
Saturday, November 24, 2018

90-Minute Netflix: Hotel Artemis for Dogs

If only Myspace could be viewed in its original beauty. It would allow me to see how prolific I was in blogging when the dancers at Big Al's declared me the most intellectual man in Peoria.

Do I miss 2007 to 2009? It was a time of contentment, and being comfortable is not something that I seem to deal with well. The difference between now and then is that I was not worried about the future. Guess it could just be hope was prevalent. Surely if I take the occasional bump and just throw movie, trucker or college kid critique on the Internet, success and security was destined.

Lose the girlfriend by being the post-modern strip club Socrates (Chris Rock's "No Sex" is advise for for first-time visitors), your income is halved because of a truck stop scammers catch you working a double shift, best friend moves out and you move home to constant Fox News broadcasts and a mother who was already missing W, all hope would seem to be lost. Thank the gods for cats or the time between then and now would be a wash. Unfortunately for me, I kind of have their attitude, so needless to say, it would be a while till much got done to correct myself. Smartphones did not help matters.

Why open up the laptop when you can pull up the information on your phone? Needless to say, little time was spent on Internet browsers that encouraged me writing during downtime. Well, blogging was gone, but I did keep up writing movie reviews. The problem is not knowing anyone who would want to take the time after putting eight hours in at a call center to transcribe them.

And then you end up at the iHotel where the employees who were there from day one to hear "If Mr. Fox sees you using downtime to write or study, you would be fired." No bumps and no ranting. It almost makes not realizing that they had given you two weeks of vacation time a fair exchange to take a less stressful hotel job.

The lesson here is not to think about your past when you already nailed down your movie review's blog title. You are left with only having, "that hotel may have been stressful, but not as much as the one Jodie Foster was manning," as your "smooth" transition to one of 2018's attempt to capture Quentin Tarantino's too hip vibe, "Hotel Artemis."

Hotel Artemis

Two brothers' bank heist is hindered by no one knowing how to break into or open the safe. With the water riots consuming Los Angeles, the rich are just trying to make sure their ill-begotten goods are secure. This leads the brothers to decide to settle on whatever goods disgruntled errand runners are willing to part with, including a fountain pen full of canary diamonds that the younger brother decides to take with him despite the warning of its courier.

It must have been cursed because upon leaving, the riot cops find that they are a better target to engage leaving one member of the crew dead and the other three suffering from wounds, the little brother critically. Fortunately, despite having been retired, the elder brother has kept up his membership dues with the Hotel Artemis, LA's premiere criminal emergency room, so they should be able to get fixed up and wait for this whole thing to blow over.

Now Waikiki and Honolulu upon checking in, Waikiki finds out there may be too many variables to survive the night. His ex-flame Nice, the premier hitwomen in the world, is obviously on a job, but we do not know the target. It is never good to have a coked up arms dealer with a never sunny disposition around, and the son of the Wolfking of Los Angeles is locking the place down to ensure that his wounded dad will not be turned away.

Everest is a beefed up health care professional and guardian whose talents operates both ways, but if the Wolfking finds out Honolulu has his diamonds, the no weapon policy may not be enough to allow any of the nurse's patients to get out alive. The nurse is also trying to save the life of a cop does not help matters. All the house rules will be broken, but that is what was bound to happen when you only care for rule breakers.

With a list of real tag team and women's champions already documented, perhaps trying to find the "Reservoir Dogs" knock off each year should be my next project. I will have to get around to "Bad Times at the El Royale" but until then, Drew Pearce's directorial debut "Hotel Artemis" gets to at least claim firsties for the title.

Pearce's feature either had actors who did not want to have fun or a script that was too focused on mechanics to keep most viewers' interest. He had written "Iron Man 3" and "Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation." Both movies are enjoyable, but the construction of the stories are off compared to their predecessors. When we get to the action sequences, it is hard to know what we should be focused on and the ending leaves us with a lot of questions to what actually happened in the climax. The credits end with an invitation to return to the Hotel and a thanks for staying, but I would need extra honors point to inspire me to need those answers.

If the actors were given some witty dialogue along the way, perhaps be allowed to improvise, this would be a rewarding watch. Unfortunately, it is too involved moving the film forward (Batista, Jodie Foster and Jeff Goldblum might be too much for an hour and a half), we do not get it. Definitely a waste of a fine cast with an exception to Charlie Day who is playing his "Always Sunny" character without any meme-able lines.

I told my girlfriend about "Hotel Artemis" being another attempt to capture Tarantino's major film debut, and she responded with "why can't they let Reservoir Dogs just be Reservoir Dogs?" A proper response would be, "at least it was not a remake," but Tarantino has made us want action movies about archetypes. As long as there is that want, we are going to keep getting repackaged versions.

