Saturday, November 15, 2014

CM Punk: The Seeds for a No Holds Barred Remake

With the announcement that CM Punk will be writing for the "Thor" comic books, I was kind of confused. It's one of those, "I guess it can work, but I don't know why it should moment."

The Second City Saint has only wrestled. We are all aware of his fandom for comic books, but had he ever done anything to indicate that he aspired to write for them. The WWE's documentary "CM Punk: Best in the World" focused on his love for punk rock. "ROH Straight Shootin' Series: CM Punk and Colt Cabana," made no mention of his literary (Time Magazine listed "Watchmen" in the top 100 of important literature since the magazine's inception) intentions. Of course Cabana's not a comic book guy, so maybe they were mentioned in the shoot interview with Samoa Joe. At least I'll have something to write about next week.

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