Friday, April 4, 2014

A Brief Morose Installment

I think I may be creatively shot. An optimist would say that I'm just being too hard on myself trying to write a blog after 12 hours between my two jobs (with four more remaining). How can one be expected to come up with inspiration after proofreading a database(s) of over-the-counter testosterone boosters?

That should be evidence I have hit the wall in all aspects of my life. With my cynical nature, joking about the need for male virility should be at least comic bronze...maybe silver.

I'm comfortable with ending the blogs on down notes, not so much opening them. Then again, I've been opening the last installments with pleas for materials to help promote "Main Event of the Dead." With zero reaction to those in the past month, it emphasizes the bummer my efforts seem to be.

Regardless of how lonely this blog reminds me that I am, I gotta come up with something that I can get snarky about, otherwise I have to go right to my panic invoking theory on existence. Too my credit though, it isn't as sinister as Johnny Depp's latest movie premise. Aren't we glad that I couldn't pass computer programming courses to cause damage beyond myself.

Rationalization 37 (Preview): Complete = Defeat

Maybe I'm not as self destructive as I thought I was. There's a degree of fear to completing this series of blogs because it leaves me where all I have to do is experiment with my theory that being alive is the same as being dead.

So, the cat is out of the box. At least it's found some life from the blog. Guess it's best to just wrap this one up and hope I can get around to finalizing everything I've been rationalizing. Maybe I'll have some subtle comedy to open the next installment up.

May I never be complete. Too bad I feel helpless to just let the chips fall where they may. Especially when the chips are being hoarded...

Back to 2003, shut up Russ. No need to elaborate how you've metaphorically punch Brad Pitt in the ear.

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