"Hotel Artemis" wants to have a clever story, but fails to realize that everything needs to be clever to be something we could picture Harvey Keitel in. Otherwise, release it straight to DVD the same week as "Guardians" and give Batista top bill. There is a lesson in profit. - Hotel Artemis

3/8/12: Don't you think our flag is lame?

I'm trying to come up with a tattoo idea. Oh, the nuisance I can be to myself after adjusting to second shift sleeping hours. Especially when I got to take the cat to the vet, go to the dentist and pay a speeding ticket.

Damn Chillicothe for building its town on a state highway. If you don't want me to go 44 in a 35 (I blame Five Man Electric Band for me not seeing the 30 mph sign...or should I say Tesla), then put some projects around the road like Peoria. You gotta drive safe on Adams because you don't want to get into a hit and run. If you do hit a pedestrian, the paranoia of desperate poor folks won't allow you to leave your car to check on the victim or wait for the authorities. A catch 22, or should I say a catch 29.

But Chilli makes all their money on traffic violations, and we don't want to cripple their chances of getting a Family Video or a KFC to complete the Pepsi fast food trifecta. I don't think it would hurt Dream Illustration's business though.

So back to the tattoo idea. I was thinking of using the English flag, the St George, not the Union Jack (screw the Scots and Irish). I'm thinking in the top left quarter adding a hammer and sickle or the Nerv logo from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Some how, I know which melding would not be "got."

Originally, I was considering using the Le Tigre feminist anthem FYR with the Nerv logo, but it was a good friend who reminded me how esoteric that would be. Thanks Adult Swim for ruining anime and JD Sampson for killing a new riot grrrl era to focus on the butch crying.

These ideas come from America having a flag with zero versatility. The flags with perpendicular bars or open fields allow for variations to the design. Just wiki British or Scandinavian flags and you will understand this arrangement.

Even wiki Soviet flags to see how they kept the defining image of the nation while using the red space to get creative. Actually watch "Rocky 4." Drago's visage on the Soviet banner was far more classy than Apollo's entrance monstrosity. I shouldn't speak ill of the dead, James Brown was still cool despite that.

There is too much going on with the stars and stripes. Only rock bands see it fit to replace the stars, and if it isn't something hip or hateful (I just got a feeling white power douche bags have given the blue field a hint of Hitler) 'Muricans find it in poor taste.

Or they'll find inspiration for a Swayze/Sheen resistance movement. And since my dad went to Michigan State, fuck all wolverines.

If my dream of a United Socialist States of America comes to fruition, I don't want to be a new age Lt Guile. Someone who couldn't come up with a way to incorporate them stars and stripes into a work of art and just gets a tattoo of the current flag because of an excessively low amount of creativity.

At least with using the St. George and the communist standby, I'm paying homage to my main heritage and my political values.

As for those close minded Americans who think the Soviets were evil, unless you were a member of the Masterson family or Chappy Sinclair, there is no reason to be pissy at them. Hell, even Louis Gossett Jr. got over it by the end of that "Iron Eagle II."

The Hammer and Sickle is definitely less offensive than the Rebel flag. We never agreed with the Soviets, but they never enslaved any of our races (beating to submission had no guarantees of a docile work force). I find it silly that we honor a failed nation that was based on the ownership of other people just because they stood up to the people who had common sense and who genuinely gave a shit.

In a way, this tattoo idea is kind of a fuck you to those who consider their pride of being backwards hicks. Backwards hicks who believe any idea not from this land is a bad one. Hate to break it to you, if it isn't a vaccine or space exploration, all the good ideas come from outside this country. Hell, the stingy Tea Parties have lead to outsourcing those things.

A tattoo to piss off conservatives and crackers. I think that is why UFC veteran Jeff Monson is one of the toughest fighters around. If you have that kind of ink, you got to be ready to back it up. Since Tap Out doesn't incorporate that southern flag into their gear, I don't think there will be anyone I'll have to sweat about sporting this ink.

Maybe the Irish, but in all likelihood, they'd be too drunk to be dangerous.

10/29/2009: Check out the instead of

Because I get most my job hits on anyway.

I can no longer save you the trip to ICC with my opinion pieces and movie reviews that get printed there. A bummer, because sometimes I feel it's easier to fulfill my, "well I at least blogged today" goal each day by cutting and pasting the original Word documents. With some of my movie reviews being poorly edited, I kind of took pride in "Save you a trip to the Hill" movie reviews on Russ's Online Home -, but when I see that only three people have voted on the latest web poll at it leads me to believe that there is a need to promote the paper.

