
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

11/23/09: Backseat to Pussypires and Weretwats!

It is a somewhat difficult dilemma for me to critique ICC's Harbinger since they have been very accommodating to my works as the semester has gone on. If anything, it has been a great improvement over the first semester I wrote for them (Spring 2009). They now have an editor-in-chief with vision instead of one who was as much about her own promotion as she was about filling the eight pages with material, and the staff will go to the trouble of making sure everything works out for each publication.

Of course, I may just be miffed at my last couple opinion pieces being cut in half in the name of "The Battle of the Ink." In turn, I am down right pissed that my defense of New Mexico soccer standout Elizabeth Lambert questionable ply takes a backseat to a story about "Twilight."
New York Times Sports Violence
I'm not saying that the staff was brilliant with their discussion about whether or not there should be so many music genres (my compromise would be just categorizing rock music as "Beetlesesque, Sabbathesque, Maidenesque, and have clerks play six degrees from there), but at least that does not promote the worst thing to happen to mass entertainment since the establishment of Ryan Reynold's career that ended up with him taking Scarlett Johansson off the singles market.

Are you seriously telling me parents would rather have their little girls growing up like Kristen Stewart's most pathetic role than being assertive, no nonsense women. For those who object to such looking at Lambert in such a positive light, unlike Bella Swan, she doesn't rely on self-destructive whining.

Lambert's only defense to those who do not understand how contact sports are played was, "I let my emotions get the better of me in a heated situation." Bella was out to kill herself over a guy, and then becomes flirtatious as a method to get over him. If I can't have him, then I'm going to hurt him attitude. It doesn't make you sympathetic, it makes you a bitch.

Of course, I have only seen the trailer (too many times at that).

If anything, we should admire Lambert for doing what she did for her university. And not being so indecisive about sparkling vampire or horribly tanned werewolves (if that isn't reason enough to burn every "Twilight" cut out as effigies, I don't know what is). Lobos all the way.

Still, the argument of which undead freak of nature you'd rather shag took precedence over the need for public opinion to change for someone who is undeservingly getting chastised. I know I've been critical about the ICC newspaper not taking stands and suggestions, but putting two people who are only writing something to read themselves over newsworthy material is downright offensive.

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