
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

8/29/09: Jesus Built My Wrestling Ring

Jesus was the first pro wrestler.

Jesus did not die for our sins because he knew he was coming back. He put up with a lot of pain to make everyone get emotional about what he represented. To compare him to anyone today, the most likely options would be Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, or the hardcore stars like Sabu, Mick Foley, or Terry Funk. If you book any of them against a promoter, the story they tell in their program would be no different that the Gospels. The Jews were the heels and Christ was the babyface.

Well, I guess you would have to say the Romans were the heels because most of the writers in the entertainment business (Paul Heyman being the prime example in the wrestling business) are Jewish. Unless they want to represent pure evil like Vince McMahon tries to do, they be best to avoid making themselves look bad. This way you could also take the left's win over the Right wing voters. Christ is more than our savior, he's an American hero standing up to foreign tyranny.

It's not the greatest story ever told. As we say it in the wrestling business, it was a work, so it would be the greatest work ever sold. If it was a shoot, real, he'd stay dead to prove a point.

The guy went on to spawn the DaVinci Code for Christ sake. This was his farewell bout and the bible is his Wresling in Shadows.

Sorry if I offended any of the chosen people by saying the Jews were heels. I can understand why any race would not immediately buy into Mary's nutty son being the savior of your people. Oy vey. The Jews are definitely the most strong minded-people for resisting his spiel and able to convince the Roman to do the dirty work.

As a Christian, all I can say is that he represented the big guy well, and didn't hurt anybody doing it. What a dude.

As a wrestler, for pulling that crucifixion off, I'm obviously a fan.

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