No, I cannot say I read all of The Harbinger. I usually just skip to the opinion section and the A&E so I can get myself pissed and ready to write. But the fact is that the best reporting in the area may be coming from ICC's newspaper rather than the Journal Star.

I should say, the possibility of the best news coverage comes from the Harbinger. If we pay it more attention, they may feel encouraged to cover more than what will be featured in the print edition. Namely, local coverage of stories.

I realize that outside the 312, Illinois is a red state, so the Journal Star caters to it. That is probably why my responses to the statement of ignorant readers of the Star never got posted. The problem with the red state attitude is that younger people's voices will not be heard. These voices that want to be heard tend to be those discontent with the area while those who do not care if their voices are heard will continue reading the Star and never question anything written, and the area will never become bicolored.

If we encourage the college newspapers (including Bradley), maybe attitudes will change. The Journal Star can still be given attention. We all glance over the front page, but we should not pay it as much mind at least in terms of the websites because important issues needs to be covered by writers with more opened minds.

Those minds are at

Saturday, November 17, 2018

MFK: Roman Reigns, The Alt-Right, @MainEventZombie

This week (ending October 27) seemed to go by pretty fast. I cannot say that I did much, but this country made it feel full, not in a good way of course.

Roman Reign's title reign ends with leukemia's reemergence. A part of me wants to think it is Vince McMahon's idea of the way of surrendering to the fans' displeasure with his champion. You cannot boo a man with a cancer diagnosis, so you cannot celebrate him relinquishing his title. If you read my Tumblr dedicated to wrestling, but founded on how the Hulk Hogan starring vehicle, "No Holds Barred," is Vince's ideal vision for the business, you will probably agree that it is not much of a stretch.

Karma must have been keeping tabs on me as I typed that up. Once the wedding guests started returning from their respective receptions, sinus drainage lead me to hugging the men's room's toilet. Anyone who knows me knows how violent a vommiter I am. We had a team meeting today, and my three-minute abandonment of the front desk was not passed on to management, so maybe those guests returning served as camouflage. Every party has that one guy they drag to the room. Four out of five times, no floors are damaged.

So, I feel I have paid for just being glad the Roman Reigns story being over. There just did not seem to be a way out of it from WWE's storytelling perspective. They have shoved it down our throats the last four years, why would they stop. No one in NXT seems to be that replacement talent, and McMahon seems to like to get 10 years out of his top guy, so we were not even half way through the Roman Era.

I do know that you cannot outright boo a cancer survivor (I hate to say Vince should have played the pity card, but I will stand by that stance), so best wishes to Roman on a swift recovery. Hopefully the McMahon's will do right by their female employees and CTE cases they are responsible for (those after March 26, 2001) by that time so that I will pay $9.99 a month to see it.

Bryan v. Lesnar and Rollins v. Nakamura should be a free month for me.

Thinking about people getting their acts together, I hope the Democrats can hold it together after the Right is responsible for 11 deaths and the attempted murder of at least twice that. The Right has got too many issues right now to tell us that everything is fine. Hell, I am disappointed that they will not even argue their points.

At least Miss Sassy💋 @MissSassyIA did not block me until I wrote the blog "Sassy Gun Owners: Choosing Cancer Children Over Murdered Minors". The latest racist American who I tried to engage 🏁Debbie K 💗🙏🌟🌟🌟 @DK_RELENTLESS blocked me without a retort to my screen captured response to Cusseta, Georgia and Bankal, Lapu-Lapu's own Mar Weidner sharing her tweet.
@DK_RELENTLESS: If conditions in Honduras are so bad,why is the MOB-caravan waving Honduran flags& derogatory messages to Trump? Why not wave U.S. flags& respectful signs begging for help? Why did they just bum-rush 500 Mexican COPS if they're law-abiding ppl seeking safety?
Russ Harshside: Because they do have a national identity that they are proud of (flags) which they refuse to abandon. Because Trump is a racist whose anti-immigrant stance is ignorant and they hope he realize it. It is better to fight off cops instead of returning to a situation that the world chose to ignore leading them to this.
Sounds like you just want to get your ass kissed for being fortuitous to be here now.
How am I suppose to rip that person apart without more material to work from? To her credit, since she just blocked me, she is not a Russian. As for the xenophobic jet setter Mar Weidner with so many authoritarian-loving places to call home, how do we know he is not a bot. With all those clone accounts out there, I hope he is not poisoning the minds of too many of his friends/family out there.
Mar Weidner: Russ are wrong ... the world did not ignore their plight... we the USA tried to help them even after their government seized "all American" private companys... When the government currency imploded we were told to go away... they asked for help from other communist country's...get your facts right... sounds as if you have an agenda yourself
Joshua Gonzalez: "Facts" 
It is great when someone does the responding for you. Facts being that the people are leaving the government that has put them in this situation instead of continuing to let them ruin it further. I do want to ask what kind of agenda I must have, but after my past experience with gun nuts on Twitter, you cannot go and answer every idiot who responds.

