
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Give Us $20 or We #CancelWWENetwork

February 20, 2016

I didn't write last week because I felt that it was important to try to address (via Twitter) my question that was not asked during the Steve Austin Show Podcast with Triple H.

Triple H: Were You Inspired by Kurt Fuller in No Holds Barred?

Perhaps I should have titled the tweet, "Why Doesn't WWE Network Want to Retain It's Customers," but that didn't seem clever enough. Clever may not have been the right angle to approach it. This was addressing WWE creative staff.

Still, the lack of feedback reminds me of how Louie Anderson (92 on "Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Stand Up of Time" list) interrogating me about my outlook on life as I drove him to the Jukebox Comedy Club. He seemed to agree I wasn't a pessimist, and understood that I try to take on every challenge, I'm just batting .100.

I was thinking about trying to debut a new tag team in the latest incarnation of Peoria wrestling called My Life with the Thrill Skill Kult (if that isn't the simplest review of Midwest Impact Pro's debut), but how can I claim to be "Kooler than Jesus" when I'm batting "Lesser than Uecker." Maybe Louie will have come up with a better gimmick like he promised after his set that my lack of Peorian friends will not keep me out of performing in Bellevue, IL.
February 22, 2016

Proofreading the previous work on this blog, I had to think of why I felt the lack of feedback was like being researched by a really nice guy in Louie Anderson (and no he didn't have a gimmick for me, but we agreed a Bill Belichick approach to managerial promos could work and he gave me some creativity exercises). What the lack of feedback and his interest in bettering my in ring career had in common was that there seemed to be a certainty that WWE thinks they know what's better for their fans and Anderson seemed to think he knew what was better for a hotel concierge when it came to his aspirations.

I'm not upset with Louie Anderson at all. He was a very caring individual about seeing that everyone gets the most out of life. As a communist, how can I not respect that. And more importantly, we communicated with how to become better. It's been 60 minutes now since WWE gave the main event spot to a performer who cannot wrestle for 25 minutes, but it's been a month since WWE told us this is what was going to happen, and refused to communicate with us about why it must be the way.

Why must we continue to pay for a story that we don't know if we want to see? Most of us aren't professional, hell, even amateur critics. If we don't think we will like a movie or TV show, we won't watch it. I mentioned in a previous blog, I don't want cable TV, so why would I want Wrestlemania after what I saw tonight?

Bill Watts would have the babyface the fans loved get beaten down until the Superdome show because he knew fans would pay for the show because it was going to feature the babyface they wanted, so the fans endured. WE DON'T WANT ROMAN REIGNS, SO WE WON'T ENDURE, AND WE CANNOT PAY FOR WRESTLEMANIA.

If those of us who are trying to make it encouraged to listen to those in power, why must we assume that those who are in power cannot be questioned (tempted to go on a political/religious rant about the assuming, but I'll digress)?

As far at I'm concerned, WWE has screwed me out of $20 since for all these free months they've gave out, they demanded that I pay for an awful product. It's not called the NXT Network, and they don't care to inspire the WWE fans to be interested in the NXT product, so claiming their overall worth as a company is -$20 seems reasonable.

Thus, here were my latest attempt to get the WWE's attention, to state how I feel my patronage for the WWE Network has been received.
You have not done a single thing to retain any of your customers who have been with the Network since Day 1.
  As a customer since Day 1, I demand a refund for this month you gave to everyone who didn't pay for Rumble.
I require a refund for 11/2014, a month you gave away to new customers but would not allow the current to cancel 
So, unless a CM Punk "Pipe Bomb" moment comes to draw my attention to the product (I had refused to watch the product during the Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler feud when Cole demanded Divas' matches refused less time so that he could put himself over even after his distracting promo ended), I'm missing Wrestlemania (at least as a subscriber...I've got to talk to my famous friends to see if I'll decide if reasonably priced event tickets leads me to a vacation in the Bay area).

And let me suggest to all of those who cancel their WWE Network subscriptions, "Main Event of the Dead" my Pro Wrestling themed Zom-Com could use your support. If you don't want to give me you $9.99, I'll be happy for ideas on how to promote it to the point where we can get a Kickstarter going. I'll be happy to send you a treatment at

And, you can start demanding evidence that I cancelled my WWE Network subscription after 12:00am on Tuesday the 24 of February (the one year mark). @MainEventZombie.

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