Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fist of the North Star (1986) - As Rough as Changing Jobs or Women's Wrestling

The end is the beginning is the new teller job and trying to find another night stay to secure my status in the rewards program. I know that does not sound too bad, but my hesitations prior to the commitment will not let me get comfortable.

I immediately knew that things seemed too good when you can respond to management's text about how I could not get tonight off to watch "All Out", despite it being requested a month ago , with "I had just e-mailed you my two-week notice." My discipline is too great to not bring a tablet in to watch it and ignore the Downstate Illini fans hoping to get too drunk to make it back to Springfield or Peoria. The seven deities know I could use a distraction from that and their kids wandering about instead of being parented. Perhaps tomorrow I can leave a "present" on management's desk for blatantly ignoring my request until the last minute so they could do whatever they liked this weekend without any concern for their subordinates' mental health.

Then again, I may see management twice a month at this position. My chances to get friendly so that I am cozy with them were far and few. That will be the extent of my venting. The property is part of major chain, so do not want to screw up the great rapport with a Vegas location I interviewed with. Just stay out of hospitality in Champaign/Urbana is the summation of the last three years of my career.

After that, my first career decided that it needed to get back in my life. It happened over Wizard World weekend. My brief neighbor from 2005 decided that she wants to start a Peorian take on Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. She asked me in a comment about what I thought was needed to get it going, I replied, and the insistence of immediate action during my vacation was requested.

As a result, upon getting home, I ordered another green and black wrestling mask from MaskManiac and another UltraSaberIt is from my personal experience that Sith Lords are hella over. These occurrences should have been my lead when I briefly got to speak to the potential promoter. The lack of matching enthusiasm displayed on my behalf in our brief conversation may be the reason why she has quit corresponding via any media with me and seems less determined when it comes to letting the Facebook world know that she is the next Marc Maron.

I wonder if talking about this with my girlfriend had triggered the mood and her willful lack of awareness of me. She is acting like I am just going to run back to my strip club pass, so why work on making his life comfortable. Her experience may lead her to believe that everyone abandons you in the end, but based on my life, I have tried to show her faith is the greatest act of defiance. It feels like I am getting judged by everyone despite upping my income $5000 and being willing to work seven days a week to do so. Hence, judgement is something that I need to start dishing out.

But since I do not want to upset my girlfriend, denying her a Don Bluth cartoon has prevented me from opening up the Netflix DVD envelope. At least Amazon Prime Video does not allow for fulfillment injuries.

"Fist of the North Star"

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