You cannot trust the intelligence of anyone who believes in a document written 230 years ago (or 2018 years ago). They are strictly fight or shoot type people. If you own a gun, you are a winner. I would suggest that they watch "Shoot 'Em Up," but in the age of the Internet, satire is dead. Liberals just need to remember that we are smarter and that all these cowards can do is stick to their flimsy narrative.

I guess I am just upset for the lack of intelligent interactions I have outside of my retail jobs. There it is all liberal fun and joking about the incels behind their backs (with the stuff we sell, you know we got at least one). My social legs still are not quite under me in Champaign/Urbana, and there are times where bills and relationships leave me wondering if I can. This leads to depression and pondering why the person who might not have anything going for him is not getting shot by the paranoid evil assholes or not getting diagnosed with possibly terminal diseases.

If only atheists had a place to congregate is the answer to the first portion of that question. As for being cancer-free, I do not have a storyline that annoys enough people that illness is the only way to end it. In conclusion, I may have to become a bigger asshole than I already am. Then the radiation and lead will be my destiny.

Knowing my luck, the lead will only wound me and then prevent the cancer juice from taking hold. If only I was of the right wing. Then I could buy myself a winner (

10/9/11: Hockey Season and The Humanoids that Hate Obama

After watching the home opener of the Peoria Rivermen, I'm glad my budget keeps me away from the rink more that once a weekend. Since Peoria winters are long without a local wrestling promotion, what else am I going to do with myself until Oscar season except follow the Rivs?

They lack everywhere, so if the Blues do not leave us with something worthwhile beside their mascot's little brother (did Seth MacFarlane claim the Captain was infringing on "American Dad."), it could make for a long, cold season. Maybe coaching can make up for it. Hopefully Coach Bednar realizes that if you can't offer defense or offense, you got to goon it up. At least give us a distraction from the non-Canadians in the arena.

It was opening night, so everyone was there. Families, drunks, mullet dawning newlyweds, etc. In other words, Carver Arena was the bowl for a stew of intolerance that makes you wonder how hateful fans would be to each other if any minorities were present on the ice.

White America, so hateful that we will look for differences to justify hating each other instead of committing to our actions. Just so you Facebook-closeted conservatives know, you didn't vote for Obama because you wanted to prove you weren't racist (unless you're an idiot), you voted for him because you wanted change. Too bad you were to cowardly to sacrifice and commit to the cause of change.


Otherwise, the armed forces are not protecting our freedoms, they only support the worst concepts of American imperialism responsible for all except World Wars (and it did fuel WWII) and Desert Storm (if the Iraqis wanted rid of Saddam, they should have done it themselves).

If the Rivs would have only dropped the gloves after the 50 minute mark being down two goals, maybe the "anti" American aggression in this blog wouldn't be present. Not to pigeon hole #4 to become an enforcer, but his last name is Punch.

Another way for me to not be so pissy is if the Rivermen owners and the Civic Center could come up with promotions to service the unique demographics that come to their games. The parents who objected to the offensive languages of the drunks who probably stopped in Peoria while they were en route to catch their beloved Stain Tampons (aka the Cardinals) play the Brewers were probably in the right, and the guy who wasn't drunk because he probably lacked friends to get tanked with was an asshole for defending them was in the wrong, but Sundays are for families (the games end before the brats bedtime).

Once the groom with the mullet decided to lay down the law in the family's favor, I thought the drunks and lonely douche should have been ejected because as long as a guy in a blue bear costume is there, Rivs hockey is for the family, at least for that night. Cannot tell the kids to put on ear muffs for 60 minutes because drunkenness implies that freedom of speech must be expressed.

It was opening night, so Peorians are supposedly to united, but it left me thinking about the other 39 home games. They are not going to get 7,000 people into the stands again until the play off chase or the guest appearance of the "Twilight" actor with the worst agent. Might as well cater to the guys and gals who chose not to reproduce or expose their kids to a sport that encourages fisticuffs to settle grievances.

On the topic of fighting, that is my solution for cases when someone is guilty, but there is enough doubt to keep them out of prison. Let the victim's families get five minutes to beat the shit out of the defendant. As long as you do not leave them dead or in the condition of a San Francisco Giants fan, justice is undeniably served.

