
Saturday, August 31, 2019

We gotta get "Main Event of the Dead" rolling: Artwork or a Harvey Danger Soundtrack

Artwork needed for "Main Even of the Dead."  1% need not apply.

So, I will hold off on posting my blog about how psychotherapy is a load of bullshit (sorry, it all depends on the therapist), because my indie movie project needs your help.

I had just finished the reinvention of, so now I must move on to So far, I have put $2000 into the my debut feature already. Thus, I can justify paying for a teaser poster for this project.

The website can be created fairly quickly, but it should feature more than text. A lot of productions trying to gain funding on usually feature video of someone trying to sell you on the project, but we know how well I speak pu...pu...publicly. Plus, I am still old school about web design, and hate turning my site into a TV channel.

It is a computer for Christ sake, and who knows, a potential associate producer may only get to view the Internet at work where firewalls would kill the video or even block the site. And I am all about not judging people, so I cannot discriminate against the miserly of those still using dial up.

Sorry to use a synonym for wickedly thrifty, but my fellow 99 percenters own iPads and lap tops not because we are told to we must own the best technology to obtain the jobs we deserve that the Republicans believe are worth at least $20,000 in student loans we cannot pay.

Do the morons who post anti-Obama images on Facebook (use your own words, not some hateful asshole graphic artist. Hell, I will pirate you a copy of Fireworks to come up with your own images. If I was in the 1%, I would buy you a copy of Photoshop), understand that the money that the 1% unreasonably cling to could save this country? All the rich have to do to DESERVE the riches is to create new jobs, accept they NEED to be taxed to at least 50%, give a third of their wealth to charity, or CHOOSE TO ONLY BUY A SPORTS CAR OR A VACATION HOME. THEY CANNOT HAVE BOTH.



Sorry about the rant, back to Zombie Wrestling Movie.

If you want to consider providing some awesome art work for the MainEventoftheDead website, let me know (email If you need more details about the film, the script is still a work in project, but I am more than willing to write up a complete treatment. If you cannot find inspiration from that, I do not think that I will need your services.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog, and if you can get away with it, DON'T GO TO WORK ON FRIDAY 11/11/11.

We gotta get "Main Event of the Dead" rolling.  Need some sense that my efforts can be rewarded

January 2012 - The agony and the monotony is killing me.

I wish I could have made that a direct reference to Harvey Danger, but cannot say there is much irony to discuss. Don't have the time to make it.

Since the Ryder Customer Response Center moved to Nashville, I am overworked and under-appreciated. Because the new fast food account base pay rate is $0.44 higher than the $8.79 it took 18 months for me to earn with RCRC, the two years I spent with the company is null. This leaves me taking a pay cut of $120 (second shift differential and attendance bonuses are gone.)

With this position, if you have the earned time (paid time off), there is no reason to not take a day off every week. Only problem is, if you don't want to work 40 hours a week, you will have to request four days off because with weekly schedule changes, the scheduling blokes are not afraid to schedule you for four 10 hour days or weekends.

To make matters worse, this fast food restaurant only cares about protecting the brands image and could care less about the customers. And everyone with status on the account is pretty arrogant about the influence the clown ^_-  (either a West Coast or Chicago Based white face) has on the markets. Makes me wish I was working on the lousy accounts they were came from so I could appreciate cold French fry and nugget complaints.

It also sucks working first shift. You cannot drink on the weeknights if you got to wake up at six in the morning. When all your friends are drunks, your left only with a cat and a blu-ray player that for some reason that will not play "The Wrestler."

Guess they are Sean Penn fans at Toshiba. I thought "Milk" was an excellent film to, but to take away Mickey Rourke's Oscar to recognize the liberal agenda of Hollywood and a dead Australian hack. Come on. Rourke's Chinese exploitation with "Year of the Dragon" was better than Madonna's career sabotage of Penn's career called "Shanghai Surprise." Let us not compare their works with Robert De Niro.

Just like Rourke, this adrenaline junkie's efforts to accommodate are unappreciative. Things just get worse when I work my ass off. It just feels like I am following "Sin City" with "Domino." When can I get some box office?

I hate to make resolutions, but "Main Event of the Dead" (a B-movie, pro-wrestling zombie comedy, ask for a treatment at has to be completed this year. Of course I need some help, and unfortunately, I cannot count on anyone to deliver except me. Aside from my family, I can only think of three people that have gone to the bat for me. One of them is dead, one got me arrested over a coke head, and the other is a wrestling promoter.

Shows you how fucked up my life is (was, but back to thinking about working in Vegas instead of Champaign). I make the time for everyone, but never had that returned.

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