
Saturday, August 17, 2019

7/10/09: Taking One For Team "Heal the World"

Death, the situation that is the most constant cause of confusion:

  • As long as that douche who told us we cannot have slaves isn't the head of the party, it'll be cool to sell out the land that Sherman raped.
  • Because Hitler killed a lot of you guys, you get to displace a lot of Muslims.
  • Since you guys never pissed us off, you guys in Sudan can ethnically cleanse Darfur.

I'd throw an example about maters, but I may come across as Antisemitic.

Aside from Darfur, we are fortunate that does not affect us on a massive least until Michael Jackson screwed that shit up.

The idolization, the media circus, the genuine tragedy. All of these got us to forget about the child molestation accusations. I for one, do not see a problem with this since I believe the "innocent" party, but what if he was a convicted pedophile doing his nine years.

Actually with all the children that he probably helped, is it wrong to expect a few little boys to take one for the global team? What would the Athenians and the Romans say about it?

Thinking about the Romans, is it any surprise that the Roman Catholics deal with child molestation allegations all of the time. What makes it suck for the Catholic church is that some of these allegations occurred, and the as a whole gets punished for it.

Except for the nuns it seems, but it would just be weird to think of Mother Teresa expecting little Indians to turn tricks for food.

The only reason why I'm thinking about "What goods trump what evils" is because of the Steve McNair tragedy. It was a murder suicide allegedly based around his adulterous nature. In my opinion, the media seems to focus on all the good he did (which we fucking should) because he wasn't the murderer. But what if it was the other way around? Would his criminal act cause everyone to turn against him?

Like they did with Chris Benoit. The devastating actions he took were insane. There is medical evidence to support that he had sustained so many brain injuries that is was almost surprising that he did not do something nuts sooner. But since he has been determined to be the guilty party, everything good he did in the world up to the last three days (perhaps even less) is lost, and never to be spoken again by World Wrestling Entertainment, TNA, or any independent fed.

Despite, if you ask anyone who trains wrestlers, Chris Benoit is one of those guys who we are told to look up to. That is because he was more than just his last acts.

The Catholic Clergy, Jackson, McNair, and Benoit. All of these guys were not Hitler. None of the guys made being a mass-murdering occultist a career choice. They all made entertaining and helping people the goals of their lives.

I'm not saying these individuals didn't make poor decisions. On that note, Farrah Fawcett should never had done the body painting Playboy stuff in the mid to late nineties (there are things you just do not do when your rounding 50). But the important thing is that they did more good than harm.

There is shit worth remembering about these people besides what not to do with celebrity. So lets remember that stuff. Why the fuck would you want to make the bad the obituary opening?

Or at least, let us write their memorial like they would want it to be written. Like this story I tweeted on

  • Driving towards the Peoria County Jail on Farmington Rd. See an actual sign on the side of the road (green with while trim and everything).
  • It says 'Please don't drink and drive. In memory of..' Now was he the victim or the driver. I just wonder if that was his final thought, OR
  • Was it: Live fast! Drink Hard! And the what he do'n out on a country road this late?
  • 'Don't Drink & Drive' is a good message, but we should make sure the victims want that to be their legacy.
  • If he thought, 'one more and I wouldn't have been, so up tight when I rolled the motherfucker', He had no intention of being a PSA

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