Now back to four hockey promotional nights that came to immediate mind. I'd like to make it five, so please send me suggestions.

1. R-Rated Night:
I'd like to say no kids allowed night (NC-17), but because there are supposed to be competent, liberal parents out there (I know, that maybe a myth), we cannot keep them all out. This would be the night where drinks are sold beyond the second intermission, all language is appropriate, and instead of a kiss cam, there would be a tits cam.
It's either boob flashing is permitted, or Megan and the Ice Girls have to wonder the arena topless. These attention starved girls are cheerleaders because they do not want to be strippers, so asking them to wear hockey socks without the sweaters would be wrong.
2. Nursing Home Clearance Night / Labor Induction Night.
The concept is more of away for me to be twisted than being a promotional event, but I think it maybe popular in spite of this.
This could save Medicare. If we put fans who are 70 years-old and beyond below the top of the glass, heart attacks may result when these old folks are surprised by the 90 mph pucks meant for their skulls. I'd actually like to see a night where we have a reason to get rid of those stupid nets.
As for the expecting mothers, I thing the scary pucks may result in a quickening of their natural processes. The insurance money does not have to pay for the process, so again, an another event that would be encouraged.
3. 8-Bit Night:
It may be tough to get the American Hockey League to agree to only penalize the losers of the fights like in the Nintendo Entertainment System classics "Ice Hockey" and "Blades of Steel," but I don't see a reason why we cannot play "Gradius" during the intermissions on the million dollar score board.
4. Riot Grrrl Night:
What better way to celebrate the strength women posses than to encourage everyone to be womanly? As long as you wear a skirt, half off admission. It seems like an appropriate promotional night for October, coinciding with breast cancer awareness, and if we are going to recognize the release of an influential album, why not celebrate a positive influential movement helmed by the person who knew Curt Kobain's scent? Now, where do we permit the Grrrls to decorate a venue dedicated to men's sports with feminist and civil rights themed graffiti?
Sports should try to give everyone a reason to attend them, not soley the die hard nuts. Anything that will make Peoria seem more interesting has to be encouraged. And if the tea party wins out, and I can't wed a Canadian Shimmer Athlete for citizenship, you gotta at least do this to make the prison the United States will become tolerable. No cruel and unusual punishment.

11/19/09: Caucasia, it isn't a country and its people can't be proud of it.

As I proofread this before posting this old Myspace Blog, I remember how Kyle Rich decided to proudly portray a dixie-douche on in way to becoming Midwest Impact Pro Champion. If I recalled this blog three years ago, I'd be running Peoria...or have been run out sooner.

I received this bulletin a few days ago (I haven't checked my MySpace in a while), and was pretty offended by it's rant about how whites have a right to be racist.

Here's a sample from Kyle Rich's (Helferich) bulletin:
- You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
- You call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey" and even "The Man" and you think it's OK.
- But when I call you, "nigger", "Kike", "Towelhead", "Sand-nigger", "Camel Jockey", "Beaner" or "Chink" you call me a racist.
If you actually take these terms to heart, what the fuck is wrong with you? Overly sensitive assholes.
The fact of the matter is, no one should be calling any race by any term that they find offensive. Actually, if I call you something that really offends you (and it's not true, that's why I'll never back down from calling Alex Larson, NGW's promoter, a cowardly, lying asshole), tell me to never call you it again.

I use these words a lot when bullshitting because they are just words. Hell, I try to be the person who  desensitizes cunt in the United States. Do I do it for the shock value? Some times, but most times because it shouldn't mean what people take it as.

But as I said, I'm bullshitting. When I say these words, I don't mean anything by them. If I'm around somebody who I think I'll offend with a word, I won't say it. If I say it humorously (intent-wise), but someone is still offended, I'll apologize.

As for the closing about whites:
-But, you call me a racist.
-Why is it that only whites can be racists?
That's because whites seem to be make a big deal about it when we are accused. If your so pissed, sue somebody of another race.

Oh, I'm sorry, trying to find a non Jewish layer maybe the problem right?

Actually, shouldn't we have white guilt? We killed the Indians, we enslaved the blacks, we made interment camp to place the Japanese, we let the Nazi wipe out the Jews, we took away the Islamic holy lands.

My ancestors were assholes.

In my opinion, the American dream can only be achieved by minorities through athletics (or affirmative action). Only upper middle class whites are damn near guaranteed it. Only whites could obtain it at the time of the Revolution. Only whites have no excuse not to obtain it.

In terms of generations of course. If your family lost all it's capital before you were born, I'm sorry.

Being white is nothing to be proud of. Your skin color is nothing to be proud of. Your actions are the only thing anyone can be proud or disgraced by.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

90-Minute Netflix: Apologies to Dean Ambrose.

