Friday, July 25, 2014

The Black and Brave; Observations from a Paycation.

When you're depressed and see no professional or personal (...not necessarily the case this week, but it's not worth shouting with "Ctrl+B") it's good to find things that are greater than what you are to promote. May be I can write off my $8.95 to Host Gator this month as charity.

Or may be the ass kicking some assume this portion of the post is will get some sponsorship for the project this blog is meant to promote, "Main Event of the Dead" a B-movie I've written and am trying to produce about never would be wrestlers taking on the challenge of defeating zombies with knock off, stereotypical and insensitive wrestling gimmicks.

The Black and Brave Wrestling Academy (

There can finally be a true professional wrestling scene in Peoria, Illinois and anywhere between I-80 and I-72. Colby Lopez (former ROH World Champion Tyler Black and WWE's Seth Rollins) and Marek Brave (former AAW Heavyweight Champion) are providing everyone the chance to learn the business the right way at a reasonable price. If they follow the training structure that Danny Daniels instilled in them, they'll be great mentors by showing an understanding how to utilize the qualities of their students without being overbearing drill sergeants.

Plus, with Lopez's experience in the WWE developmental system, I'm sure you get the fitness inside and outs, at least a flow chart, on the best methods to be TV ready.

These instructors understand and appreciate the art of wrestling first and foremost, and because of this, their future students will be an asset to any promotion with the same values.

If you're a fan of great wrestling, find out where the talent is coming from before attending a promotion. If the answer is related to the Central Illinois Wrestling Hall of Fame, save your money. And if you are serious about becoming a professional wrestler, tell Norman "Apocalypse" Callaway to FUCK OFF!

If you are serious about becoming a professional wrestler, you now have an option. At the very least, if you are in the 309 area code, under 30, and not working for a promotion affiliated with National Pro Wrestling Day, you aren't willing to put in the time to be what you dream to be. Don't take the marks money if you won't put money into yourself.


July 19, 2014

=^.^==^.^==^.^==^.^==^.^==^.^==^.^==^.^==^.^==^.^==^.^= (It's not a smile, I just love cats)

Well, I don't know when this blog is actually going to get posted. Next weekend is my Chicago Rock and Jock Experience (Nine Inch Nails and Soundgarden Thursday, Cubs and Cards Friday, Brody Dalle Saturday, Liverpool FC and Olympiacos Sunday), so without the need to distract myself from Day of the Shirt and eBay, why would I write?

And if you're familiar with my long-winded nature, there's a good chance we won't even get to when it's okay to lock your loved ones/pets in hot cars.

Thanks the seven for my love of satire. Or is it the lack of understanding for sarcasm. After suggesting something so outrageous, if I refuse to address it immediately, I'll be considered a heartless asshole. An unfair assessment since I'm taking high blood pressure meds. You can't be heartless if your veins are being overly exerted.

Perhaps I should skip a desensitizing explanation. With Observation 5: The Sense of Humor is Lost, I should just leave it be to discourage some of my readers from giving a shit about me.

I claimed to have a heart. I didn't claim it was a good one. I'm only a Care Bear in terms of body dimensions.

I'm also an awful liar, so I guess we can hold off on discussion about my past continuing to creep up on me or discovering my mental condition that my shrink never let me know.

If he told me, I'd wiki it (not WebMD it, not everything is cancer), and figure a way to rehab myself. It wasn't because my disposition leaves me without a coping strategy, I wasn't an atheist at the time, so maybe I'd dig 12 steps. And NO! The condition isn't alcoholism.

Thus I have, no excuse not to jump into dumb babies and pups, except my night at the hotel is wrapping up.

July 25, 2014

I have to maintain dedication to my craft, so need the practice regardless of my Paycation. I'm just hoping to be out of my day job before I obtain vacation time. It might be nice to stay long enough to knock out those sick days, but that may not be enough of a positive for certain readers.

Anyhow, do I seem like the type who makes lemons out of lemonade? Which may make me seem pretty passive since I wouldn't plan to squirt juice in the eye or pelt the fruit purveyor who gave me such a sour ovary (look, I got a C in high school sex ed, and I'm not planning to retake it or watch "Grease 2" anytime soon). My plan would be to hold onto the lemon until the time came when I could use it for self defense much like the carrots in "Shoot 'Em Up." If I can do Clive Owen better than Clive can, it gives greater weight to my claim that I can do anything better than Ryan Reynolds.

So what's on my mind. If I took the time to hook my laptop up to the shitty (sorry Jim Gaffigan, I can't be creative replacing all my swear words [like swapping fruit purveyor for another noun/pronoun beginning with F]), you may as well hear it.

Any loose or willing ladies in Wrigleyville, near O'Hare or attending Brody Dalle Saturday. Loose, cool. Willing just to chill out with me, awesome.

I am just winding down Day 1 of my paycation and after the ball game is over tomorrow, what the fuck am I going to do with myself. Seeing the sights doesn't sound appealing when you have no one to share them with. Right now, I'm fearing I'm in an area of 9.5 million people, and I may not have a drinking buddy. Alright, the number might be blown out of proportion since I don't want to leave Chicago and Rosemont on this trip, but how am I suppose to know if my friends and acquaintances in the burbs have the time. A lot of them need to work on the weekends.

Nine Inch Nails was great show. Soundgarden made their second billing worth it (you can't close on a song from your least popular album that came before you found your sound). 15,000 like minded people, and a lot of girls who would find me to be at least all right, but I end up in a 2.5 star Holiday Inn (I'd be more at home at the Colony in Riverside) cursing the lack of porn on the TV (not an issue with the Colony, plus they provide refrigerators).

So next week, we address replacing your pet/child bedrooms with wrestling rooms and whether or not single girls actually attend concerts.

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