
Saturday, December 22, 2018

9/25/09: Dog Fighting for Early Childhood

Rose McGowan, who should be thanking me for getting her more followers (if 34,426 wasn't enough) was tweeting about hearing about an Illinois dog fighting ring that was being ran out of a day care center. It's great to know the Charmed girls are great information sources. @russthebus replied:
@rosemcgowan It was not a dogfighting ring. What happens when two kids in daycare argue about whose puppy for show and tell is coolest?
With the state government cutting funding to early childhood programs, I wonder if this is truly a bad idea.

If we go along with the premise of the tweet, that it starts with two kids bringing in two dogs into class for show and tell, wouldn't we put the two dogs at it to just shut the kids up. It would get them prepared for the traumatic experiences they will face growing up. Who knows? I may have been better prepared for when I failed to save a man who set himself on fire if I saw something sick and twisted to begin with.

The world is unfairly cruel. Kids do not want to hear sad stories, so they are sheltered from the truth that bad stuff happens. This will teach them the lesson when their guard is down.

It may also teach children to be careful what they say. If they don't want to see their poodle get mauled, they won't be quick to say that their dog is the coolest. They will be more careful about their decisions in the future, and the world will prosper for it.

Speaking of prospering, day cares can do so through the dog fighting. Like it is wrong to use gambling to fund schools. That is actually our justification for having lotteries and riverboat casinos. They are suppose to fund our schools. As long as we have wise day care teachers when it comes to laying odds on the mutts, the money should role in.

Also, we can sell the videos of the fights to show to small dogs. If they see a chihuahua get chewed up by a pincher, they may not be so quick to annoyingly bark when they see a bigger dog. Obedience training may also be helped if puppies knew that this could be their fate. The only people who would be pissed by this are the puppy pad manufactures just because we have given the little buggers further incentive to do their business outside.

The best thing about this idea is that it is totally avoidable. Don't want trouble, be careful how you handle your pet. Hell, teachers with allergies may appreciate the idea because dogs will more than likely stay at home instead of at school.

And once again, how can you object to the financial stability it will give these schools? The only other solution I have is socialism, but how are we suppose to sell the public on that?

In other news:

Nitro Expected To Win Westminster Dog Fight

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