Since moving out of my parents house for good, I have yet to deal with trick or treaters. This obviously means that I am working tonight (10/31/18). It looks like all of the getting in before Dad's Day weekend traffic is in. All of the websites have been reviewed (ESPN, IMDb, CNN, NBC, BBC, Pro Wrestling Tees, Huffington Post), so writing is what I am left with.

I suppose I could read some Comixology, but it feels weird on a monitor. They need a narrator like "Watchmen: The Motion Comic." My voice feels to nasally, but Mark Hamill had been written out of Star Wars. He needs work right.

It almost makes me wish that I took night audit over somewhere just so I could keep up on all my portable video games. Thankfully, there is not a worthy Pokemon release this year. If I do get up the nerve to be caught with a 2DS in my hands, it will be a JRPG instead.

There seems to be too many video games and too little time, but that may be due to my movie problem. I think I only have 50 or so unwatched features in my collection (excluding wrestling and TV series of course), but I am still taking any Red Box discount I can find and I am still receiving Netflix DVDs. It shows I am dedicated to this method of storytelling, thus making me deserving of feedback to help me out in finding a way to promote my B-movie pro-wrestling zomcom, Main Event of the Dead, I would happy to send you a treatment if you e-mail me at

If you need a little more support to warrant my claims of expertise, here is a review of the Dean Ambrose starring feature "12 Rounds 3: Lockdown," a flick that flows well and keeps it mind on its gimmick. WWE should focus on this style of film-making. It could lessen the need for my foray into Pro Wrestling Cinema.

First an Apology to Dean Ambrose.

Check out the rest of review at "Ninety For Chill: A More Acceptable Runtimes

4/4/10: A Hypothetical Interview w/Vince McMahon

I will like to take this as a chance to promote my new website, otherwise this is my way of typing up homework without at Affina blocking my communications with my home computer.

I figure this may interest a few of my wrestling friends, so feel free to read.

It is my pleasure to welcome WWE Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vince McMahon, who is just a week removed from the annual "Super Bowl" of wrestling, Wrestlemania 26. At the event, he met the challenge of Hall of Famer, Bret "Hitman" Hart, and to say the least, the results were not what he desired.

1) How are you doing after the relentless beatdown you suffered at Wrestlemania?
a) This was not your first battle with a younger combatant, but why was this defeat so one-sided when other matches you've been involved with featured your opponents needing to use ladders, chairs and other foreign objects to defeat you?
b) Throughout your 13-year feud with the Hitman, your trademark quote was "Bret Screwed Bret." After your match last Sunday, do you believe you've been "screwed"?

2) Beyond your match, how well do you think Wrestlemania went over?

3) As result of being defeated by The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels was forced to retire, how will losing one of your long time draws affect the company?
a) Do you see this retirement being "The Heart Break Kid's" final one?
b) Do you see him getting involved with your competitor TNA Wrestling like legends Ric Flair, Mick Foley, and Hulk Hogan?

4) On a somber note, the industry lost another former star, Chris Kanyon. He was only 40. In recent years, the media has brought up that there has been a rise in deaths of wrestlers before they turn 50. Why does this seem more prevalent in your industry?
a) Not to draw parallels to the violent nature of Chris Benoit's murder-suicide in 2007, but another suicide between then and now was Mike Awesome. Do you feel that the industry provides enough wellness awareness to those involved?
b) After Benoit's death, the much publicized Wellness Policy seemed to be placed in effect, but aside from drug testing, what does it to to promote employee wellness?

5) It would seem safe to say that your company has had more than its share of controversy, and at points it seemed that the WWE has thrived on it. Of late, your product has become more tame. What was the motive behind this?
a) Would this have anything to do with your wife, Linda, running for the Connecticut Senate seat this year as a Republican?
b) After storylines mocking censorship and religion, and angles that promoted lesbianism and mocked gay partners, how can one who ran WWE be an ideal Republican?

6) Beyond the elections this November, what does the future hold for World Wrestling Entertainment?

Sunday, November 4, 2018

MFK: Robert Rodriguez, Harley Quinn, Blogger (because you keep screwing up the blog order)

It is a Sunday at the hotel when I started typing this. Business persons are the only people checking in, and since it will not be the entire mess of them, there should not be any parties down in the lobby tonight. If I did not already have two blogs prepared already, I would have no reason to complain about the peace.

Peace has been around me for the most part today. My girlfriend was pretty calm for the most part upon her return from the Red States. She had a weird rant about the portrayal of women in cinema which leaves me thinking that I need to give up introducing her to tongue-in-cheek action movies. If you gather that I am looking for an obedient girl from watching Robert Rodriguez movies, I do not think that you are paying attention (unless it is being shown on the big screen).

