflix's "The Irishman" and being a good son, in spite of her belief that Robert De Niro must be suffering from some mental disorder do to his curse-filled anti-Trump rants that have no valid base or articulation, I cleared out my queue devoted to movies I would probably never get around to buying (under 30 titles, surprisingly) to allow her a queue of her own. While I was reinserting these films into my primary queue, notices of titles being removed caught my attention. "Philadelphia" was one of those films, but since it was 125 minutes, Kevin Smith's "Yoga Hosers" was what I watched in its stead.

It seems that "Yoga Hosers" is widely considered to be the most pathetic directorial effort from the auteur, and being one of the biggest apologists for Smith, hearing that his flick about two Canadian clerks fighting off Nazi bratwursts sucked made me hesitate viewing it since the 2016 release. But I am a completist for better or for worst. (My restraint should be admired for the amount of times that I have typed worst without grabbing the pun.) Perhaps it is because I am apologist for the best screenwriter to not win an Oscar, that I was pleasantly surprised by this flick.

Or I was rewarded for being a completist in terms of collecting and viewing. Because I know what Smith finds funny, nothing awful came out of this feature. This film was to be expected at some point, and it is better to get it out of his system before he gets an AARP cover. Boomers will not stand for this kind of fun filmmaking.

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