Saturday, December 1, 2018

10/12/12: Feedback Please. Have I just zoned out for 9 months?

I was inspired to title the blog "Wanted:  Friends, Producers, Rabbis or Dealers," but my first pay check at my current job was not too bad, so that's not Facebook appropriate.

So I got to come up with something to write about.  Out of practice of course, but I haven't kept up on my Netflix and with Facebook being my only societal feed, my anger at human race is fleeting.

I actually think it maybe more directed at individuals.  Is it sad to say that the most recent blog idea was to write about how no promoter should book a particular insecure, pussy-whipped, son of a jobber Pekinite who post racist comments only to follow them by his sharing a "Pro Wrestler Against Bullying" image.  Posting that would be a bit hypocritical and frankly is to easy.

How easy?  Do you really want the long winded version of that borderline run on sentence.  I also do not want to take the time to redesign the structure of this website to give that carny (meant in the Marigold Festival sense) to properly classify this blog.  It would defeat the ease in writing I was trying to obtain by switching this blog from Go Daddy to Blog Post.

My life is complicated enough with a fluke of a blood pressure reading today.  Perhaps trying to think of this blog's topic is the reason for the crappy doctor visit.  If trying to get the time off from my new job authorized wasn't enough pressure, trying to make it to the appointment in 25 minutes from Peoria to Morton via the torn up I-474 at 85 mph could not help the reading.

As a result of my doctor's visit which I had to obviously divulge some details to my mom, Mrs. Stevens of Morton, wanted me to promise to cut of Buffalo wings, walk for 20 minutes after work at Forest Park, and give up drinking until my follow up the appointment.

Maybe I should have pursued acting because I'm asking myself, "What's my motivation?"

At best, my life is a lame first draft of an older Woody Allen script.  My life just needs more wackiness.  Maybe that's the motivation to start going to temple.  At least I will have plans for a Friday night that does not involve the bottle.

Then again, if the stereotypes are accurate, then vodka will be needed.  Is Sobieski considered Kosher?

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