Popcorn is preferred when I watch a movie, so this may just make her too expensive for me. The worst thing is that she is braving through major mental illness, and since I only know a handful (okay two, perhaps three handfuls, I was in the pro-wrestling business and the only friends I can make time for in Peoria are strippers), it seems unrelatable, thus unsatirical. There is an idea for a giallo-comedy screenplay from the experiences, but first we need to help me out in finding a way to promote my B-movie pro-wrestling zomcom, Main Event of the Dead, I would happy to send you a treatment if you e-mail me at If I can make a fun, simple flick, surely the masses will want to know what I can to with cerebral tales.

Either art imitates life or I am suffering from cinematic Stendhal Syndrome. That means I am overly self-centered and am totally out of touch unless I can relate it to a movie. The peace just gives me too much time to think and catch up on my online comic book reading.

"Bitch Planet's" imagery is something that may be deemed in appropriate for a corporate computer (hoping they ignore me cleaning up my Google Drive), so I was reading "Harley Quinn: Harley Loves Joker." It is a little too "Batman: The Animated Series" for the print, but it was written by her creator, Paul Dini, and that show was where she was from. Still, she is like the first DC character I got to see be born and developed as a child, so I have a soft spot for her, and crazy chicks in general.

The best moments from it are in the second issue where Dr. Harleen Quinzel is psychoanalyzing her dominant alter ego. Quinzel basically does the easy resolution to purveyors of institutionalized behavior which is to kick The Joker out of her life. When Harley tries to undo her plan to have Mr. J caught by the Bat, Harleen says she's out and becomes the more confident and self-reliant Margot Robbie version of Quinn. It is nice synergy, and I can empathize with the thought process, perhaps as both characters. 

So yes, I spend way too much time in my own head. This maybe another reason why I prefer the visual mediums over the written. If somebody else is doing the reading, it does not feel like I am talking to myself, beyond my running commentary on whatever I am watching. The point is only one of the voices is my own.

I may not be as interesting a person that I sell myself as. The peace and quiet leaves me with the only voice. No characters to explore beyond myself.

And to correct the blog order further,

Venom is the New Jonathan Swift - A Customer Specialist's Opinion on Modern Parenting.

Rape Culture Killed by Blog: Track I-IV from Wish You Were Here

It has been tough to write lately. There may be too many stimuli in my apartment, and I may be getting depressed that my hours at my job are so shitty that I cannot appreciate them (My Switch, "Persona 5"). There just may be too many things I am considering before typing. The primary consideration is trying to deal with a subject matter that I really do not want to sound stupid or insensitive about.  The secondary consideration are those who are either/both of the those adjective.

They are the kind of people who follow #ConspirasySongs from a comedy show, and then retweet, like, and engage in right wing support for your joke. I like that @maineventzombie impressed their taste in humor, but I hate receiving the new Twitter suggestions of who to follow.

I receive a friend request from a family member to ease their communication. This has made me reconsider ripping into another family member for being hateful of femininity. In the back of my mind, I ponder, will my family be ashamed of me for wanting to air out her flaws to an audience composed of people in the area she lives? The worst scenario would by a celebration of the person for having those beliefs and I would be ridiculed for opposing them. Why is it that the world has grown smaller, the people have become less considerate?

The answer to the last question might be a way of maintaining sanity.

I had to sacrifice battery life and pause this writing to assist my girlfriend in how she needs to advise a suicidal voice in her head. This voice was threatening to kill itself if she continued to crocheting bags out of plastic shopping bags (plarn). It was a scenario that sounded totally ridiculous to me, and it resulted in me losing my cool when she started coming up with the voice's conspiracy to end her productivity. After telling her that she cannot act on commands from hallucinations (a good rule for any situation) and telling her to make the bag so the voice would have something to suffocate itself with, I theorized that the voice was born of her doubt that she will ever actually financially prosper from her craftiness.

As a film producer who has yet to find success, I told her I am writing because it is what I am good at and enjoy doing (if only I wasn't working at a Jimmy John's board member's name dropping tax write off, I could use my downtime for my creative growth instead of staring at the phone prepping myself for the next chance to kiss some spoiled ass). Yes, my goal is to actually profit from my creativity, but people do not have a reason to care about that. People do not know why they need to care about her seventh gen purses. Thus, the two of us have two options. Devote our time into learning how to market ourselves to those who do not have the time, or focus on what we do best and hope someone, and as long as we keep sharing, there is a chance that someone will step up for a friend (Facebook's still my largest audience). We both knew what was the most enjoyable option is right now.

