
Friday, May 29, 2015

How I got my $20 back from WWE and What It Should be Spent On

Am I going to get back to focusing on "Guy Does Finishing Moves on Zombies," to promote "Main Event of the Dead" this week? It was kind of an uneventful week. Not to say I didn't do much, but anything constructive? Only time or credit limits will tell.
Since credit limits were mentioned, I better get to focusing on "Main Event of the Dead" promotion. At least WWE Network will be paying for this website's domain for the next couple of months. Maybe I should give them a production credit.

Maybe that'll let me hand over the directorial responsibilities to the Soska Sisters. The only problem with that is it allowed me to discover that they weren't full-blown auteurs on "See No Evil 2." It's nice that they'll take on other writer's projects, but the sense of dismay that they didn't get to lay the foundation for Kane's latest return from the dead is palatable.

Why shouldn't I think this way? If you take note of how WWE writer's handle Raw, Smackdown and Daniel Bryan's health, the affirmation of my stance cannot be disputed.

The previous paragraph maybe a bit harsh. From what I've seen on Hulu's editions of Monday Night Raw, the only thing that irks me is Macho Sandow and Axelmania. And that's only in concept since their debut didn't make the 90 minute cut. I'm a couple of weeks behind on WWE programming since I thought I would need to be cancelling the network after the free month of service on April 30. When I went to do so, they said my free trial ended on June 1. So I didn't cancel, and prior to 11:00pm CDT, Paypal let me know that I'd been charge $9.99. We don't all live on the East Coast. Paypal is based in California to discourage anyone from fucking the Universe over.

Just a query, do I come across as more of a Second City guy or a New York...hipster? I've got a friend who supports my efforts to relocate to the Windy City, but says I'm better fit for the Apple. What's with ginger feminists (a little jab at another friend based in New Amsterdam who is yet to send me an address to send her two kids birthday gifts to)? I don't think I got any mixed signals from Kathleen Hanna work that NYC is the place to be. Then again, she chose NYC over the Portland, OR.

Enough about my existential dilemmas. I've been able to limit the exposure to my Schrodinger experiment of a brain (since I don't believe my readership to be what I hope, I think it's fair to bring up whether or not I'm alive dead) for the past month and a half, lets try to maintain that. My Paypal/WWE conflict is far more tangible.

For the wrestlers who love what they are doing and want to get the most eyes on them, lets hope my victory in getting my $10 back from the WWE (the other $10 is the free April...which lead to my conflict) is not indicative of how they are handling the attempted class action lawsuit about head trauma.

Sorry Billy Jack Haynes, but you knew what you were getting into. With so many promotions, excessive violence may have been required to stay a float. As for Big Vito, I blame WWE for negligence because there were no other promotions to force you to be edgier and encourage/demand greater risk taking. In the end, two wrongs do not make a right, so Haynes involvement should negate the validity of the lawsuit.

Why I fear for the WWE in their larger case is because I claimed and could prove to have been in the right about not needing to pay for their network this month, but they never asked for my screenshot. They initially hoped by taking no action, I would forget to follow up with Paypal about the conflict or be fed up with Paypal not taking any action. Instead, I escalated my concern with Paypal, and I got my charge back.

I'm stroking my ego perhaps by celebrating my victory. Ten dollars is nothing compared to the millions that former wrestlers demand. But, my victory suggests that they will ignore instead of dealing with their issues. Judging how many times I've read about them actually going to court over anything since the World Wildlife Fund, it may work too much to change.

But what if I had some Twitter clout. Hell, what if I had just sent out a tweet telling everyone to do what I did to get May for free. Could WWE have fixed it in time?

And thus, I lost the chance to win the gratitude of the wrestling community. A chance where surely they would repay it by just offering money to Kickstart "Main Event of the Dead."

Instead, the following is the best I have to offer in making my pro-wrestling zombie comedy a reality.

The "Main Event of the Dead" Test Reel Needs:
  • Someone with some makeup or special effects experience.
  • The true antagonist of the feature is a woman, so an actress to set up the premise of "Main Event of the Dead."
  • Three or four wrestlers to take the finishing moves.
  • One or two wrestlers to deliver the moves.
  • A wrestling ring with a canvas that can afford to be left a little messy. If we can get extra from the crowd-funding campaign, we'll make replacing it a priority.
Since this is an effort to try and make this feature a reality, I can really only afford to compensate what ever is spent to make this video. I am willing to negotiate terms on what compensation will be for performances before the reel goes online. If whatever raised can cover the compensation agreed to, even if I do not reach the goal to produce the film, compensation will be had.

If you need a treatment of the script for "Main Event of the Dead" please e-mail me

Saturday, May 23, 2015

John Cena and Why 40 Years is Enough (Version 1.2)

Does humor end with well thought out dead kid jokes?

Would not the last thing a "Make a Wish" kid want to see is the celebrity that they wished to see? They know after the meeting is over, it is back to that pesky terminal label. Pro wrestler John Cena provides the most wishes. Maybe it is having 23 to 30 years of experience on these kids, but if I was meeting my wrestling hero, I would like them to end my life with their finishing move/hold. What better way to end my days than to party with the Hulkster and then get leg dropped to heaven?

Is it still too soon to make Chris Benoit jokes?

And I wonder why I am single. No really? Surely there is someone on OKCupid that is game for addressing such a query, appreciating the effort and having a little faith to spend, at worst, three hours with me. With no more JRR Tolkein adaptations being prepped for the big screen, how can I expect more time?

