Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Elite Disgruntled's Real World Heavyweight Championship Title History.

How have I been since I finished my intense post (two/three days have passed in that time)? It is almost like I need to put out spoilers. Am I NXT, ROH, NJPW on Axs? Or am I Impact?

Acknowledging my trauma from sexual assault in regards to the wrestling business was therapeutic. I will have probably given the post at least one more proofread, more time to work through it, relive it, regret it. At least the expectations are known...except for  a significant loss of @maineventzombie Twitter followers (80 to 75, guess I am as insincere as those saying my anti-Southern Pride blog claim). As long as Kavanaugh has not made any decisions between now and then, my outlook should not be any more dire.

With that thought, placing our cats in suspended animation when we are not at home to extend their lives should be a technology to explore and to patent. We can use my girlfriend's cat, a cooler and some dry ice to start. Then there will be no more need to inquire my readers about helping me out in finding a way to promote my B-movie pro-wrestling zomcom, Main Event of the Dead, I would be happy to send you a treatment if you e-mail me at

Placing a plug there reminds me that Redbox may need my film. "Black Water" with Jean Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren amused me, but was 15 minutes too long to warrant any more coverage a submarine B-movie that was filmed on one sound stage deserves. Sound stage may be too generous. It may have been whatever floor in an office building the production company claims to be their's.

With "Main Event of the Dead," there are no illusions that there will not be a variety of sets. Trying to convince us that the same control room desk is on opposite sides of the sub will not be an issue. But, with the next rewrite, maybe we could set it in a submarine instead of Don's in Donahue or The Eagles Club in Berwyn.

"Black Water" shows me that finding the perfect length for a project is important, so since this is the end of my "Disgruntled's Real World Champion" blog, I worked on a summary of the past four entries' lists to fill up any empty space. Hopefully, my last ditch effort for discussion, will not be like that film.

See the conclusion to this blog series at Rip 'Em System Tumblr.

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