This leads me to think that we cannot consider what other people think of the effects of our actions because we will start doubting ourselves. I suppose I should not have held back on stating how this family member ("Track 6 from 'The Wall'") feels that Donald Trump is a fine man because she does not know anyone who finds success in big business who does not act how he does and think the things how he thinks.

Or how she believes the patriarchy has a right to determine how women act. Rape victims did not follow the rules of the men who hide behind the most common religion in this county. Sexual harassment is the price a woman pays for dolling themselves up to get the job in the first place (just got back from her rant on how Bill O'Reily being a victim of the matriarchy). This family member told me about how she learned from her near errors. She determined it is easier to follow the guidelines for their gender than to tell men they are not allowed to control everyone's hormones except their own. Women who want to change this are just going to make things tougher for the rest for everyone. Women are telling us that we cannot be assholes. Why attack the existence of the hateful? Support it and you will not be on their shit list.

My rant has just left me wondering whether or not I am a hypocrite. I just stated I should not care about what my loved one thinks if she get wind of this, but this is not a wrestling-based teleplay idea that should not affect their feelings towards me. The facts are what are propping me up right now. This blog is being written to state how there are women who will accept abuse and curse women's rights because they have it so good for themselves or are told by their church that is the case. As long as I have evidence, my consideration is moot. Sorry I needed a bully to make an example of.

Maybe I should move from writing the "Rape Culture Killed My Blog" series to move onto anti-bullying blogs. Since my life still gravitates to pro-wrestling, I know what Twitter handles to play towards. Bullying is what is on everyone's mind. This may also allow me to avoid coming up with solutions.

Is rape equal to bullying? Is asking that question dismissive to how the patriarchy is trying to keep women down since I am trying to make it something that men can understand?

The Knowledge Movement on Facebook

Saturday, November 3, 2018

MFK: Robert Rodriguez, Harley Quinn, @MainEvent Zombie.

It is a Sunday at the hotel when I started typing this. Business persons are the only people checking in, and since it will not be the entire mess of them, there should not be any parties down in the lobby tonight. If I did not already have two blogs prepared already, I would have no reason to complain about the peace.

Peace has been around me for the most part today. My girlfriend was pretty calm for the most part upon her return from the Red States. She had a weird rant about the portrayal of women in cinema which leaves me thinking that I need to give up introducing her to tongue-in-cheek action movies. If you gather that I am looking for an obedient girl from watching Robert Rodriguez movies, I do not think that you are paying attention (unless it is being shown on the big screen).

Popcorn is preferred when I watch a movie, so this may just make her too expensive for me. The worst thing is that she is braving through major mental illness, and since I only know a handful (okay two, perhaps three handfuls, I was in the pro-wrestling business and the only friends I can make time for in Peoria are strippers), it seems unrelatable, thus unsatirical. There is an idea for a giallo-comedy screenplay from the experiences, but first we need to help me out in finding a way to promote my B-movie pro-wrestling zomcom, Main Event of the Dead, I would happy to send you a treatment if you e-mail me at If I can make a fun, simple flick, surely the masses will want to know what I can to with cerebral tales.

Either art imitates life or I am suffering from cinematic Stendhal Syndrome. That means I am overly self-centered and am totally out of touch unless I can relate it to a movie. The peace just gives me too much time to think and catch up on my online comic book reading.

"Bitch Planet's" imagery is something that may be deemed in appropriate for a corporate computer (hoping they ignore me cleaning up my Google Drive), so I was reading "Harley Quinn: Harley Loves Joker." It is a little too "Batman: The Animated Series" for the print, but it was written by her creator, Paul Dini, and that show was where she was from. Still, she is like the first DC character I got to see be born and developed as a child, so I have a soft spot for her, and crazy chicks in general.

The best moments from it are in the second issue where Dr. Harleen Quinzel is psychoanalyzing her dominant alter ego. Quinzel basically does the easy resolution to purveyors of institutionalized behavior which is to kick The Joker out of her life. When Harley tries to undo her plan to have Mr. J caught by the Bat, Harleen says she's out and becomes the more confident and self-reliant Margot Robbie version of Quinn. It is nice synergy, and I can empathize with the thought process, perhaps as both characters. 

So yes, I spend way too much time in my own head. This maybe another reason why I prefer the visual mediums over the written. If somebody else is doing the reading, it does not feel like I am talking to myself, beyond my running commentary on whatever I am watching. The point is only one of the voices is my own.

I may not be as interesting a person that I sell myself as. The peace and quiet leaves me with the only voice. No characters to explore beyond myself.