Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sassy Gun Owners: Choosing Cancer Children Over Murdered Minors

There is way too much drama this week. And since it is drama based around tragedy, there has not been enough time for comedy.

I say that, but with the evilness of @MissSassyIA  (the IA is for Ignorant and Apathetic, a formula on how to make money in marketing in the Great Plains void) to try to distract you with other ways kids die instead of just surrendering her guns like a reasonable person, it makes me think that trying to purchase a domain to list racist, xenophobic, apathetic and ignorant/hateful people is a good idea. Unfortnately, my cynism leaves me to believe that I would abuse it.

Probably by including the license plates, makes and models of douchebag drivers. Like the GOP-loving plate of the legally blind old woman who stops her car a length and a half from the stop line at the Airport Road lights. Or the guy with a personalized "Dead Head" plate on a Dodge Charger. Listen to Don Henley for fucksake.

And the hateful who will read this will say, "thanks for reminding us of a fake news anthem."
That's where the fun ends. You can thank Twitter for this. All of those extra characters, a rant can become an ideal-sized blog. Twitter should cut of the President and direct him to Google Plus. This will allow Donald Trump to leave all of his bullshit in one post, and no one will immediately give a damn hence he will have to communicate like a real leader.

As I said, 280 characters times three means a blog, not a tweet. And hear is my attempt to defend the young adults who got their guts 10 years before I did.

David Hogg @davidhogg111: The first step to changing the world is believing that you can. #walkoutandwalkup

This is a motivational statement that can apply to anything, but since he displays reason, those who want the opportunity to kill someone will respond like this.

Miss Sassy @MissSassyIA: What about the parents who’ve lost a child to #cancer? Or #suicide by bullies?That life didn’t matter? Many more die daily! All about an agenda. Shame.
#BeingABullyKills #StandupForThoseWhoAreDifferent
#WednesdayWisdom #SuicidePrevention #walkoutandwalkup #WalkoutWednesday

I think people have an easier time being insulted than knowing, let alone accepting, they are wrong, so I tried my damnest not to use the correct obsenities to refer to gun owners who say there are so many other things too worry about than people being allowed the option to kill scores of kids.

Suicide is the decision of the individual. Childhood cancer is either worldly chaos or the result of an uncaring/cruel god. If it is a god, only a god gets to choose who lives and dies. #walkoutandwalkup #WednesdayWisdom

Meaning people who want the godlike power offered by any gun not designed to kill a deer are the problem. Mass incarceration does not work with minorities, why would we expect it to with white people? #walkoutandwalkup #WednesdayWisdom

We cannot lock up the people who want godlike power till it is too late, but we can stop an outdated 240 year-old document from standing in the way of removing their murder aides. #walkoutandwalkup #WednesdayWisdom #GunReformNow #GunsSaveLives
Talking down to a teenager because he is wiser than you, that is bullying @MissSassyIA - Personal experience. #BeingABullyKills

Should I have mentioned my experience defending myself against a knife without any weapons to further my point?

I should just focus on trying to finish off my Ian Rotten blog series to move on to move on to say why it is okay for a "Fabulous Moolah Battle Royal" as long as we keep Trump Humper Kid Rock out of the WWE Hall of Fame.

Now to tweet this blog out and mention more white trash in the ad.

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