
Saturday, February 2, 2019

MFK: The Disgruntled's Real World Champion, The Three Wise Men, Christmas Parties

I have just successfully completed preparing drafts of old blogs to be republished on this site. Hopefully by the end of the night, the funds will be figured out to purchase a domain for "Ninety for Chill." Perhaps a new strategy will be developed to quickly catch up to the current date with my newer blogs.

If only the hotel guests acted like they have stayed in a hotel before. That may be an over statement. All it takes is one stupid request, question or demand, and you are going to fear picking up the phone the next time it rings. Sometimes it is not the guest's fault, like noise complaints, but there is always somebody who is going to make it difficult for everybody.

Needless to say, it is tough to regain my composure after someone asks twice about where the ice machine is in a matter of a minute to then receive a call about a friend of the hotel's youth basketball team causing another guest's bed to shake for three hours. Or having a little kid demand that I find him games on a business center computer to then receive a call from a guest insisting I approve a late check out for them that moment.

When there is nothing going on in Champaign during winter weather conditions, no one is staying at your hotel for a good reason. Family Christmas parties in the latter half of January be damned. Even the Three Wise Men said the partying was over on January 5. I am cheered the fuck out. They were good folks, but if you need a hotel to host a party, you need to teach your kids about contraceptives. Do not remind me that, until all the Chicago kids get back into their dorms, this is Central Illinois.

Needless to say, a plate of assorted cold pastas is not going to convince me to not find an indie wrestling show when your next reunion is booked. If only I could get some people interested in booking a card down in the CU at 51 Main or Fat City, so that I can request it off over half year in advance. Or we could use that weekend to shoot "Main Event of the Dead," my pro-wrestling zom/com B-Movie (email for a treatment).

At least I am not at a property that takes out blocks of room or is suited for office Chrismas parties. Just give Clark Griswold his bonus instead of offering us booze and trouble. Are these parties designed to determine who can you fire based on some drunken shenanigans?

Perhaps I gotta quit living in the moment. First off, the moment may not be great content. It is like polishing a turd. Since it is my journal, what does that say about me?

Second, I know I can do it. Reading over all the blogs that I am re-posting stick to a topic. When you throw in what is going on in my head, enlightenment is not what you are going to get. It is not concise and does not get to a point. The best blogs should not end with, "find out next week."

I should focus on rants like "Are the Wise Men so wise?"

They are still following a deity. I should not be so tough on them since it took me the better part of 33 years to figure out that religion as a philosophy/path is bullshit. Jesus died at 33. Were they even that old?

Then again, were they men of faith before their mission to kill Jesus: What impressed them to become fanatics? These guys missed the "miracle."

If only I had a famous friend to start a podcast with. My girlfriend was telling me to pursue my fellow Danny Daniels's student who works for the WWE. If Peoria Wrestling wanted me to shut the fuck up, what do you think the biggest company in the world would say after talent relations read my Twitter?

Regardless, I could probably make that an entertaining conversation with anyone who has a grasp on reality and was not judgmental. Hence why I need a famous friend or a podcaster at the University who is desperate for guests. Cannot count on that from a genuine Central Illinois local unless they sling drinks.

Third reason to get out of the moment, I am taking notes to be out of it. I had some great material to tick off all religions about...well I will save it for next week. Suggest anything, and the shock is gone.

Anyhow, there is something more pressing that I would like some feed back on.

Who is the real world champion now?

IWGP Heavyweight Champion: Hiroshi Tanahashi

Hiroshi Tanahashi had a great match when he dethroned Kenny Omega, but definitely nothing compared to the matches that  Kazuchika Okada had with The Cleaner. It definitely was not as hard hitting as most Omega matches, so it seemed to downgrade his opponent. His victory puts a halt on what they were trying to achieve with talents like Tetsuya Naito and Okada as the headliners of the future. If your company seems to stall, does your belt's prestige falter?

WWE World Champion: Daniel Bryan

The victory is far more major than Tanahashi's. We all thought Bryan was going to be midcarder for life because WWE thought we should just be glad they let him comeback at all (opposed to allowing him to work All In or Wrestle Kingdom). He beat the seemingly best performer in the company in AJ Styles and he should have more space on his bump card than the IWGP champion. I hate to give WWE credit, but they may have the most compelling product(s). Too bad their being buried. Hence why I still will not recognize the WWE Universal Championship as a world title.

NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Nick Aldis

Swapping the belt with Cody makes the National Wrestling Alliance legitimate, but not a head of New Japan Professional Wrestling or World Wrestling Entertainment.

NXT Champion: Tomasso Ciampa

No one denies the best product WWE has to offer is NXT. Tomasso Ciampa is the current face of the product. He may not be able to get over on either of WWE's main roster because of the turn-on-a-dime booking, but he would definitely be over in either New Japan or the NWA. His heat and promos make us believe his claims to being the greatest sports entertainer have legitimacy. Since every NXT Champion seems to be greater than the last, whoever beats him will only elevate the title.

Is the NXT Championship the Best Championship in wrestling? Is it being held by the best champion in wrestling?

I suppose I should just save that for my next call to the "Wrestling Compadres Hotline," but how am I going to get any traffic from that. Better to keep it about chastising Hulk Hogan, tag team booking, and Scott Narver's fear of foreign things.

"Don't let your babies grow up to be Cubs Fans, and always remember to spay or neuter your White Sox Fans," Russ Stevens

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