Monday, September 30, 2019

CM Trump and NXT's Developmental Talent

What would the Monday Night Wars have been if there was accessible social media? My go to website was Bill Apter's, which was maintained by the same crew who handled Extreme Championship Wrestling's web presence. The reason I found that was because of ECW, so as far as I could tell, straight from the promoters' mouth was the only way to obtain any news. This kept the war limited to TV, so unless a wrestler came on to a Canadian sports program, it was relatively drama free. Neither of the three sides seemed to make it personal, unless there was message boards and newsgroups that talent was actively using. That seemed like too much work to find out.

Social media like Twitter and Facebook has definitely changed that perception. On one front, these are allegedly independent contractors. Thus, everyone has got to make a name for themselves. The only way to sell yourself is to display that you are the best regardless if you believe it. So it started with Seth Rollins claiming that bank account trumps the admiration of experts, the industry, and compassionate wrestling fans.

This was a poor decision since no one was out to take food from his table. The IWC was only inspired to see people stealing bread from decadents. They were not going hungry thanks to The Elite, but they felt like the rich kid was out for their lunch money. I realized the Black Days were over.

The trolls wanted to be fed and CM Punk has better things to do...

Like paying Colt Cabana's legal fees. The courts may not agree with me, but it is what a well off person should do for someone who can see everything go to shit in an instance. Sorry if I am under estimating Cabana's worth, but Punk did buy Joey Matthews a house when he was down. I guess Colt maybe well of if Punk skipped his prior reaction.

Today, the suits between Cabana and Punk were settled. And it turns out that Punk is very Trump-like in terms of criticism. I am suggesting if he keeps blowing up about how people treat him, a libel/slander suit will eventually stick. He was not keeping up with the "Art of Wrestling" obviously since he did look up in a thesaurus a way of saying "allegedly" claiming online that Cabana "tried to extort me."

It is really easy to say something in flexible terms. Like: "It felt like he tried to extort me." This even makes you seem thoughtful and sympathetic. Of course, coming off as a sore winner or needing to affirm that you are the winner makes that tough to do by suggesting Colt will start a "woe is me" GoFundMe account.

My experience is you can keep pressing on and only be a credit score. The only problem I am having with that is a lack of resources to get a Matt Classic tattoo to offset my Punk montage. But more importantly, the courts allow for the rape culture in this country, so just settle out of court...and get over the everyone is out to get you mentality, or at least get some clozapine.

It makes me think that the reason he bailed out Matthews was not only because it was the right thing to do, but it was unexpected. A guy with everything to lose went to bat for him, well he did not lose, so he should be fine. From my own personal experience, I have been screwed out of tens of thousands, and I will still go to bat for others, not just myself. Punk's situations was up to a hundred times greater when it comes to risk, so I may have yet to get bitter from my past experience with thieves.

All Elite Wrestling are more than happy to fulfill the demand for Twitter drama. For the most parts, these guys know how to cut promos, unlike a babyface Rollins. Dominik Dijakovic needs to develop that. Hence why he is NXT, WWE's developmental brand. In a way, his Twitter response to Kenny Omega's interview saying that NXT talent would be doing dark matches or opening the Dynamite program is a fairly valid opinion.

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