Maybe this is the point to give up on the online dating. I would like limit this consideration to the free dating sites, but Zoosk left a bad taste in my mouth. Perhaps if the site would have lead me to a scenario where I could literally have found a bad taste for said mouth, I would think differently

My latest exploration of OKCupid left me with too many words to tweet and too few to blog. Worst of all, it leaves me in a tough spot in trying to figure out how to reiterate my planned YouTube video, "Guy Does Finishing Moves on Zombies," to promote "Main Event of the Dead," my proposed pro-wrestling/zombie comedy. For a treatment of this B-Movie screenplay, send me an e-mail to

Maybe I should not blame online dating for my loneliness. I might just be in love with my own text. Hence the re-re-issue of one of my more popular blogs "40 Years is Enough." Who knows? Maybe this will give you a better insight into my talent as a writer.

40 Years is Enough (new incites)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Pitch to Those Who Want to See My Brain Matter Splattered

I hate the title I gave to this blog. It is definitely the most suitable headline. The only reason for my personal disdain is that may limit this former child star's creative chops when it comes to the finishing of my film "Main Event of the Dead." (Drop me an email at russthebus07@gmail if you have ideas or want a story treatment.) Then again, during my review of the blog, this may have been the only self-deprecating portion of it.

If you get to call yourself a porn "star" because you screw on film once, surely having an agent and more too offer than Macaulay Culkin (John Hughes missed out on three stellar, authentic Midwestern performances) allows me to claim that, at one time, I had more importance than a waiter with a script in Los Angeles who would not be filmed when they blew a producer to get a meeting.

That rant should indicate that Dad and I indeed went to see Auggie Smith at the Jukebox Comedy Club. His set featured the best satire I've seen since late 90's Dennis Leary. He may have even been more poignant than the Bostonian.

This means I am going to have to devote my time to catching up on Bill Hicks instead of writing with my limited spare time between the two jobs. Since writing about my exploits with unattainable women has been the latest subject on my mind to document, a little research into the true art of post Lenny Bruce satirical stand-up sounds like the best option for me and my perceived readership. Too bad the two jobs also prevented me from having the time to formulate a message to promote Smith's ability as he had two more shows that needed tickets sold this past weekend.

Fortunately, the two job thing maybe short lived. Scheduling difficulties may result in the one that takes up the most time while paying the least (the statement can only be considered the opinion of a Kohl's employee [start date 4/30/15]) becoming incompatible for both parties. At least I got the heavy discounts and a line of credit out of it. Perhaps the hotel needs to develop one of those points programs with attached employee discounts. It may make the thumb-twiddling seem more like Mr. Burn's "excellent" pose.

What's fortuitous about the situation is that it allows me more time to tighten up my hold-to-hold wrestling and get use to adrenaline highs while training at the DTM Dojo (it's that or get use to heroin in my system again, but that dragon chasing is tough). But with a booking in Peoria or Chicago being two-to-three months from realization, I need some creative outlet to put the bumps towards.

Thus, why not promote "Main Event of the Dead" by taking the "Shaun of the Dead" approach to basically recreating the famous(?) "Guy Who Does WWE Finishing Moves on Girls" YouTube video as my crowd-funding test reel. Just replace the girls with zombies, suggest the premise of the feature a bit, and feel rewarded that I took out the misogyny the original YouTube video featured. Who knows? It may end up being better than the Jim Ross, Paul Heyman and Madusa starring sequel (shown below).

Franklyn - on Netflix DVD
My only issue with the strategy is, I will probably have to get killed a couple of times before we even start shooting. After watching "Franklyn*," I further appreciate that t'he dreams in which I am dying are the best I have ever had,' but I only have so many lucha masks to destroy in the name of cinema (bad taste to use my Pegasus Kid and Blue Blazer hoods?). And...I planned to give myself one of the bigger roles (I have established my stardom).

I should step away from my own dilemma that this promotional effort places me in (I have realized that this is a B-Movie and a horror flick, so continuity doesn't necessarily prevent my original self-casting plans) and discuss what I need to make this video work.

The "Main Event of the Dead" Test Reel Needs:
  • Someone with some makeup or special effects experience.
  • The true antagonist of the feature is a woman, so an actress to set up the premise of "Main Event of the Dead."
  • Three or four wrestlers to take the finishing moves.
  • One or two wrestlers to deliver the moves.
  • A wrestling ring with a canvas that can afford to be left a little messy. If we can get extra from the crowd-funding campaign, we will make replacing it a priority.
Since this is an effort to try and make this feature a reality, I can really only afford to compensate what ever is spent to make this video. I am willing to negotiate terms on what compensation will be for performances before the reel goes online. If whatever raised can cover the compensation agreed to, even if I do not reach the goal to produce the film, compensation will be had.

If you need a treatment of the script for "Main Event of the Dead" please e-mail me at

So a month away from blogs, and I am back without too much self-loathing. Guess I just needed sometime away from myself...or a one nighter with a dancer 13 years my junior. The wrestler in me really needed "You Still Got It Chants" to make that night absolutely perfect.

*A British Film from 2008 featuring Ryan Phillippe and Eva Green that tries to bring an early Alex Proyas film into a somewhat realistic realm--very good, but why didn't director/writer Gerald McMorrow try to hand it off to Proyas, thus keeping "The Dark City" director away from the typical Nicolas Cage performance that was "Knowing?"