Saturday, September 13, 2014

Putting Myself Over: Tank Girl/Daffney vs Deadpool/David Flair in WWE Supercard

How long can I keep appealing for a wrestling podcast when nothing is happening in the industry? I can claim my personality can trump that, but with few (as in nihil) requests for a treatment of the "Main Event of the Dead" script and I know 37 people were interested in my self-deprecating blog from the prior week, my wit may only be self perceived.

May be it wasn't the right time to cut off my cable TV. "@midnight" Hash Tag wars as an act of expression will be tough to maintain.

I guess it's a good thing I like to check out All American Wrestling in Berwyn, Illinois. With the absence of Kevin Harvey due to injury, maybe I can pick up on his pod-casting. Or add some brains that seem to be missing from the entourage for the faction/tag team "We Are Here."

I may have to watch some old MNM matches and Daffney's WCW efforts on the WWE Network to see if Nikki Mayday screaming makes her a good heel valet or not. There just seems to be no motivation behind her character. She didn't seem like much of a heel, just someone trying to gain attention in a cluster muck of an eight man tag. As new AAW Champion Eddie Kingston said, "Indie wrestling is alive and well," too the point where this show would have benefited from four less performers. I mention this because Dan Lawrence and Marcus Crane seemed to be more focused on playing off of her than the match. Not to say that there was a lot of focus since this match seemed to have been thrown together to get all of the promotion regulars (and favorites) respectively.

Her "Tank Girl" apparel is out of place because there was a certain subtleness to Lori Petty performance as the character. If it's an homage to the loud comic strip cutaways in the 1995 film, I might understand it, but I think subtleness was implied even in those since they were in black and white.
In the end, I should lay off my critique of her because she might be an aficionado of the actual comic books which, at this point, I cannot claim to be, thus she may have nailed it. That, and does it sound like a good idea to take time out of my day to watch David Flair's work. You cannot even knock her if she's ripping off the "Tank Girl" character. This is because I know that if I tried to put on a Deadpool mask, my sense of humor makes it impossible for me to not be considered a knock off. Then again, my Deadphool is still better than Ryan Reynolds.

Check out the rest of the blog at my ode to "No Holds Barred",

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